Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1313 Devouring Evolution

Chapter 1313 Devouring Evolution
Lin Yi's expression was still indifferent, and he watched the burly man make a speech quietly. As the burly man spoke, he suddenly felt a chill down his back. Lin Yi's eyes were so cold that it made people shudder.

"Go on, I really like to hear you bragging. The dying person, oh, it should be the dying tree, so you can talk a little bit more." Lin Yi smiled lightly, the breath exuding from his body It was getting colder and colder, and the burly man was dripping with cold sweat. He suddenly had a feeling that Lin Yi was absolutely capable of killing him.

"You...don't be alarmist, I'm not... not afraid of you!" The burly man's voice trembled a little, and gradually, he found that the surrounding environment began to change, and all the laws and auras completely changed.

The little tree seedling floated beside Lin Yi, and said with a smile on his face, "Master Lin Yi is really powerful. It really surprised me that this guy showed his original shape so quickly!"

Lin Yi was a little embarrassed by her praise, and said: "It's not that exaggerated, I just let nature take its course. By the way, this guy said he is immortal, immortal, you should have a way to solve him?"

"Immortal?" There was a smile on the corner of the little tree seedling's mouth, and he slowly walked towards the burly man who was imprisoned, and said, "You said you were immortal? Are you out of your mind? It may be difficult for others to kill you , Isn't it easy for us to deal with you? Xiao Tiantian's growth rate is not enough, absorbing you should be worth hundreds of millions of years of growth."

Hearing the words, the burly man's expression changed drastically, he looked at Lin Yi in horror, and said, "Don't, don't do this! My lord, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please don't kill me, okay? I I have lived for so many years, I don't want to die like this!"

"Have you lived for so many years? Hehe, do you know that you have lived for so many years? If my guess is correct, you should enjoy these years of your life, because you can devour a large number of living beings, and you can enjoy endless vitality. Then you will harm the common people because of that mosquito monster, hehe, you really enjoy your life! Unfortunately, today is your end, and I will let you know what will happen if you piss me off!" Lin Yi An extremely terrifying murderous aura erupted from his body, he took a step, his right hand turned into a claw, and grabbed the burly man by the neck.

The burly man was struggling in his hands. He wanted to beg for mercy, but found that he couldn't even say a single word.

Gradually, his body began to turn into the body of the ancient tree of heaven, which was a small tree about half a meter high.Because of being suppressed by Lin Yi, the little tree couldn't radiate any power of heaven.

Lin Yi raised his head and glanced at the dark and yellow air in the sky, coughed lightly, and said, "So who, do you want this tree? If not, I'll take it home and use it as firewood!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, a huge tree vine shot out from the black and yellow air, just enough to engulf the small tree in Lin Yi's hand.After wrapping up the little tree, it quickly retracted and pulled the little tree over.

Although this ancient tree of Heavenly Dao was later used to write books and its source was polluted, it also contained hundreds of millions of years of vitality. If it can absorb these powers, Lin Yi's ancient tree of Heavenly Dao will evolve to a new level.

Sure enough, Xiao Tiantian devoured the tree very unceremoniously. After devouring it, Lin Yi saw the ancient tree of Heaven's Dao that was getting bigger and bigger after being affected by the mysterious and yellow energy.

The ancient tree began to bloom, and then produced fruits one by one. One of the fruits was very large, at least four or five meters in diameter. Lin Yi's eyes were wide open. He didn't expect that this ancient tree of heaven would die so quickly. The tree of the world began to be bred, and the speed of evolution really surprised Lin Yi.

The little tree seedling also stared at the big fruit, and murmured to himself, "Very good, much faster than expected. If I had absorbed that guy earlier, it probably wouldn't have had such a good effect."

Lin Yi looked at her suspiciously, and said, "Little Shumiao, what do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

The little tree seedling smiled and said, "Master Lin Yi, just wait and see, you will soon know what I mean."

While the little sapling was talking, a crack suddenly appeared in the biggest fruit, and the crack spread quickly, and spread around the fruit in a short while.

Lin Yi opened his eyes wide and watched this scene, and his intuition told him that something seemed to be coming out of the fruit.

"This fruit, no matter how you look at it, looks like an egg." Lin Yi said to himself.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking, and the fruit shattered, and then Lin Yi saw his favorite scene.

A naked beauty just quietly floated in the air, her pink and jade-like body unreservedly displayed in Lin Yi's sight.

From an artistic point of view, Lin Yi scanned that wonderful body very carefully. He never expected that the ancient tree of heaven could give birth to a girl, and she was so big when she was born!
When Lin Yizheng was wondering, the corner of his eyes inadvertently glanced at the little tree seedling. He was surprised to find that the body of the little tree seedling had also grown bigger, turning into a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, who looked slightly bigger than the naked beauty. Slightly larger.

The point is that the little tree seedling is not wearing any clothes, and Lin Yi suddenly realized that with that pretty face and that incomparably sexy figure, this must be a test for him, otherwise there is no need to do this at all!

"Lord Lin Yi, what do you think? Is my figure better than hers?" Little Shumiao puffed out her chest and almost poked Lin Yi.

Lin Yi rubbed his nose to keep the nosebleed from coming out, then coughed lightly, and said, "Well... can you restrain yourself a little bit? Although I am very pure, I really can't handle this level of stimulation. Stay!"

The little tree seedling couldn't help laughing out loud, and said, "Master Lin Yi, your resistance isn't that bad, is it? You've been through big winds and waves, so this little stimulation is just a trifle!"

Lin Yi forcibly suppressed the evil fire in his dantian. For the first time, he discovered that Xiao Shumiao'er was a little fairy, and his lethality was too great!
"You'd better put on your clothes, and she, isn't she also the World Tree? Why does she appear in human form? This seems very unscientific!" Lin Yi asked wonderingly.

The little tree seedling couldn't help laughing, and said: "Science has nothing to do with us, we are not scientific! By the way, I have to introduce to you, she is not the tree of the world, she is the ancient The Tree Spirit of the tree, the Heavenly Dao of this universe, you can just call her Little Tiantian!"

As soon as Xiao Shumiao'er finished speaking, Lin Yi suddenly felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing from behind him, and then that fruity girl appeared behind him, a pair of soft objects rubbed against his arms, extremely tempting!
(End of this chapter)

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