Chapter 442
In the afternoon, the closed door was suddenly knocked from the outside, accompanied by the sound of knocking on the door, the sound of a motorcycle with the engine still on, and the eager cries of a man and a woman.

Yan Jin ran to the door in a few steps and looked in the direction of the door. At the same time, the Yuechu people on the first floor also came out and walked towards the door quickly.

The door opened slowly, and a man and a woman rushed in with a child in their arms.

"Master Yue, show me quickly, the child is out of breath for some reason, and his face is purple." The woman was in her thirties holding the child, and the man next to her was also in his thirties. It was he who said the anxious words.

"Can't breathe?" Yue Churen reached out to look at the child in the woman's arms, lifted the clothes covering the child, and the child was also exposed, about three or four years old.But at this time, not only his face was purple, but it had already turned black.

The mouth is wide open, the eyes are wide open, and there is a faint tendency to roll them.

Slightly frowning, she searched for the child's hand to feel the pulse, and just about to say something, a hand appeared on her shoulder.

"Old lady, do you have a look at this child?" Looking back, it was the old lady, and Yue Churen indicated with his eyes that it was not easy.

The old lady nodded, the man over there looked at the two of them anxiously, and the woman held the child with tears streaming down her face.

"Teacher, please show me quickly, what's wrong with this child?" Seeing the old lady looking after the child in person, the man hurriedly said.

The old lady touched the child's cap, then lifted the child's chin and squeezed his throat, the child who had rolled his eyes and was about to roll his eyes suddenly began to pant violently.

"Before you came here, did you send this child to someone else?" Letting go of her hand, the old lady asked coldly, as if she didn't see the surprised expressions of the couple.

"Eh? This,,, yes, we just came from Guangjian Village." The man whispered, and the woman over there kept the child in her arms and kept giving him winks to tell him not to say anything.For fear of offending the teacher and father, he will not treat the child anymore.

The Yue Chu people raised their eyebrows indistinctly, "That man's face is mostly disfigured, as if he had been burned?"

"Yes, that's him." The man was quite honest, nodding his head in agreement.

The old lady took a cold look at the child who was panting but had difficulty breathing, "You guys go, go to the hospital." After saying that, she turned and walked back.

"Master, master, please don't go." The man looked anxious, and reached out to grab the old lady but was in vain.

"Okay, it's not that she won't show it to your children. She never touches anyone who has been seen by others. You should send it to the hospital as soon as possible. The hospital has all kinds of equipment. The child will be successful there. Let's go." The husband and wife walked out of the gate, and Yue Churen retreated quickly, barely hearing the voice of the couple outside the gate, the gate was quickly closed, and she also walked upstairs quickly.

In the living room, the old lady was sitting on the sofa, and Yan Jin was standing not far away.

He came in and exchanged glances with Yan Jin, Yue Churen moved his eyes away and walked straight to the old lady and sat down, "What should I do next?"

"Call the police." The old lady said two words leisurely.

"You really plan to ask the police to deal with him?" Speechless, but obediently took out the phone.

"He must be studying the undead, but dead people are not everywhere. He is in urgent need of corpses. No matter where he obtains the corpses, it is against the law. There is nothing wrong with calling the police." Very organized.

Yue Churen nodded, cast a sideways glance at Yan Jin, who was as immobile as a mountain, and then said: "I guess if the police are going to come to investigate him, he will definitely do it. Even if he doesn't do it, he will have to escape. Few people can calmly deal with police investigations." , not to mention that he is an ancient man. If there is a big fuss, it is possible to kill him on the spot, but we have to see if he is fast or the police bullets are fast."

The old lady nodded, "Whether the police can subdue him or not, it is true that he should be convicted first."

"Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy." Standing up, Yue Churen shook his head and sighed.

The old lady's expression remained unchanged, but Yan Jin over there understood what the two of them said.After thinking about it a little, I think this method is feasible.

After dialing the phone, Yue Churen went to the door to make a call. As soon as the phone was connected, the familiar tone made the expressions of the two people in the living room change.

"Officer Jiang Da, are you free? I have something to report to the government." There was a smile in his words, and he could tell that his relationship with the person on the phone was one that could be joked at will.

"Come on, you don't have time to invite me to dinner, maybe you will release me when the time comes, I'm so embarrassed by myself." The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be inviting her to have dinner another day.

On the sofa, the old lady looked very optimistic.She had seen Xiao Jiang before, he was a rare person with integrity and no wrong thoughts, which is rare in this society.

"Okay, I'll invite you if I have time some other day. I really have something to call you today. Someone from Guangjianzhai came from nowhere and dumped corpses everywhere. He must be a member of a cult." Yue Chu returned to the topic. Well, cult is a sensitive word in the country, and they will definitely pay attention to it when they talk about it.

"Yeah, the people in the nearby villages are all running there. I plan to go and see what the hell is going on."

"Okay, I see, I'm not going. Then you have to take it seriously, he won't be able to get the body by then, and he might kill someone." The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be warning her not to rush in by herself.

After talking for a while, Yue Churen finally scraped off the phone, turned around, and saw two people in the room looking at her with different eyes.

"It's done. He said he will report to the higher-ups immediately, and he reckons that someone will be sent to scout the way tonight." After walking back to the sofa and sitting down, she was quite at ease.

The old lady had a strange smile on her face, and said: "It's rare to have an honest guy with enough yang energy on his birth date, and he's interested in you. You should think about it." There are many who die young, and there are also many who are alone all their lives.At present, fortunately, she is an old lady who has lived for so long, but she has been alone all the time.She didn't want Yue Chu people to die alone like her, so she felt relieved to find a suitable partner.

Yue Churen frowned, and looked at Yan Jin intentionally or unintentionally, but he didn't expect that he was also looking at her, and he was staring at her with all his attention.

"Old lady, you seem to be picking a pet. You are full of yang. The lonely old king on the top of the mountain is also full of yang. Do you think he can be my husband?" Yue Churen was speechless, crossing his legs.

The old lady choked, then raised her hand and slapped her hard on the forehead, "You'd better listen to what I say, and you'll feel better if you don't listen."

The Yuechu people rubbed their foreheads and smiled indifferently, "All right, all right, listen to you, can't I listen to everything you say?" Turning his eyes casually, he saw Yan Jin turn around and walk away.

(End of this chapter)

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