Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1371 Eat more if you want to eat

Chapter 1371 Eat more if you want to eat
If it is a livestock, when it sees the butcher, there will be a trace of resistance and resentment in its heart, and the worst is to feel afraid.

But these people actually flattered the "butcher". Even if these "people" died, Lin Yi would not feel sorry for them.

Ye Tianlong looked down at them and said with a light smile, "It's really a group of well-behaved carnivores. I can't bear to attack them. However, Lin Yi, we have nothing to do in order to kill you!"

As soon as Ye Tianlong finished speaking, those elders suddenly flew towards those "meat eaters", their heads became very long, their mouths became very big, and they gnawed at those people.

With just one bite, he bit off a person's head, and then frantically sucked the blood spurted from the neck cavity of those people.

Those people froze for a moment, then ran away screaming one by one.But those elders didn't intend to let them go at all, they devoured them more quickly one by one, and in a short while, tens of thousands of those people were swallowed, and the bloody smell was so strong that it made people want to vomit!

"Don't, don't eat us!" Those people screamed, the voice was very familiar, it was the first person to flatter just now.

"Hahaha, didn't you just say you wanted to do us a favor? You did us the greatest favor by letting us eat it. Don't worry, we will thank you very much." One of the elders laughed and swallowed The man bit off his head, this is a crazy gluttonous feast!

Lin Yi watched this scene quietly, his expression was very indifferent, Ye Tianlong sneered, and said: "Lin Yi, aren't you the savior? Seeing such a cruel scene, don't you want to save them?"

"Save them? Hehe, is it so necessary? Since they are all willing to be your food and help you wholeheartedly, why should I do something that offends others and wipes out their dreams? You can eat as much as you want After today, there may be no chance in the future. Ye Tianlong, you are the same, don't be so polite!" Lin Yi sneered, his tone full of playfulness.

Ye Tianlong frowned tightly. He thought that this would at least stimulate Lin Yi's nerves, but from now on, Lin Yi didn't seem to care at all, let alone get angry.

"Isn't the reason why you came here to save people? Now that you see us killing people, you are indifferent?" Ye Tianlong's voice raised a lot, and Lin Yi suddenly laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, interesting, why do I have to stand up for them, which law stipulates that I must do this? Besides, I have given them two chances just now, but they still don't know how to cherish it. Aren't they stupid? " Lin Yi said bluntly, people always have to pay back when they come out to mess around, since these people have chosen their own lives, of course they have to bear the consequences they should bear, this is The law of nature recurs, and Lin Yi will not change it!

"Hahaha, that's very good. I really like you more and more! There are indeed many opportunities in front of people in this life. The real wise man is the one who seizes these opportunities. As for those who put opportunities in front of them People who don’t care about it, even if they die, it’s no big deal.” Ye Tianlong suddenly found that Lin Yi was very suitable for him.

However, just like this, the more he can't let Lin Yi survive, if this kind of person lives, their Shenyu Trading Company will not even want to exist anymore!

Lin Yi sneered, and with a thought, countless vines suddenly appeared under Ye Tianlong's feet.

These vines wrapped around Ye Tianlong's legs and swam over him at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Tianlong clearly felt that the moment the vines touched him, nearly [-]% of his strength was absorbed, what a terrifying speed of devouring it!

He quickly swung his knife, cut off the vine, and then flew up into the sky.

He looked at Lin Yi condescendingly, and thought to himself: This kid is really insidious, he is hard to guard against!

"Heaven and earth, the killing intent is immortal, endless killing domain!" Lin Yi shouted coldly, for a moment, the entire platform and even the sky above the platform were shrouded in a red mist, and people outside could not see anything inside.

Seeing this, the elders who were devouring the "meat" saw their eyes turn redder, and rushed in immediately without even thinking about it.

As soon as they entered the mist, they felt that the blood in their bodies suddenly became boiling, and it seemed that they would be more bloodthirsty than before at any time. That feeling was really comfortable!
However, Ye Tianlong's face on the platform became very ugly. He is well-informed, so of course he knows what the fog is.

"The killing blood mist of the God-killing clan, I didn't expect you to use such a demonic thing!" Ye Tianlong said coldly. He was at a high altitude, and he had the feeling of judging others from a high position.

Lin Yi looked at him quietly, the evil knife in his hand had turned red, and the murderous aura emanating from his body became more and more intense, giving the impression that he was an emissary from hell, a killing god who could kill endlessly.

"Evil things? Compared with you evil spirits, what is this trick of Lao Tzu! Besides, I am a member of the blood-killing clan. If I use the power of my blood to deal with you, you should be satisfied when you die. Hehe, I have been for a long time. Don't mind if you don't use this power, it's a heavy hand!" Lin Yi said with a smile, with an indescribable strangeness in his tone.

But the elders who were caught in it had already killed into a group at this time. In the absence of enemies for them to kill, they locked the target on the people around them, and immediately began to kill each other.

They had just absorbed a lot of blood, and their desire to kill happened to be at its peak. At this time, the killing field was catalyzed, and they were brought to the world of killing in an instant. Once they entered this world, everything about them would be played by Lin Yi Amid the applause, I can't extricate myself!
"Wake up, Lao Tzu!" Ye Tianlong roared, with a strong penetrating power of spirit and soul in his voice, as if he wanted to wake them all up.

However, what surprised him was that his voice did not wake up those people. On the contrary, they killed each other even more fiercely. Every time they saw the knife, there was blood spattering, and the spattering blood ignited the passion in their hearts even more. The killing flames made them kill even more crazily and vigorously.

Lin Yi looked at Ye Tianlong with a smile, and said: "It's useless, the more people kill, the easier it is to be affected by the endless killing field. What's more, they just killed so many people, and there is a lot of resentment wrapped around them. Such people , Entering the realm of endless killing, his desire to kill will be infinitely magnified! Hehe, Ye Tianlong, don’t worry about those trash, it’s time to settle our accounts. You are also a businessman. All right?"

(End of this chapter)

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