Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1314 You are biased!

Chapter 1314 You are biased!
Lin Yi suddenly discovered that each of the "tree demons" he knew was more powerful than the other, and they were definitely better at tossing people.

For example, now, this little girl started to seduce him as soon as she took shape, which really made it difficult for him!
He sighed, and he could only attribute this to his being too handsome, and perhaps this was the only reason that made the most sense.

Lin Yi was about to turn around and calmly say to Xiao Tiantian, "I'm not that kind of person", when suddenly, a heavy blow came from his ass, and Lin Yi was kicked out by Xiao Tiantian!
"Hmph! How shameless, you see a girl without clothes and open your eyes wide, what a pervert!" This slightly coquettish voice sounded in Lin Yi's ears, like a lark singing.

Lin Yi got up from the ground in disgrace, this kick almost broke his chrysanthemum!

But what can he refute?He obviously did that, and blatantly.

Little Shu Miao'er patted Xiao Tiantian on the shoulder lightly, and a beautiful white dress appeared on her body. She smiled and said, "Little Tiantian, don't be so cruel to adults! You can transform so quickly, Your lord has contributed a great deal, and you should thank him."

After listening to her words, Xiao Tiantian complained: "Sister Xiaoshu, you are too tolerant of him, so that he is getting more and more excessive. Think about it, he hasn't even given you a decent name until now. , Calling you little sapling every day, I feel worthless for you. This is clearly looking down on you!"

"Wait a minute! What are you doing sowing discord, little girl? I think the name Xiao Shumiao'er is very kind, isn't it? If you are jealous, just say so, hum!" Lin Yi rubbed his butt and said angrily.

"Who do you say is jealous? I would be jealous? Funny! I've never heard such a funny joke!"

"Really? Then why are you so excited? Is it because I treat the little sapling better than you, and you feel unhappy? Hehe, you have to bear the unpleasantness. I just like the little sapling, but I don't like you The ass-kicking bitch!"

"You... believe it or not, I will give you..."

"Ouch? What do you want to do to me? Don't forget, you are mine, and this universe is also mine. Can you still kill me here? Last time you disobeyed me, I I'm already very upset with you, if it wasn't for the sake of the little sapling, even if I broke up, I wouldn't make it easier for you! Anyway, there are too many people without a universe, and I'm not bad. Letting you become the Heavenly Dao of my universe, I am at a disadvantage." Lin Yi snorted, the words made Xiao Tiantian want to go crazy, she originally wanted to give Lin Yi a blow, but now she was fine, but was scolded by Lin Yi pause.

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, the little tree seedling quickly smoothed things over and said, "Can you two calm down? You two are a family, so why are you having such an unpleasant fight? Listen to me, each of you should say less, and peace is the way to go." expensive."

"Peace is the most important thing? Little tree seedling, I want peace to be the most important thing, but this girl is too arrogant. If it weren't for your face, I would have wanted to beat her up!" Lin Yi yelled, with a look of masturbation. The sleeves rushed forward to fight.

Xiao Tiantian became angry all of a sudden, and shouted: "Hit it, whoever is afraid of it! My old lady has never been afraid of you, I will beat you to the ground!"

"Stop, stop! The two of you are endless, do you want me to get angry? How old are you, you know how to fight all day long, are you two ashamed! You are so capable, why don't you go to the mosquito demon, to Chu Ling Tian went to fight, his own people beat his own people, fighting in the nest, is this considered skill?" Xiao Shumiao'er's anger suddenly rose, and after a burst of swearing, Xiao Tiantian was the first to calm down, lowered his head, and looked very aggrieved look.

Seeing Xiao Tiantian's appearance, Lin Yi smiled embarrassingly, and said: "Little Shumiao, you are right, I am too hot-tempered, I apologize to you. You are right, the enemy is so angry now. Powerful, we should indeed fight against the enemy, and should not fight in the nest, it is really inappropriate to do so."

"Hehe, it's good that you know. Don't worry, I will protect you well in the future and hang out with my sister. My sister will not let you suffer." Xiao Tiantian immediately recovered his arrogant look, and Lin Yi began to feel angry again. This woman, She looks pretty, but what makes her talk so annoying?
Before Lin Yi could speak, Xiao Shumiao'er suddenly snorted coldly, and said, "Xiao Tiantian, are your wings so hard that I can ignore even my sister? Have you forgotten how you were born in this world and how How did you evolve to this point? My lord, he has always been kind to you, and he has worked hard to cultivate you to grow, so he has to end up like this? Think about the ancient tree of heaven that you devoured, how about his growth experience? ? Do you also want to be like him, and end up being swallowed?"

Xiao Tiantian was reprimanded by Xiao Shumiaoer, and immediately lowered his head, looking very aggrieved, and said: "Sister, don't be angry, I understand what you said, I'm just unhappy with this guy's behavior. Didn't you see his expression just now? When he saw that I was naked, his eyeballs were about to pop out..."

"What's the matter? Didn't you deliberately not wear clothes? Men like women with good figures, isn't that okay? Has he never seen a woman before? Every one of his wives is no worse than you, so he still needs to see you? Said my lord Poor conduct? My lord, he worked desperately for the sake of the world and the common people, and almost died several times. As an ancient tree of heaven, you have a heart of benevolence and righteousness. Don’t you think that Lord Lin Yi is an unkind person?” He scolded Xiao Tiantian unceremoniously.

Lin Yi felt a little embarrassed when he heard it from the sidelines. The little tree seedling praised him too much, and he was a little bit smug.

Xiao Tiantian bit her lips and almost cried. She turned her back and said with a choking voice: "My sister is a bully, so she knows how to protect this big pervert. You are biased, and your ass is crooked!"

"Crooked? Even if my ass is crooked, I'm crooked to the right place. Little Tiantian, you have to remember that I did this for your own good. There is black and white in this world. I must let you understand what black is. Yes, what is white, otherwise you may go astray, go farther and farther, and finally become the same as the ancient tree of heaven that was swallowed by you. Okay, don't cry, sister will take you out to play." As the little tree seedling talked, he stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Tiantian.

Xiao Tiantian didn't turn around even when he died, and was obviously still self-willed and arguing.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi sighed softly. Although this girl looks quite "mature", she is still far away from being mentally mature. Let her become the god of this universe, and I don't know what this universe will become.

The little tree seedling was at a loss, so he could only ask Lin Yi for help with his eyes. Lin Yi sighed again, coughed lightly, and said in a long voice: "Some people are just pitifully stupid. There are so many delicious and fun things out there. Yes, I have to stay in this place where the birds don’t shit. Little tree seedling, ignore her, I’ll take you out, have a good meal in Shenyao Valley, enjoy the scenery everywhere, hehe, it’s wonderful just thinking about it Very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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