Chapter 1137

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and he slowly grasped the hilt of the sword. Many people looked at Lin Yi with wide eyes, wondering what would happen to him.

According to the previous situation, Lin Yi was lucky to be able to let go of the long sword and not die. As for pulling out the sword, it was ridiculous.

Yan Shao stared at Lin Yi intently. At this moment, his mood was very contradictory. On the one hand, he was full of confidence in Lin Yi and hoped that Lin Yi could pull out the sword.On the other hand, King Yan Luo's words gave him a very headache, he didn't want to call Lin Yi brother!

The moment Lin Yi's hand touched the long sword, a strong suction burst out from the long sword, intending to swallow Lin Yi's strength.

Lin Yi knew the reason very well. The reason why the people in Yihongyuan were not affected by the long sword was because the power of the long sword had not been stimulated, that is to say, the sword spirit had not awakened.

However, when Jiansan used Yujian Jue to cleanse it, this sword gave birth to a sword spirit. A sword with a sword spirit is of course extraordinary.

Because of this, after Xuan Mingzi injected divine power into it, it aroused strong resistance, and even made it want to attack, which almost killed Xuan Mingzi.

If Lin Yi hadn't secretly distributed the power of the Killing God Tree to Yan Shao, making the sword mistaken for Yan Shao as "one of his own", Yan Shao would have suffered a lot.

Lin Yi felt the strong suction force of the sword, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Are you hungry? If you are hungry, suck more, so that you can mature earlier."

Changjian seemed to understand Lin Yi's words, and he absorbed it much faster. Lin Yi also let the Tree of Killing God open his arms and let him suck it up.

After inhaling for about 2 minutes, Lin Yi's face began to turn pale, but he took the initiative to continuously supply the long sword with world power, enriching the power of the long sword.

Just when he couldn't bear it any longer, an incomparably warm force came back from the long sword, and a pleasant child's voice sounded in Lin Yi's mind: "Big brother, I can talk now, I won't suck you!"

Lin Yi took a long breath, and said via voice transmission: "Fortunately, I have saved a lot of energy, otherwise I would be sucked dry by you. Hehe, can I pull you out now?"

"Wait a minute, we haven't gotten to know each other well, are you going to get me? I just saw the information of our tribe from your memory, I know, you married a member of our tribe. But now I still It's very small, don't you even let me go?" That immature voice stimulated Lin Yi so much that he turned into a big bad wolf, this feeling is really hard to describe in words.

He coughed lightly, and said via voice transmission: "Little sister, do you think I am such a person? Although I am quite lecherous, I am not that eager yet, am I?"

"Well, that's true. The girls you like are all grown women, so you shouldn't be a pedophile... No, you don't have any thoughts about me now. After I take shape, you will definitely not be so calm. If I grow up Yes, it’s definitely the level of a top-notch big beauty, and you will definitely have unreasonable thoughts about me. But it doesn’t matter, if the fat water doesn’t flow to outsiders, it doesn’t matter if it’s cheaper than you. Your name is Lin Yi, right? Give me a name first , if I like it, I'll go with you." There was a hint of playfulness in that voice, and Lin Yi had to admit that he was most afraid of dealing with this kind of little girl, and even thinking about it gave him a headache.

If this little girl is paired with his radish son, it will definitely collapse the entire Creation God Realm.

Lin Yi really wanted to scratch his head now, but it attracted the attention of many people. In fact, he is already very eye-catching now, because he has held the sword for the longest time, and he has not shown too much exaggeration until now.

Even though his face was pale just now, he recovered extremely quickly. This is not only abnormal, it is extremely abnormal.

He was most afraid of picking a name, especially for this little girl, which made him even more troublesome.His level can be seen from the name Lin Luobo. He is now thinking, should he name that little girl...Lin Baicai?It just so happens that radish and cabbage have their own preferences, which sounds pretty good.

But he knew that once the name was spoken, the little girl would probably go crazy.

"Lin Baicai? This name is very nice, I like it very much. Hehe, I didn't expect you to have a son named Lin Luobo. You really know how to name it." The little girl's voice came again, and Lin Yi was stunned Oh, how does this girl know what he is thinking?

"Don't be so surprised, because you and I are completely open to the realm of the soul, so I can feel your thoughts, as long as I want, I can even check all your memories. But don't worry, I won't do that kind of thing It’s too immoral to do it. Well, my name is Lin Baicai, you pull me out.” The little girl smiled and said, Lin Yi said that he was completely speechless.

In fact, he didn't need to use much force to pull out the sword, but how could he do it?If so, it is estimated that many people will not believe it.

As a result, he roared loudly, and the power of the fourth level of the God General Realm exploded, and special effects were activated on the momentum, and for a moment, the brilliance was brilliant, showing that he was very desperate.

After gaining momentum to a certain level, he suddenly roared and exerted all his strength. The momentum of engulfing mountains and rivers caused Tian Punishment and the others to have a common thought in their hearts: "This kid, you can really pretend!"

"Come out for me!" Lin Yi roared, and pulled out the sword suddenly, but he didn't pull out the sword.

There was already a burst of laughter in the crowd, and Yan Shao's face also showed a puzzled look, it doesn't make sense, in his opinion, Lin Yi should be able to pull it out, why can't he pull it out with such a flamboyant performance?
A smug smile appeared on Hua Mantian's face, as if he was watching a clown performance, Lin Yi's performance made him very satisfied.

God Emperor Zixiao stood up, her gaze was very sharp, she could clearly see that when Lin Yi just exerted force just now, he had actually pulled out the sword by an inch, but he deliberately inserted it back, this small action could not be hidden from her s eyes.

God Emperor Zixiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to himself: "Who is this kid? Is he pretending to be weak on purpose? What's his intention in acting like this?"

Lin Yi didn't do it on purpose either, how did he know that Lin Baicai wanted to get out of the stone so much that the sword would pop out by itself if he didn't press it.

It is already amazing that he can pull out a sword. Of course, he has to work very hard, and he has to perform a full set of acting!
Lin Baicai seemed to understand Lin Yi's thoughts. When Lin Yi exerted his strength to the extreme, so that his face was pale, she was pulled out by Lin Yi very cooperatively. In an instant, white light bloomed, and the Chaos Stone shattered. Everyone was shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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