Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1303 I'm Probably Going Crazy

Chapter 1303 I'm Probably Going Crazy


This term appeared in Lin Yi's mind. To be honest, he didn't expect that his Ancient Tree of Heavenly Dao would make such a move, which really surprised him.

The little tree seedling smiled and said: "I forgot to tell you, sir, when you perfect all the rules of your universe, Xiao Tiantian will get an evolution and get a lot more powerful power. However, I didn't expect that, Xiao Tiantian actually awakened the Six Realms of Reincarnation ahead of time, I thought I would have to wait for your cultivation to reach that level!"

When the technique of reincarnation of the six realms was unfolded, the innocent souls of this endless hell immediately had a vent, and frantically poured into it.

Tens of billions of wronged souls!Lin Yi's hairs stand on end when he thinks about it, this mosquito monster is really cruel to the extreme, is this the nature of evil spirit creatures?

Mosquito Demon became anxious all of a sudden. Once a large number of wronged souls were stripped out, his Ancient Tree of Heavenly Dao would only become weaker and weaker. No matter how much power he injected, he would only make wedding dresses for others.

He gritted his teeth, and suddenly a vertical eye appeared between his brows, and a black light shot out from the vertical eye, which happened to hit the strange tree in the light curtain.

After the strange tree was hit by the golden light, its aura suddenly surged. It pulled out its roots from the void, turned into a pair of giant bones, and rushed towards Lin Yi with great strides.

Mo Hao squinted his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile: "Little friend Lin Yi, it seems that your troubles are coming. That mosquito beast has gone crazy and has come to fight you desperately."

Lin Yi chuckled, and said, "I'm afraid that he won't go crazy. It's best if he goes crazy. Mo Hao, anyway, with the help of your soul power, what should I be afraid of?"

"Hmph, aren't you afraid that I won't help you?" Mo Hao said angrily.

"Don't help me? Very good, then I'll let Tai Yi and the others beat you up every day, three times a day for three meals a day, anyway they like to beat you up, don't they?" Lin Yi said with a smile.

Mo Hao's face darkened suddenly, he snorted angrily, and said, "You're ruthless! Let's fight!"

Of course, Lin Yi is full of confidence. Now that he has recovered from his decline, he has severely suppressed the Mosquito Demon in terms of both quantity and quality. Under such circumstances, he has nothing to be afraid of!

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a slight attack on his golden body, his face froze for a moment, and the power of his soul was doubled immediately. At this moment, he realized that there were many mosquitoes that were so small that they could hardly be seen clearly. It is these mosquitoes that sneak up!
"Using poison again? Hehe, the method is really despicable and naive." Lin Yi sneered and roared to the sky.

This roar condensed his soul power, plus Mo Hao's own powerful soul power. The superposition of these two powers shocked all the mosquitoes in the vicinity to death, leaving no one behind.

God punished them to keep patting their ears, the loud roar just now almost deafened their ears.

"Boy Lin Yi, can you take it easy? Why are you yelling?" Tian Punishment said angrily.

Lin Yi couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said: "Old man Tian Punishment, you should take a closer look around, I don't use this trick, you are all poisoned to death by mosquitoes. You all retreat to the side of the ancient tree of heaven, and the mosquito is evil Give it to me, there are too many people, I am afraid that I will accidentally hurt you."

Lin Yi threw out these words, and immediately rushed out, a strong murderous aura erupted from him, and quickly enveloped the strange tree.

That strange tree is now the clone of the Mosquito Demon, and the resentment on it has been completely swallowed by the Six Realms of Samsara. If it weren't for the power of the Mosquito Demon, this thing is probably just a piece of wood.

Lin Yi slashed out with a knife, and a big abnormal knife light slashed towards the strange tree, hit the strange tree's body, and slashed it flying.

A crack appeared on the strange tree, but soon, the crack was completely repaired.

Lin Yi licked his lips, the blood in his body was boiling, and he said to himself: "This feeling of slashing and killing still makes people feel comfortable. It seems that I still can't change my murderous nature."

Lin Yi knew that this was the power of the Bloodline of the Killing God, no matter what he did, it would not change it.

The strange tree was chopped down by Lin Yi, but he calmed down.A human face appeared on its trunk again. It was the face of an old man, with pits and hollows, which made people feel disgusted.Lin Yi knew that that face was definitely that of a mosquito demon!

"It smells very good, and it smells very comfortable. If I can suck your blood dry, I am afraid that not only all your injuries will be healed, but even if you go to a higher level, there will be no problem. So, little guy, just surrender obediently, In this case, at least I can spare you and let you be my demon slave." The hoarse voice of the mosquito demon came from the mouth of the tree trunk, and Luo Qiuhan under the face also laughed strangely at this time.

"Junior brother Lin Yi, just listen to my master and grab it quickly. Do you think you are in the upper hand now? Hehe, it's really ridiculous! Master, he only showed a small part of his strength, just this small part Strength is not something you can resist, so..."

"Heaven's Seal, God of Killing Slash." Lin Yi said lightly, and decisively integrated the power of the Seal of Heaven into God of Killing's Slashing. The target of this knife was very clear, and it was Luo Qiuhan's face on the tree trunk.

Luo Qiuhan's face changed drastically, and he was about to let the strange tree stop the blow, but found that he could not control the strange tree at all.

It's normal, now that the mosquito demon has possessed it, how can he have control.Moreover, the mosquito monster doesn't seem to want to defend at all, isn't this sending him to death?
With a bang, the knife hit Luo Qiuhan's face very accurately, and Luo Qiuhan let out a scream, and his face was completely destroyed, leaving only a big hole on the strange tree.

The strange tree healed quickly, but Luo Qiuhan's face did not recover.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "It seems that my attack has some effect, at least that annoying guy won't be resurrected. It feels really good to be able to clean up the door."

"Are you happy? Lin Yi, let you destroy that face, don't you feel more comfortable? Actually, I don't like to appear on the same body with another face at the same time, so I will give you a chance to let You destroy him." The mosquito monster said with a smile, and Lin Yi's smile was suppressed by his words.

The mosquito demon gave him a very strange feeling, did that guy really have some tricks?
He quickly threw away this thought from his mind. During the battle, if there is a little weakness or weakness, it may lead to final failure.Momentum, this is very important, he cannot be suppressed by that beast mosquito.

He sneered and said, "In this case, should you give me a chance to destroy your even more disgusting face? Seriously, I don't think I need to do anything now, just give you a mirror , I think it can scare you to death, do you want me to recommend you to go to the whole house? I know an acquaintance who can get a [-]% discount, like you, they will probably be crazy when they see it."

(End of this chapter)

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