Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1345 Fulfill Your Wish

Chapter 1345 Fulfill Your Wish
Ye Tianlong was really annoyed. He originally wanted to keep this woman alive, and even wanted to subdue her. After all, God Emperor Zixiao has good talents in all aspects. The cultivation base.

However, God Emperor Zixiao was so ignorant, not only refused to obey, but also wanted to delay time, how could this woman stay?
There was a miserable smile on Emperor Zixiao's face, she knew that she couldn't resist this punch.

Lin Yi, who was fighting on Shenyu Star, changed his face slightly, looked up at the sky, and said coldly: "Little Daozi, I have to leave for a while, you should break the seal quickly."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, his body disappeared on the killing platform. In the next second, he appeared in front of Emperor Zixiao, hugged him into his arms, and then easily punched Ye Tian. The wolf's fist collided together.

"Why are you working so hard? Don't you know that I am strong?" Lin Yi said lightly, and casually frowned on Emperor Zixiao, and the burning soul of Emperor Zixiao was completely extinguished, and the power of the soul that was consumed in a large amount was also gone. Recovered seven seven eight eight.

Ye Tianhu and the others were stunned, because Lin Yi disappeared under their noses, and they didn't know how he did it.

Ye Tianlong was also stunned. He didn't expect Lin Yi to appear here, and lightly caught his punch that he had prepared. Although he didn't use any magic tricks with each other, this kind of fist collision was even more powerful. It can reflect Lin Yi's terrifying strength.

The joy on Emperor Zixiao's face disappeared in a flash, and quickly turned into his usual calmness and indifference. He said, "I'm just doing my duty as a subordinate. I can't let you, my lord, die alone, can you?"

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Why do I look a little different? Even if you are loyal, you can't be so loyal that you don't care about your own life, right? Could it be that you have fallen in love with me so deeply that you can't extricate yourself from it? ?”

Lin Yi's words hit God Emperor Zixiao's heart immediately, and her expression immediately became flustered, and that nervous look said everything.

"That's... that's not it! I may have nothing to do with you, so stop wishful thinking!" God Emperor Zixiao said excitedly. When she said this, her breathing was a little short, and her pretty face was flushed with embarrassment.

Ye Tianlong, who was fighting with Lin Yi, was stunned for a moment. What are these two people doing?It's already this time, and I'm still talking about love here, as for it?
However, he coughed lightly, and said, "You are Lin Yi, right? Sure enough, a hero is born in a youth, so young, and his cultivation can reach this level, I really admire this old man!"

While speaking, he still continued to output his own strength to fight against Lin Yi.Lin Yi did not move, allowing him to use dark force to attack continuously.

Lin Yi glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Have you had enough fighting? You can probably get out of here, right?"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, a powerful momentum erupted from his body and directly sent him flying.

After finishing these, Lin Yi gave Emperor Zixiao a gentle look, and said: "I will put you in my universe first, and I will go to you after I finish solving these small characters."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, before God Emperor Zixiao could reply, he included her and the group of people in Zixiao Palace into his universe.

At this time, Ye Tianlong's figure suddenly appeared behind him, punching him in the head.

Lin Yi glanced at him indifferently, at this moment, it seemed that time had stood still.

"I'm sorry, I still have things to do, so I don't have time to play with you."

As soon as the voice fell, his figure disappeared strangely, and Ye Tianlong's punch hit the empty space.

Ye Tianlong's face suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Shen Yuxing, because he felt that Lin Yi's breath appeared over there!

Shen Yuxing Killing God Platform, Ye Tianhu and Ye Tianlang's expressions were extremely ugly. They originally wanted to use the Killing Sword to kill Lin Yi, so they tried their best to break the seal.

But later, they found out that Lin Yi actually cared about helping the God-killing Knife unseal, and Ye Tianlong suddenly transmitted the sound, and Ye Tianhu and the two immediately stopped unsealing.

Then, things twisted and turned, and Lin Yi disappeared in front of them!In other words, they were about to face a terrifying magic knife that might destroy their Ye family. In this case, they decided to repair the seal.

But the seal has been broken by nearly [-]%. With the strength of the two of them, it is very difficult to operate, and the residents of the entire Shenyu City are now in a state of madness, making chaos everywhere. Although they will not die, they have delayed the Ye family's preparations. All the masters who plotted against Lin Yi.

Ye Tianhu really regretted it, if he had acted when he found out that Lin Yi was doing something, the matter would not have developed to this point.Moreover, what annoys him the most now is why Maoye Tianlong hasn't come back yet?Didn't Ye Tianlong say that there is a way to solve the problem?In the end, isn't he and Ye Tianlang fighting hard?
The resistance of Killing God Knife became more and more intense. This guy was like a mad dog about to break the rope. A chance of freedom was before him, and he was so excited that he was going crazy.

The only thing it was depressed about was how Lin Yi slipped away at this time. If Lin Yi was still there, it would have been able to fight well.

Just when it was extremely bored, a familiar voice sounded near it again: "Why, wasn't it about to be unsealed just now? Why is it suddenly sealed again now, over and over again, isn't it too unkind to do so?"

Sensing Lin Yi's breath, God Killing Knife suddenly became excited and immediately attacked Lin Yi.

Lin Yi grabbed the blade casually, feeling the heaviness in his palm, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Very good, your strength has increased a bit, it seems that those two guys have stimulated you a lot Well! Hehe, let me untie the seal for you directly, so as to save you so much trouble."

Ye Tianhu and Ye Tianlang also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Lin Yi comes back, in this case, the previous plan can be carried out again, and they don't have to bother so much.

But at this time, Ye Tianlang suddenly thought of a question and asked: "Third brother, I thought of one thing, if this guy breaks the seal of the God-killing Knife, he will use some other method to slip away again, then what should we do? With our strength, can we suppress the God Slaughter Knife?"

Ye Tianhu's face changed suddenly, and he said coldly: "What are you talking about! Since that guy is back again, it proves that he really wants to compete with that magic knife. Since he wants to play like this, let him do it! Let's have fun!"

Ye Tianhu winked at Ye Tianlang, signaling him not to talk nonsense, at this moment, Lin Yi's loud laughter suddenly came.

"Ye Sirius, why are you so kind, you thought of such a good solution for me all of a sudden. Why didn't I think of it? Since you are so polite, then I will follow your wishes and fulfill your wishes. "

(End of this chapter)

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