Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1305 Too Unambitious

Chapter 1305 Too Unambitious

Mosquito Demon looked extremely proud. In his opinion, Lin Yi was just resisting in a corner, breaking the can and smashing it.

Lin Yi looked at him as if looking at a fool, and said, "Mosquito bastard, have you finished your fart? Didn't you realize that my universe stinks after being smoked by your fart."

Lin Yi waved his hand, looking very disgusted, the mosquito demon immediately felt something was wrong, Lin Yi shouldn't be so calm, there must be something wrong!

He turned his head suddenly, and suddenly found that above his head, in a large expanse of dark and yellow air, a small sapling grew unexpectedly.

He is very familiar with the breath of that little tree seedling, it is his ancient tree of heaven!

"Are you devouring my strength, controlling my ancient tree of heaven and seizing my endless hell?" Mosquito Demon muttered to himself. While speaking, his body had already begun to dissipate. He was powerless and devoured. Speed ​​up.

"The answer is correct! To be honest, I was quite stupid just now. If I had thought of this trick a long time ago, I wouldn't have to be so troublesome. But it's not too late now. There is an ancient tree of heaven's law out of thin air. I'm too happy! Don't Struggling, if you have noticed it from the beginning, maybe my plan will not succeed, but now...hehe, you just wait to give me the tree and the deformed universe!" Lin Yi felt relieved for a while, As the body of the mosquito demon gradually disappeared, the small sapling in the mysterious yellow air became stronger and stronger.

Mosquito Demon looked at Lin Yi unwillingly. After a long time, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "He is indeed a good little guy, much stronger than I imagined. Forget it, this time I really fell It's in your hands, but next time, you won't be so lucky! Also, I want to remind you that the ancient tree of heaven is not so easy to support, hahaha..."

The mosquito demon laughed loudly, and quickly disappeared from Lin Yi's sight.

Lin Yi took a long breath. Judging from the current situation, the crisis is temporarily resolved.

He raised his head, glanced at the ancient tree of heaven's way in the mysterious and yellow aura, and suddenly frowned.

He suddenly discovered that the roots of that ancient tree of Heavenly Dao were actually incomplete, and the speed of absorbing the mysterious and yellow energy was extremely slow for such incomplete roots.Moreover, the leaves of the ancient tree of Heavenly Dao were obviously showing signs of withering. Judging from this situation, it was not so difficult to keep this tree alive.

"Oh, no wonder Mo Hao chose to give up at the beginning, but the mosquito demon used such evil means and took so much effort to keep this tree. It seems that even I have to have a headache " Lin Yi said to himself, he didn't have time to think so much, he closed his eyes, and soon returned to the endless hell.

As soon as he returned to Infernal Hell, Lin Yi saw Mo Hao who had been beaten with black nose and swollen eyes. Mo Hao immediately rushed to Lin Yi, then hugged Lin Yi's thigh pitifully, and cried, "Little friend Lin Yi! , you have to make the decision for me, they always find various reasons to beat me, if this continues, I will be disabled even if I am not dead!"

Lin Yi glanced at Tai Yi and the others, and said with a light smile, "What's going on? What did he do wrong?"

"Returning to my lord, this guy clearly knows the solution, and he is still hiding there, deliberately putting you in danger. This kind of behavior is simply unforgivable. If we don't punish him a little bit, this guy will be ruined in the future." It's crazy!" Tai Yi looked very serious, and Lin Yi's mouth curled up into a wicked smile after his words.

He looked at Mo Hao with a smile, and said, "Senior Primordial Demon Emperor, did Tai Yi slander you? If so, tell me, and I will definitely teach him a lesson."

Mo Hao was stunned for a while, his old face blushed, and said: "Actually, I'm not hiding it, I just think that you must have a solution, Lin Yi, so why should I bother? Hehe, Lin Yi really Just as I imagined, so heroic, so quickly resolved..."

"Let's fight for a while. I still have the energy to talk nonsense here. It should not be enough." Lin Yi interrupted Mo Hao and said lightly.

"Yes, Lord Lin Yi, this subordinate promises to complete the task!" Tai Yi said with a smile, leading a group of people towards Mo Hao again.

Chi Songzi coughed lightly, and said, "Lord Lin Yi, this is not the time to fight around. Shouldn't you think about how to get out of this ghostly place? Although this place has been restored, we seem to have returned to the original point. Still trapped!"

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, we have indeed returned to the original point now, but Senior Chisongzi was wrong about one thing, the current Infernal Hell is completely different from before."

While Lin Yi was speaking, he slowly stretched out his right hand.Soon, a small sapling grew out of his right palm. Chisongzi and the others could think of it with their toes. That small sapling was the ancient tree of heaven that formed the endless hell.

Lin Yi's original Heavenly Dao Ancient Tree felt the breath of this small tree, and immediately became agitated. Countless vines grew out of the big tree, and those vines seemed to be crazy, and they entangled towards Lin Yi.

At this time, the little tree seedling suddenly shouted: "Xiao Tiantian, are you crazy? Stop it!"

As soon as the little tree seedling finished speaking, the vines actually stopped. It was the first time Lin Yi found out that the little tree seedling was on fire, looking like a tigress.

Xiao Tiantian shook his body aggrievedly, apparently he had a problem with the ancient tree of the Dao of Heaven in Lin Yi's hand.

Lin Yi looked at Xiao Tiantian with some puzzlement, and said: "Xiao Tiantian, did you know each other before? Why are you so vicious? It seems like there is blood and deep hatred, little tree seedling, ask him what's going on? "

The little tree seedling nodded, and after talking with him, he couldn't help but give Xiao Tiantian a blank look, and said, "Responding to my lord, this guy is angry, saying that this ancient tree of heaven has lost the face of their group. Heaven's law The ancient tree should have a lot of backbone, if it is really going to die, then let it die, you shouldn't live by that kind of sorcery, if that is the case, it's really disgusting and unambitious."

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing out loud after listening to Xiao Shumiao'er's narration, and said: "Interesting, I didn't expect the ancient tree of heaven to have such an idea, which really surprised me. However, some things should not be considered so arbitrarily. , Maybe this tree also has difficulties? Maybe it was also forced? People are helpless sometimes. It’s not surprising that your ancient tree of heaven made some mistakes. Well, let’s not talk about this, little sapling Son, is there anything you can do to save this tree, its roots are badly wounded, can you cure it?"

(End of this chapter)

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