Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1304 Go to a fun place

Chapter 1304 Go to a fun place

Lin Yi's words stunned the mosquito demon, of course he didn't know what Lin Yi was talking about.

Chisongzi and the others couldn't help smiling. Many of them had lived on Earth, so of course they knew what Lin Yi meant.

Although the mosquito demon didn't quite understand, he still guessed the general meaning. Lin Yi was mocking him for being ugly.

He smirked, and didn't seem to care much, and said: "Keep playing with your lips, haven't you noticed the changes in the Infernal Hell? You think that you can leave here after destroying the Infernal Hell, it's ridiculous!"

"Isn't it? You think your body that can recover automatically can stop me?" Lin Yi sneered, his tone full of disdain.

The mosquito demon chuckled and said, "Little guy, your thinking is too simple. Take a closer look and see what is beyond this endless hell."

Hearing this, Lin Yi's expression changed slightly, and he immediately released the power of the soul through those cracks. The moment a trace of power of the soul was released, he was immediately strangled by a violent force, and a backlash came. Lin Yi almost suffered minor injury.

"Where is that place? It can kill the soul!" Lin Yi exclaimed.

"Hahaha, you don't know, there are three forbidden places in the Creation God Realm, and the Infernal Hell is one. The Infernal Hell belongs to me, so I can put it anywhere, for example, in the cemetery of gods and demons When Mosquito Demon said this, the faces of many people present changed, even Mo Hao's face became dark.

The cemetery of gods and demons is no stranger to Mo Hao, because this is a very dangerous place that has always existed since the creation of the Hongmeng universe, even if it is called a Jedi.

For example, if a large world needs light and darkness, life and death, then so does a universe.

The cemetery of gods and demons is not only a forbidden place in the world of creation gods, but also a place of great evil in the entire primordial universe.

However, Mo Hao sneered, and said: "You little mosquito, the cemetery of gods and demons is at most a dangerous place for those who are above the emperor's realm. If you want to go out, it's not impossible to do it? Don't you think it's scary to use this to scare people?" You're so silly??"

"Hahaha, Mo Hao, after so many years, I didn't expect your intelligence to become so much lower. Indeed, the cemetery of gods and demons does not pose much threat to people above the emperor level, but that refers to the outer area of ​​the cemetery of gods and demons... ..."

When Mo Hao heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he said, "What did you say? You mean, you have already sent Infernal Hell to the core area of ​​the Gods and Demons Cemetery? Are you going to kill yourself?"

"Hahahaha... It's funny, it's so funny! Mo Hao, Mo Hao, I'm just a clone right now. If it's destroyed, it's destroyed. It's a big deal if you get a little injury, and you can recover for a while. But what about you? If you are trapped The core area of ​​the cemetery of gods and demons, even if you don’t die, you won’t be able to get out for the rest of your life.” Mosquito Demon couldn’t stop laughing, Lin Yi and the others certainly understood what he meant, if it’s what he said, the situation is indeed not good.

Lin Yi's face turned cold, and he immediately gave an order to the ancient tree of heaven to stop destroying the space.

At this time, the mosquito demon took the initiative to attack Lin Yi, looking desperate.

As his attack started, the disintegration speed of the Infernal Hell suddenly accelerated, and the purpose of his battle seemed to be to disintegrate this space.

"Damn beast!" Lin Yi yelled, and split it open again with a knife. His current strength is indeed stronger than that of the mosquito monster, but he dare not use too strong attack. The destruction of the endless hell.

Soon, Lin Yi was startled again. He clearly saw that the mosquito demon was devouring the power of Hell in order to repair his injuries.In other words, as long as he injures the Mosquito Demon, the speed of the disintegration of the Infernal Hell will be accelerated.

"Damn it! How am I going to fight this?" Lin Yi couldn't help cursing. Suddenly, his mind flashed, and he slapped his forehead and said, "Why am I so stupid, I didn't even think of this method!"

Lin Yi immediately passed his thoughts to the little tree seedling, and the little tree seedling hummed immediately, and his figure turned into light spots all over the sky, and floated towards Lin Yi and the mosquito demon.

The mosquito demon was soon surrounded by the light spots, and he immediately attacked, but found that those light spots could not be destroyed at all, but they could not bring him any harm.

"What the hell is this? Brat, what do you want to do?" the mosquito demon exclaimed.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Nothing, I'll take you to a fun place, let's go."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the light spots surrounding Lin Yi and Mosquito Demon suddenly burst into intense light, and their figures continued to dissipate in the light, and disappeared after a few breaths.

Mo Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile: "This kid is not stupid, it seems that this crisis can be solved without me, an old fellow."

"Mo Hao, what are you talking about? You mean that you obviously have a solution, but you pretend to be stupid on purpose, right?" Tai Yi's cold voice sounded behind Mo Hao, and Mo Hao suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

He used to dismiss Tai Yi at all, since Lin Yi allowed Tai Yi to beat him, Tai Yi always found all sorts of strange reasons to beat him.

So much so that Mo Hao has been avoiding this guy all the time, not daring to have anything to do with him.

But now, Tai Yi heard this voice that urged him to death again, his hairs stood on end, and he ran away without saying a word!
"How dare you escape, brothers, beat that guy to death!" Tai yelled, and a group of people rushed out. This situation really made Chi Songzi and the others dumbfounded. These guys, at this time, are all restless. !

However, the situation does look much better now. After the mosquito demon was sucked away, the collapse of Infernal Hell has stopped. Lin Yi's tree of heaven is constantly releasing the mysterious and yellow energy to repair this space. Judging from the current situation , It won't be long before Infernal Hell can be fully restored.

Chisongzi was actually a little puzzled. Lin Yi restored the Infernal Hell, so could they leave here?Isn't this situation the same as when they first came in?

Just when a group of people were puzzled, Lin Yi was fighting heartily in Lin Yi's universe.

In the Infernal Hell before, the Mosquito Demon could absorb the power of the Infernal Hell and fight Lin Yi for a long time.

But now in Lin Yi's universe, the Mosquito Demon is restricted to such a degree that he has no chance to stand up.

His injury could no longer recover, he could only be weakened continuously, and then swallowed by Lin Yi's universe.

The Mosquito Demon was very annoyed, he never expected that Lin Yi would use such a method, isn't this trick "to catch a turtle in a urn"?

When Lin Yi destroyed and devoured half of his body, the mosquito demon finally couldn't resist anymore. He glared at Lin Yi fiercely and said, "Damn little beast, if I can't use all my strength, this baby-like small universe , can you trap this seat? Hehe, even if you destroy my clone and restore the Infernal Hell, so what? You will be trapped here after all, and this will never change!"

(End of this chapter)

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