Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1283 All Marry You

Chapter 1283 All Marry You

Mo Hao, howling and crying, fled without a trace, followed by a large group of pursuers.

Chi Songzi looked at Lin Yi with a worried expression, and said: "The situation is very bad, but Mo Hao said that, it seems to be even worse."

"If it's not good, it's not good. You have to face what you have to face. Anyway, I won't let my people just become the tonic of the mosquito demon. Get ready, let's go save people, almost head-to-head with that dead mosquito It's over." Lin Yi's face showed a ruthless look, and he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

After leaving the Kunlun Mirror, Lin Yi told Biyue about it, and when Biyue found out, she would go with Lin Yi and the others.

Lin Yi did not refuse this time, with Bi Yue, a top expert, following him, Lin Yi was obviously more confident.

From Ziyun Star to Demon Realm, it only takes half a day at most to use the galaxy teleportation array.

Half a day outside, almost ten days in the Kunlun mirror, just enough to raise all his people's cultivation by several levels.

Lin Yi generously took out the Qiankun Holy Spirit Jue for everyone to practice. The Holy Spirit Pills were continuously provided that day, which really shocked Biyue.

Biyue has never seen such a local tyrant before. The Heavenly Holy Spirit Pill is definitely a rare item among rare items. It is said that there are only a few in the Eternal Temple, but the refining method has long been lost.

Now, Lin Yi actually scattered these things around like Chinese cabbage, and Biyue suddenly found that her outlook on the world, life and values ​​had been strongly impacted.

"That... Husband, who is that kid? Is he from an ordinary world? Why does the more I look at him, the more he doesn't look like him?" Biyue couldn't help asking.

Chi Songzi chuckled, and said: "That's right, there will always be many kinds of miracles happening to Master Lin Yi, so I am so sure that with Master Lin Yi, I will be able to achieve my life goals. Yue'er, in fact, I really want to persuade you to hand over the Yihong Academy to him, so that the Yihong Academy will surely reach an unprecedented peak!"

Hearing this, Biyue's expression became tangled, she sighed softly, and said, "From my personal point of view, I should indeed support all your proposals, but after all, the Yihong Courtyard was entrusted to me by the former Palace Master, and I also Involuntary."

"Ahem, senior Chisongzi, don't talk about this with the Grand Palace Master. If you agree to cooperate, don't make it out of order. That's not good. By the way, Grand Palace Master Biyue, this heavenly spirit pill I will give it to you, although it cannot improve your cultivation, but it is enough to make your divine power more concentrated, and maybe it can help you reach that step." Lin Yi coughed lightly, and came from not far away , and handed a jade bottle to Biyue.

Bi Yue was slightly taken aback, and said: "You gave me a Heavenly Holy Spirit Pill? It's too expensive, I really can't bear it, please take it back..."

"Who says you can't afford it? Not to mention that we are in a cooperative relationship, just the relationship between you and Senior Chisongzi, this elixir must be given. If you agree, we can also provide a batch Heavenly Holy Spirit Pill, let you masters of Yihong Academy improve their strength."

The first half of Lin Yi's sentence made Biyue very embarrassed, but the second half of the sentence was too exciting.

Biyue really didn't expect that Lin Yi would be so generous that he could give away batches of such things as the Heavenly Holy Spirit Pill.

"Are you telling the truth? Are you kidding me?" Bi Yue was really afraid that what Lin Yi said was polite, so she hurriedly asked.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "Since it's a cooperation, of course we have to be open and honest, and we can't hide it. However, the problem of materials and manpower has to be troubled by you, the Grand Palace Master."

"That's easy to say! The ingredients for this kind of precious pill must be scarce, so we should make it." Biyue quickly agreed, and the promise was very straightforward.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "The problem of materials is second, and the most important thing is manpower. I hope that you, Grand Palace Master, will send the best alchemists from your Yihong Academy to participate in the refining together.",

"What? What are you talking about? Do you know that if you do this, the refining method of the Heavenly Holy Spirit Pill will be obtained by our Yihong Academy. It's too inappropriate to do this!" Bi Yue couldn't help shouting She said that she was really surprised by Lin Yi's decision.

It is already a great favor for Lin Yi to provide them with the Heavenly Holy Spirit Pill from Yihongyuan. If she hands over the refining method of the Heavenly Holy Spirit Pill, it will be very difficult for her to calm down.

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, and said, "Since it's cooperation, of course we have to help each other, so that we can show our sincerity!"

Hearing this, Bi Yue showed a wry smile on her face, and said, "I do feel your sincerity, but I really can't think of how to repay you with sincerity. How about this, I still have two younger sisters who are not married Man, how about I marry them all to you?"

The two younger sisters that Biyue mentioned were of course Tianxing and Hanxiang. After hearing her words, the smile on Lin Yi's face froze immediately, and his expression was extremely strange. ,

Seeing his appearance, Chi Songzi couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said, "Yue'er, don't provoke Lord Lin Yi, not to mention whether your two younger sisters agree or not, Lord Lin Yi probably won't agree with you." I can't stand it!"

"What's the matter? Bing'er's girl, Lin Yi can accept it, why can't my two younger sisters accept it? They are still virgins so far, and their physique is no worse than Xiantian Xuanbing's physique. Don't they look down on them? "Bi Yue was a little upset. In her opinion, her proposal was absolutely excellent, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Lin Yi coughed lightly, and said, "Grand Palace Master Biyue, please don't mess with the mandarin ducks. I am not a big stallion. I like women when I see them. There must be feelings between men and women. Me and the other two The palace lord has a generation gap, so... I'm really sorry."

Biyue nodded thoughtfully, and said to herself: "It seems that the age gap is too big. How about this, there are many young girls with special qualifications in our Yihong Courtyard , they want to be pretty, and if they want qualifications, they should be qualified, you can pick whatever you want, how about it?"

Lin Yi seems to hear the cries that are often heard on the earth now-"All the products in this store are two yuan, the whole shop is two yuan, and everything is two yuan. If you can't buy it for two yuan, you will suffer a loss. If you buy it for two yuan, you can't be fooled. Really The value for money is excellent, you can buy whatever is cheap, pick whatever you want, choose whatever you want!”

If it were an ordinary man, he would probably scream with excitement when he heard these words.

However, Lin Yi was much calmer. If he brought a large group of beauties back, Bai Bingbing and the others wouldn't beat him to death!
He hehe smiled and said: "Thank you, Grand Palace Master, for your kindness. I have enough wives, and I can't take it anymore. Moreover, this is not what I want in return. What I need is the dedication of your Yihong Academy." Help me, help me to calm down the evil spirit... eh? Those guys really don't know how to live or die, and dare to block my way at this time, it's really worrying!"

(End of this chapter)

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