Chapter 444
Yan Jin was also a little speechless, "It's okay, I can bear it."

"But I think your complexion is not very good." The motorcycle was still moving forward slowly, and she looked at him in the rearview mirror very reassuringly.

Yan Jin moved his eyes, and finally saw Yue Churen's smiling face in the rearview mirror. It turns out that these two mirrors still have such a role.

"It's okay, it's okay." Looking at her in the mirror, the sun was shining brightly, and her eyes were so bright.

"The general is sitting still." After saying that, the motorcycle rushed out as soon as the gas pedal was pushed.Yan Jin swayed, but quickly stabilized, clasped her waist, and her smell kept drifting through her nose with the wind. At this moment, it was a bit like a dream.

Arriving at Guangjian Village, before entering the village, I saw four or five cars parked at the bridge entrance. There were also people on the roadside hills in the village, whether adults or children came out to watch the excitement.

Stopped the motorcycle at this end of the small bridge, took off the key, and Yue Churen and Yan Jin crossed the small bridge and entered the village.

The row of cars belonged to the criminal investigation team, and there were a few young people standing around, who greeted everyone when they saw Yue Chu, and they all knew each other.

"What's the matter? Didn't you catch that person?" With so many cars coming, they must have a lot of people.But at this moment, these few people are guarding here, and those people are probably going to arrest people.

"You really guessed right Miss Yue, he ran away." A police officer with a slightly delicate appearance replied.

"Really ran away? They went after them?" Surprised, Yue Churen turned his head and glanced at Yan Jin, his face remained unchanged, as if he had already guessed it.

"There are not enough people, and the people in the team haven't arrived yet." Said, the little policeman took out the cigarettes.

"Put it back, the captain is back." Another policeman next to him pushed him, and the young policeman immediately put the cigarette back into his clothes.

Turning his gaze to look at the bluestone path leading to the village, two people are coming this way.

One was obviously older, wearing a jacket and a baseball bat, and the person next to him was very tall, with a strong figure, short neat hair, and wearing sunglasses.A sling-style holster was buckled on his body, and a gun was clearly pinned to his waist.

Seeing her, Yue Churen waved at him, and the people over there also saw her at a glance.Taking off the sunglasses, the face was completely exposed, a very sunny and handsome face.

"That's Xiaojiang." Yue Churen folded his arms and waited for Xiaojiang to come down, while explaining to Yan Jin beside him.

Yan Jin didn't say a word, but he stood there with a strong aura. At least, where he was, the people around him seemed to be accessories. If you didn't look closely around him, it was hard to notice that there were still people.

"Men from Chu, you're here too. That man ran away, and the Bai Wanguang family who took him in has been brought under control." Around the car, Xiao Jiang strode over. He was tall, and his head was comparable to that of Yan Jin.

"I just heard from Xiao Zhou and the others, but it will be very troublesome if he escapes. Be careful when you search." He has martial arts, just like in movies and TV dramas, he can kill with just a fallen leaf.

"It's okay, if he resists, we can shoot." Xiao Jiang smiled, his teeth were very white, and his smile was beautiful.

Seeing him smile, Yue Churen couldn't help but curl his lips. If he compares his teeth, he will definitely lose.

"This is?" In fact, Xiao Jiang saw Yan Jin before he came over. Although he was smiling, his eyes were scrutinizing.

Yan Jin allowed Xiao Jiang to examine him indifferently, but with a light glance, his aura was stronger than that of everyone present.

"This is Yan Jin, a relative of my old lady. We saw that person in the mountains that day, so he wanted to see if he could help." I glanced at Yan Jin, but found that this person had a cold face Hard-faced.

Xiao Jiang nodded, then stretched out his hand, "Hello."

Yan Jin didn't move, and the people from Yue Chu took his hand to shake hands with Xiao Jiang, saying: "The people in the old lady's family are so weird, don't mind. By the way, is there anyone in this village who was harmed by him?"

Xiao Jiang nodded, "Yes."

"Oh, I would have called the police earlier if I knew about it. At that time, I just thought that he was a magic stick hired by the Bai family to deal with me, so I took it as a joke." Sighing, Yue Churen was quite regretful.

"When people come, we will search the mountains. How about Churen, you go back first. If there is something wrong here, I will call you, and then we will go out to eat." He raised his hand and patted Yue Churen's face The shoulders are neither light nor heavy, but they are full of familiarity, even a little ambiguous.

"That's okay, be careful." Nodding, Yue Churen turned his head and glanced at Yan Jin, and then they turned and left.

After walking a few steps, Xiao Jiang's voice came from behind, "Chu people wait."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Stopping and turning around, Yan Jin over there also stopped, turned around, and looked at Xiao Jiang who was striding over with slightly cold eyes.

"You haven't been to the city recently. The gift Xiao Min specially bought for you when she came back from Australia is still with me. How about I pick you up after today's business is over?" Looking down at Yue Churen, his eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Xiao Min is back? Why didn't you call me? That's okay, I just happened to take a look at her." Nodding, Yue Churen agreed.Xiao Min is his younger sister, and she has an average relationship with Yue Churen, not a good friend or anything like that.It was strange for her to bring her a gift.

"Then it's settled, wait for me." Xiao Jiang smiled, and finally patted her arm before leaving.

Watching him walk away, Yue Churen shook his head slowly, turned around, but was shocked by Yan Jin's cold eyes.

Subconsciously taking a step to the side, Yue Churen slightly opened his eyes and stared at him, "General, you want to kill someone."

Yan Jin didn't say anything, turned around and strode up the small bridge, his tall and straight back was shrouded in a layer of frost that couldn't be melted by the sun.

The people of Yuechu were speechless, and they didn't know how to offend this ancient man?However, as expected of a great general, he killed countless people on the battlefield, and his eyes are so frightening.

Even if he doesn't speak, people can't ignore him at all. This kind of momentum can't be cultivated for a while.

Shrugging his shoulders, Yue Churen looked back at Guangjianzhai, which was full of people, and the corners of his lips pursed with pride, no matter whether he could escape or not, he couldn't get rid of the crime of murderer.

(End of this chapter)

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