Chapter 443
At night, Yue Churen came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, wrapped in a bathrobe, wiped his wet hair with a towel, and walked towards the kitchen.

After drinking some water, he walked out again, but saw that the door of the guest room was open, and Yan Jin was not there.

His eyes moved, then he walked towards the door and looked down, there was indeed a person standing in the yard.The light was dim, and his tall and straight body looked a little lonely, even a little pitiful.

Wiping his hair in slow motion, after a pause, Yue Churen also walked downstairs slowly.

"Homesick?" Walking to him and stopping, Yue Churen tilted his head and looked at him.Strands of hair are scattered on the cheeks and shoulders, the face is fair and beautiful, and the eyes are shining and unique.

Before he could turn his head to look at her, the smell of her bath filled his nostrils.Yan Jin's eyes moved, then turned to look at her.

"No, I'm just watching, what's the difference between the night sky here and there." His voice was low, and every look, every movement and every pronunciation of his voice was full of masculinity.

Yue Churen raised his head and glanced at the dark night sky, "Then what's the difference?"

"No, they're all the same black." He shook his head almost imperceptibly, and seemed a little lonely in his words.

"So? Because it's so dark, you don't think it's interesting to stay anywhere. Seriously, Yan Jin, if you can't go back, what should you do?" No one knows if he can go back. If he can't, she will take him in. His whole life?

Yan Jin looked at her, the light was dim, but he could see him in her eyes.

"Yeah, what should I do if I can't go back?" After a long while, he shook his head, but also had no answer.

"As long as you can let go of your fame and fortune, it's the same here." Looking into his eyes, for a moment, Yue Churen felt as if he had looked into the depths of his soul.In this person's heart, he is very lonely, and there are many stars around him, but none of them go with him.

She also has this feeling. In this world, no one walks with her. On the endless road, she will always be alone.

"Fame and fortune? I never cared about it. It's just that my only sister, she might be sad." But fortunately, she is old, and she has always stood behind her to help, her way will not be Difficult to walk.

"It's the queen? You worry so much. She has become a queen. Her husband and children have everything. What are you worried about? But your sister is lucky to have a brother like you." Her hair was half-dried by the night wind.

Yan Jin looked at her, his face became softer unconsciously, "You also have an old lady, she treats you very well."

"You say her? It depends on her mood. She will treat me well if she listens to her. If she doesn't listen, it will be miserable." Counting all these years, if she doesn't listen to her once, the punishment will be very severe. .

Yan Jin's eyes changed slightly, "Then you will listen to what she told you today?"

"What?" For a moment, Yue Churen didn't know what he was talking about.

"I want you to get married." The word "married" blurted out, and Yan Jin's heart sank for some reason.

"Marriage? This word is old enough. Of course I don't listen to it. If she likes it, it doesn't mean I like it. Although Xiaojiang is a nice person, it's not my style." Shaking his head, Xiaojiang would definitely be a good friend.

A smile appeared on the corners of his tightly pursed lips, Yan Jin barely nodded his head, and his heart seemed to relax somewhere.

Just as Yue Churen predicted, people from the police station went to Guangjianzhai last night to explore the way forward. Unexpectedly, the policemen from the police station were discovered too carelessly, and their legs were inexplicably swollen like The elephant leg was sent to the hospital overnight.

Early in the morning, before dawn, Yue Churen was woken up by a phone call.

The phone rang loudly, even though it was through the door, it also woke up other people on the second floor.Yan Jin came out of the room almost at the same time as Yue Churen answered the phone. After a while, the old lady came out from another room. Early in the morning, she was still radiant.

Regarding Yan Jin's speed, the old lady was surprised, "I guess something went wrong, it's a good start."

Yan Jin nodded, he thought so too.

He heard Yue Churen talking in the bedroom, but after a while, the door opened, and Yue Churen, who was wearing a red nightgown and had long hair scattered, came out of the room.

When he saw her, Yan Jin lowered his eyes. He never dared to look at her like that.

The old lady was quite at ease, she came out of the kitchen with a glass of water and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Well, now that the case has been filed, Xiao Jiang and his criminal investigation team have already gone to Guangjian Village." However, it is estimated that the future is not bright.

"Well, Xiao Jiang called you because he didn't know what to do?" The old lady smiled. Regardless of her age, she seemed to like watching the excitement.

"He was asking me if I could treat the policemen at the police station. Their legs were swollen like elephant legs. It was useless to send them to the hospital to pump water." Nesting on the sofa, covering his legs with a cushion, Yue The Chu people felt that they should go to the hospital.

"You can't go first. When they finish him off, it's not too late for you to go." The old lady said, thoughtful.

Nodded, "That's right." Then it's settled.

Yan Jin walked slowly to the other side of the sofa, approached Yue Churen and said in a deep voice: "Do we need to go to help? They may not be able to stop him."

"It's okay to go and have a look, but you must not do anything. If you do, they will definitely question you. You don't have an ID card, and your origin is a mystery. You will be in trouble." Yue Churen opened his eyes wide and was very serious. Said.

"Chuchu is right. Mr. Yan try to keep a low profile. In this world, too high a profile can easily lead to accidents." The old lady also said bluntly.

After changing their clothes, the two hurriedly drank a glass of milk each and set off on their motorcycles.

To get to Guangjianzhai, you have to continue walking along the road to the depths. It takes about half an hour to get there at the speed of this motorcycle.

This is the first time to sit on a motorcycle. When Yan Jinchu came here, the first 'monster' he saw was this motorcycle.Yue Churen was driving quite easily, but he felt a little uncomfortable sitting in the back, and faintly dizzy.

Holding the waist of the person in front of him, Yan Jin lowered his eyes and adjusted his breathing. If he really fainted on the motorcycle, Yue Churen would definitely laugh his teeth out.

As he clasped both hands around her waist, Yue Churen also squinted slightly to look at him in the rearview mirror, and found that the man had his eyes closed with a painful expression on his face.

Immediately slowing down, Yue Churen stared at the man who slowly opened his eyes in the rearview mirror, the corners of his lips pursed, "General, are you motion sick?"

Looking at the back of the head of the person in front of him, Yan Jin responded in a low voice.

"Isn't this thing the same as your war horse? Otherwise, we're running wildly, and you are commanding? Slogans like driving, huh, etc?" Open your eyes wide, this idea is very funny.

(End of this chapter)

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