Chapter 1284

Lin Yi's gaze became much colder. He was in the Kunlun mirror and knew everything that happened outside.

A huge flying boat blocked their way, and a big flag was erected on top of the flying boat, with the word "medicine" written on it.

Tai Yi, who was driving the airship to the transfer point, sent a message asking Lin Yi what to do.

Bi Yue frowned slightly, and said, "What happened? Who came to block the way?"

"Yue'er, there is no need to ask any more questions. Who else is there besides Shenyaogu? It seems that Master Lin Yi's God of Destiny has stimulated them a lot, otherwise, their reaction would not be so fast." Chi Songzi He could see it clearly, his eyes fell on Lin Yi, and he said, "Master Lin Yi, let's go out with you."

"I don't need it for the time being. I can go out alone, otherwise it would be a waste of time. Besides, Taiyi and the others are here, so I won't suffer." Lin Yi finished speaking, turned around and left the Kunlun Mirror.

After leaving the Kunlun mirror, Lin Yi quickly appeared on the deck. Not only was his flying boat stopped by a big flying boat, but also more than a dozen flying boats surrounded him from all directions, giving people a feeling that it was difficult to fly even with wings .

When Tai Yi saw Lin Yi appearing, he immediately saluted respectfully and said, "Lord Lin Yi, you are finally here. What should I do with these people, do I need to destroy them all?"

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, and said, "Let's see what price they can pay. If they can't pay the price, then they will be destroyed."

"Yes, my lord."

Lin Yi took a few steps forward, looked at the giant flying boat in front of him, and slowly pulled out the evil knife.

He slowly held the hand of the knife, and then slashed with the knife.

A crescent-like white sword light hit the flying boat with a bang, smashing the three layers of defense of the flying boat and shaking the whole flying boat.

Soon, hundreds of figures flew out of the giant flying boat, and each of them burst into momentum, locking on to Lin Yi.

A large group of people also flew out of a dozen other flying boats, staring at Lin Yi one by one, and surrounded Lin Yi and the others.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "It turns out there are still living people inside. I thought it was a few boats transporting animals, and they accidentally blocked Lao Tzu's way!"

Lin Yi's eyes were extremely sharp, and he slapped lightly, which turned out to be a seal of the sky.

This seal of the sky has been completely compressed by Lin Yi. The compressed seal of the sky is more than ten times more powerful than before, and the movement is suppressed very small, which is very suitable for pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Tai Yi's eyelids twitched as he watched from the side, Lin Yi told him not to do it, but he was unequivocal at all, the knife just now, plus the palm now, even for him, it would not be easy for him to pick it up.

On the giant flying boat, a white-haired old man in a brocade robe slowly walked out. He was about to ask who was in charge when he saw a small glowing palm print floating towards him.

He snorted softly, and waved a palm in disdain. He saw that the luminous palm print was just a child playing around. Isn't it a joke to use it to attack the flying boat?

What he is most concerned about now is the person who slashed the flying boat just now, that is the real master.

No, he suddenly found that Lin Yi was holding a knife in his hand, and judging from the current situation, this glowing palm print was also made by Lin Yi.

"No, you guys disperse!" The old man shouted, and the group of people floating around the flying boat were stunned and didn't react for a while.

At this time, the luminous palm print collided with the wind of the old man's palm. At this moment, the luminous palm print suddenly swelled ten thousand times, and an extremely terrifying destructive force erupted from it, hitting the giant flying boat fiercely.

With a bang, the flying boat was shaken violently, and cracks appeared from the attack point and spread continuously.

When the flying boat was attacked by the knife light before, the defensive mask was smashed to pieces. It has not been repaired yet, and it was hit again by this heavy blow. One can imagine the tragic result.

The white-haired old man made a decisive decision, and immediately flew up, pressing down with both hands, trying to suppress Lin Yi's seal of heaven.

However, when his power came into contact with the seal of the sky, a strong sense of numbness was transmitted from his palm to his whole body, and this long-lost feeling made him wake up immediately.

"This... This is the seal of the Three Gods of Punishment! Who is the God of Punishment to you!" The white-haired old man yelled at Lin Yi. While speaking, the giant flying boat exploded, and his body flew out like this. Blood spurted wildly.

Tai Yi's figure flashed, appeared next to Lin Yi, and waved his palm lightly, the explosion wave of the giant flying boat shattered, without impacting Lin Yi and the flying boat at all.

But the group of people in the Shenyao Valley were not so lucky. The people above the Emperor Realm were fine, but suffered minor injuries.As for the people under the emperor's realm, except for those who were relatively far away and suffered minor injuries, most of them were seriously injured, and even hundreds of people died.

They looked at Lin Yi with only horror in their eyes. They never expected that this young man, who looked like he had no hair on his head, had such great power!
"Hehe, it's really uncomfortable to be blocked by a pile of shit, and it's much more comfortable now." Lin Yi laughed, and his words made the white-haired old man vomit blood again.

The white-haired old man clutched his chest and quickly took a elixir. The elixir entered his stomach, and his injuries recovered at an extremely fast speed, and the effect was immediate.

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly. It seems that this Valley of Divine Medicine is really famous. Although his cultivation level is not very good, his strength in refining medicine is really not impressive.

The old man met Lin Yi's eyes, and said in a cold tone, "You are so brave, you dare to destroy my flying boat in the Valley of Divine Medicine, do you want to start a war with us in Valley of Divine Medicine?"

"Go to war? Hehe, I only heard a saying, 'Good dogs don't block my way'. Now a group of dogs not only block my way, but even dare to surround us. If I don't do anything, are we still waiting to be killed by you? No matter where you are, your actions should be considered provocative, right?" Lin Yi said with a smile, and glanced at Tai Yi.

Tai Yi immediately understood, flew up, quickly swung a dozen punches, and hit the other flying boats very accurately.

There were bursts of explosions, and all those flying boats were scrapped, not even scum left.

The corner of the white-haired old man's mouth twitched. Tai Yi's strength was too terrifying. He reckoned that even if all of them were combined, they would not be able to defeat Tai Yi, let alone Lin Yi who had always looked calm.

As for the group of people under Taiyi, Taiyi didn't let them out. If encountering such a trivial matter, it would be too cheap if all members were dispatched.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and said, "I feel much better now. The air is much fresher than before. If there are one or two fewer flies, I think the whole world will become more peaceful."

Lin Yi's tone was very flat, and as soon as he finished speaking, Tai Yi flew up and attacked the white-haired old man.

(End of this chapter)

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