Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1346 What kind of onion are you?

Chapter 1346 What kind of onion are you?

Lin Yi's words made Ye Tianlang's face change greatly, and Ye Tianlang immediately shouted: "This is not my wish! I didn't want you to do this!"

"Really? Then I don't care. Since you have already said it, of course I have to give it a try. Killing God Knife, have you heard? Play with those two for a while. They are all descendants of the person who sealed you. Believe me You really want to play with them too." As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the God Killing Knife burst out with a stronger momentum, which was regarded as a reply to Lin Yi's words.

Ye Tianlang was so anxious that he was sweating coldly, what the hell was he playing?You don't need to fix him like this, do you?If things go on like this, there will be big troubles!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside them, it was Ye Tianlong who was rushing back.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's return, Ye Tianlang and Ye Tianhu were very excited. They were about to speak, but they were slapped several times by Ye Tianlong.

"What two wastes, you can't do such a small thing well, what are you doing! You still have to unseal the God Killing Knife, don't you know how terrible the consequences will be?" If it weren't for the two of them It's still useful, Ye Tianlong wants to kill them both now.

Ye Tianhu and Ye Tianlang were too frightened to speak, Ye Tianlong represented absolute authority in the Ye family, no one dared to disobey him.

Lin Yi glanced at them with interest, and smiled, "Have you three had enough quarrel? If not, I can give you some time to have a good fight and kill one or two. It would be even better if everyone died together!"

Ye Tianlang glared at Lin Yi, this guy thought too beautifully, to die together?Why doesn't he die?
While Lin Yi was speaking, he had already removed the seal until there was only the last one left. As long as he exerted a little more force, he could completely break the seal.

To the surprise of Ye Tianlong and the three of them, the Killing God Knife stopped resisting, and there was no movement at all.After thinking about it, they knew the reason. It must be forcibly suppressing the power of the God-killing Knife, making it unable to resist.

Thinking of this, the faces of the three of them were extremely gloomy. Lin Yi is not fighting against the Killing God Knife, he is clearly subduing the Killing God Knife!
Ye Tianlong looked at Lin Yi coldly, and said: "What exactly do you want to do? Draw a line, let's make it clear!"

Lin Yi chuckled lightly, and said, "I'm here to save people! Don't you set up this situation just to lure me to save people? Now I'm here, and you ask me what I'm going to do, I really don't understand What are you going to do?"

"Save someone? Didn't you already save him? If you leave now, we probably won't be able to stop you, right?" Ye Tianlong snorted coldly and said unceremoniously.

"Hahaha, Ye Tianlong, are you joking with me again? If you are sensible, don't play these bullshit tricks with me, I'm too lazy to touch you. But you just want to die, and you still use this method to deal with me, and kill me so Many people, tell me to go now, and I will leave here happily? Haha, you think too simply!" Lin Yi said coldly, a strong murderous intent erupted from him, and the whole Killing God The platform was affected by his qi mechanism and began to collapse and crumble.

Ye Tianhu and Ye Tianlang, who had relatively low cultivation bases, had very ugly faces at this moment. The strong oppressive force made them unable to straighten their waists. What a shame!

Ye Tianlong clenched his fist, and a force not weaker than Lin Yi erupted from him. The two forces collided in the middle of the God Killing Platform, split the entire God Killing Platform in half, and burst open.

Ye Tianhu and Ye Tianlang spat out a mouthful of blood together, and their whole bodies were like wilted eggplants, completely sluggish.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, chuckled lightly, and said, "Emperor Realm Ninth Layer, it's still the kind that doesn't have any moisture. Ye Tianlong, you're hiding really deep enough, I think, even the Emperor Shenyu, probably the most Is that the extent?"

Ye Tianlong sneered, and said: "How could the strength of the old ancestor be so small? He has already reached the realm in the legend, what do you, a yellow-mouthed child, know?"

"Really? I'm a child with a yellow mouth, so what are the three of you? Don't you feel ashamed that a child with a yellow mouth can push your Ye family to such an extent?" Lin Yi said here, stretching out his hand He touched the huge blade of the Killing God Knife, and said: "If I remove the seal of this blade and throw it into those crazy people, how much do you think those people can survive? Ye Tianlong, I respect you Ye My family is kind enough, otherwise there would be dead bodies all over the place by now. What about you? You killed so many of me casually, it was you who provoked me first, so don't blame me for being cruel!"

When Lin Yi said this, he stretched out his hand and slapped the God Killing Knife. In the end, the seal shattered, and the power of the God Killing Knife burst out immediately, and its momentum soared to the sky.

"Hahaha, I'm finally free! Damn Shen Yu, I want to kill all your descendants and destroy everything about you, hahaha..." A man's rough voice came from the Killing God Knife, and soon, the knife The power of the explosion doubled, and Ye Tianlang and Ye Tianhu's faces turned pale. The power seemed to be destroying their souls, making them unable to resist at all.

Lin Yi raised his head, glanced at Killing God Knife, and said, "Please, don't shout so loudly, I'm so close to you, my ears are almost deafened by you."

The Killing Sword slowly turned into a human form, turning into a burly man in a black robe with a scar on his face. The burly man looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, and said in a deep voice, "How is it possible? You are so close to me, and you are so close to me. My soul attack is the strongest, why are you fine?"

Lin Yi looked astonished for a while, and looked at the big man as if he was looking at a fool, and said: "Are you really stupid or fake? Why must something happen to me? Just because you yell a few times, I will vomit blood and die. Isn't it very shameless? If you have revenge, if you have a grievance, you can play it however you want."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. Just two steps away, a saber light suddenly hit the road in front of him, leaving a bottomless gully in front of him.

"Don't rush away, I haven't finished talking yet. Hehe, you want to use me as a saboteur, thinking I don't know? I'm not that stupid!" .

Lin Yi glanced at him very indifferently, and said: "I don't treat you like a knife, do I treat you like a toilet? What a fool? What a fool! The enemy is right in front of you, and you are fighting with my savior. I can't describe your IQ. But it's normal, you are just a knife, I don't need to have too much expectations for you. It's almost enough, I still have some things to deal with now, when I finish dealing with the things at hand, I will Come here to play with you. Hehe, don't let them deal with you so quickly, or I will be very disappointed."

After Lin Yi's words fell, he continued to walk forward. At this moment, the burly man suddenly raised his hand, ready to strike again.

But before he could make a move, there was a deep bone wound on his chest, which made his eyes widen in shock.

Lin Yi put the evil knife back into the scabbard very calmly, and said as he walked, "Even if it is a super magic weapon, you dare not make trouble in front of me. What kind of onion are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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