Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1136 Let You See the Sun Again

Chapter 1136 Let You See the Sun Again
While talking, Yan Shao wiped his hands for almost a minute before throwing away the handkerchief with a look of disgust on his face, and then said to Lin Yi with a smile: "Brother Mu, go and try it, whether you can pull it out or not, I'm very concerned about it." Looking forward to it!"

It was the first time Lin Yi saw Yan Shao make a move. This guy's strength was not hidden. Under the protection of two disciples from Ghost King City, he still beat up Xuan Mingzi.Although it wasn't Lin Yi who beat him up, the feeling was still very good.

Xuan Mingzi was completely picked out by those two ghost king city disciples, and when they were picked out, Xuan Mingzi had already passed out.He was devoured with so much power just now, and now he is hit so hard, it is lucky that he didn't die.

Of course those two would not dare to attack Yan Shao, unless they both got bored of life.They didn't even say a harsh word, they carried Xuan Mingzi away in a desperate manner, not daring to stay for a moment.

Lin Yi sighed, and said, "Since Brother Yan Shao is so curious, well, I'll risk my life and play for a while. However, let me state in advance that if I accidentally pull out the sword, Yan Dian Lord, please don’t keep your promise, it will make it difficult for me.”

King Yanluo couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the words, and said, "The little guy is really brave enough to say such things to me. Don't worry, I always say what I say. If you can really pull out that sword, I will recognize you..."

"Father, don't be impulsive, can you? You are not afraid of losing, but I am!" Yan Shao suddenly interrupted him with a very nervous expression.

King Yan Luo glared at Yan Shao, and said angrily: "You brat, don't you believe in the old man's judgment? Do you really think that this little god will be able to pull out the sword? How is this possible!"

"What's impossible? Father, you have misread many things! You said before that you said that I was a waste material, but I still became a genius? So, you can do it as long as you are old, and don't give it to me. Trouble please?" Yan Shao looked very hard-pressed, if Yan Luo Wang really confirmed that, then he would really be several heads shorter in front of Lin Yi.

King Yan Luo looked at Yan Shao very seriously. After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind, nodded, and said, "You're right, if this kid really gets lucky by accident, pull out the sword , then I am really at a disadvantage. How about this, change the promise, if that kid really pulls out the sword, then he will be your big brother, how about it, let me put it this way, you should have no objection, right?"

As soon as King Yanluo said this, Shao Yan was about to collapse. Now he really wanted to fight King Yanluo for [-] rounds, and then loudly questioned his father: "It's none of my business if you bet with others? What's the difference between being a nephew and becoming a younger brother?"

"Okay, okay, it's settled. I'm daddy, and everything is up to me! Mu Yi, right? Hurry up and pull it out. Of course, this world is fair. If you can't pull it out, you have to pull it out." Hand over something on your body. I don't know where you got that thing, and that thing is not a powerful artifact, but it is very important to me and worth commemorating." King Luo said Here, there is a bit of sadness on the face, this expression is definitely not a disguise.

Lin Yi was about to ask him what he wanted, but Yan Luo Wang stood there with a sad face, as if he was caught in a deep memory.

When Chi Songzi saw this situation, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he had misunderstood some things, King Yanluo, he was still King Yanluo before!
Lin Yi didn't want to disturb him, so he walked straight towards the boulder. He didn't use the space to jump, but approached step by step.

As he got closer, the sense of resonance became stronger and stronger. He clearly felt that what was stuck in the stone was not just a sword, but a part of his body, which had an inextricable connection with him. .

"Is it really the same as what I guessed?" Lin Yi said to himself.

At this time, he had come to the boulder and almost hit it.

A burst of laughter erupted in the crowd immediately, Lin Yi's actions were so ridiculous, anyone would have drawn his sword long ago.

He didn't fly up, but slowly put his hand on the Chaos Stone. For some reason, he felt that the Chaos Stone was a bit strange, and his intuition told him that this sword didn't seem to be as simple as being inserted into the stone.

Soon, he felt that the Tree of Killing God in his body fluctuated, as if attracted by the Chaos Stone.Could it be that the Chaos Stone is also related to the World Tree?

The people who were laughing suddenly became quiet. They all looked at Lin Yi with idiot eyes. Lin Yi didn't draw his sword, but touched the stone there. Could it be a fool?Is it okay?
Yan Shao also couldn't figure it out, since Lin Yi used special means to save him from being swallowed just now, there must be a way to pull out the sword.But now Lin Yi doesn't draw his sword, but touches the stone instead. Could it be that there is something mysterious about that Chaos Stone?
Chi Songzi looked at Lin Yi very seriously, he knew very well that Lin Yi would never do meaningless stupid things.

"Chaos stone, the chaos of the first opening of the world, the primordial power of primordial energy, the power of the world..." Chi Songzi thought to himself, thinking about it, a smile of enlightenment appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I see. It seems that everyone is wrong. The relationship between this sword and the Chaos Stone is very unusual!" Chi Songzi smiled.

King Yanluo's eyes fell on Chisongzi, somehow, he felt a sense of familiarity from Chisongzi, but he couldn't find any familiar feeling.

He wanted to ask, but for some reason, he was so timid that he didn't even have the courage to speak.

Just when he was about to muster up the courage to speak, Yan Shao suddenly shouted: "Brother Mu, quickly pull out the sword! If you keep touching like this, you will grind the stone to pieces! You don't want to touch the Chaos Stone!" Break it, and take out the sword."

Lin Yi was awakened by Yan Shao's words, he smiled wryly, and lost his mind after thinking about it just now, if it wasn't for Yan Shao's roar, he didn't know when he would wake up.

However, this distraction allowed him to gain more, and he finally knew the true colors of the Chaos Stone and the sword.

"I didn't expect there to be such a wonderful thing between heaven and earth. The Chaos Stone and the World Tree were originally one. When the Chaos Stone was broken, the World Tree came out, and the world was born from this." Lin Yi secretly thought, and touched the Chaos Stone again. , and then jumped to the top of the Chaos Stone.

The long sword was right in front of his eyes, and his soul and the tree of killing gods were resonating with it, and this feeling of resonance became stronger and stronger.

"I didn't expect the seeds of the World Tree to be hidden in the Chaos Stone and turned into an artifact. I don't think anyone would believe this kind of thing, so let me do my best to let you see the light of day again."

(End of this chapter)

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