Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1372 Blood Puppet

Chapter 1372 Blood Puppet

Lin Yi's crimson eyes made Ye Tianlong feel uncomfortable. At this moment, Ye Tianlong had no choice.

At this time, Lin Yi seemed to be more terrifying than in the last battle. The result of the last battle was already so tragic. In this battle, without the help of Tiansha and Shenyuwei, what would he have to fight with?

He gritted his teeth, his eyes fell on those elders who were killing frantically, his heart became ruthless, his figure flashed, appeared behind an elder, and slapped the back of his head violently.

Lin Yi's face changed slightly. Could it be that this guy just killed them all in order to prevent his subordinates from killing each other?In this case, it seems too funny.Just like the news he had read before, the police in the United States directly shot someone to death in order to prevent someone from committing suicide. This is simply the most perfect assist!
However, he soon realized that something was wrong. The word "curse" appeared between the eyebrows of the master who was slapped on the back of the head by Ye Tianlong. Soon, the guy woke up from the killing, and then stood there blankly, with nothing in his eyes. Not in the slightest.

Ye Tianlong quickly followed suit and turned all the elders into that.His expression was a little crazy, he didn't know if he was really crazy, or he was affected by Killing Domain.

"Hahaha, Lin Yi, you forced me, you forced me! I have cultivated them for so many years, and I have cultivated so many masters, but because of you, they are all ruined today! However, I don't care anymore, They have now become my blood puppets, the most powerful weapon in my hands, hahaha, I would like to see how you can defeat my trick!" Ye Tianlong laughed loudly, feeling very excited.

Soon, those so-called blood puppets each took out a jade bottle from their arms, poured out a pill, and stuffed it into their own mouths.

After the pill entered their stomachs, the aura of these blood puppets suddenly soared, reaching an unprecedented peak in an instant, and each of them had the strength of the ninth level of the Emperor Realm!
Lin Yi's eyes were wide open, no matter how calm he was usually, he couldn't calm down at this moment.

"Boy Lin Yi, it's time for you to absorb some new knowledge. You don't even know about the blood puppet. It's a shame!" Mo Hao's voice came over, with a hint of contempt in his tone.

Lin Yi snorted angrily, and said, "I usually don't like to study puppets. The Shura puppet I put away last time is almost moldy now. I don't have time to talk about it now. Tell me briefly, blood What is a puppet!"

"Blood puppets, as the name suggests, are puppets controlled by their own blood. This kind of puppets is different from the puppets that are purely controlled by runes. If it is that kind of puppets, they only need to destroy the runes to make those puppets lose their fighting ability , For example, those divine feather guards you solved last time." Mo Hao patiently explained to Lin Yi, but Lin Yi couldn't always stand there, because those blood puppets had already started to attack.

With just one punch, a blood puppet blasted a big hole out of the platform under Lin Yi's feet, with amazing destructive power.

This was just the beginning, and soon, those puppets in madness continued to launch fierce attacks on Lin Yi. With the increase in killing domain, their attacks became even crazier and their attack power became stronger and stronger!

While avoiding those attacks, Lin Yi will continue to listen to Mo Hao's explanation.

"The most terrifying power of blood puppets is that they have all the abilities they had in life, and their strength can continue to grow, and they can also be affected by pills. The pills they took just now should increase their combat power in a short period of time, so they The strength will suddenly increase not so much. By the way, they still have one of the most perverted places, even if they take some pills with serious side effects, those side effects can be resolved, and it will not have much impact on their cultivation." After Mohao's science popularization, Lin Yi's face immediately became gloomy. He didn't expect that Ye Tianlong would use such insidious tricks, even his own subordinates were turned into such monsters by him. Lin Yi could almost guess that this Ye Tianlong I've wanted to do this for a long time, but I just missed an opportunity.

"Hahaha, what's the matter? Is my blood puppet very powerful? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be willing to turn my subordinates into this appearance in advance. This will consume too much blood." Ye When Tianlong said this, his face was a little pale. Each of these blood puppets absorbed a drop of his blood essence.Essence and blood, even those who are strong in the imperial realm dare not wear them out easily. If they are not careful, their cultivation base will drop permanently. Even if their cultivation base does not drop, it will cause great damage to the body and soul.

At this time, Mo Hao's voice sounded in Lin Yi's mind again: "Oh, by the way, the side effects of refining blood puppets are also very serious, and he will be partially affected by the damage these puppets receive. Now the consumption of these puppets has increased dramatically. He also has to bear some of the side effects of the medicinal pills and medicinal pills. The weakness of the blood puppets is also very obvious, as long as the person who provides the blood essence is killed, they will be completely finished!"

"As long as you kill Ye Tianlong, the blood puppet will be self-defeating? Hehe, that shouldn't be difficult." Lin Yi smiled and said to himself, his figure flashed and appeared behind Ye Tianlong, and a seal of heaven slapped him on the back of the head go.

If this palm is real, it is estimated that Ye Tianlong's head is worse than a broken watermelon.

But at this moment, a blood puppet suddenly appeared behind Lin Yi, and used his body to block the blow for Ye Tianlong. With a bang, the blood puppet was shattered and turned into a rain of blood.

However, Lin Yi was sent flying by the huge explosion, slammed into the barrier, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.

"What's going on here? How can those puppets be so fast?" Lin Yi always thought that his speed was very fast, because the law of space itself is the embodiment of extreme speed. People who understand the law of space to the extreme can kill people faster than light Still fast.

However, Lin Yi's actions were seen through, and even the seal of the sky was blocked. This blood puppet is too perverted!
"Hahaha, silly boy, the blood puppets have been connected to me for a long time. As long as I am in any danger, they will come to save me immediately. And, as long as I don't die, they are immortal." Ye Tianlong laughed loudly Smiling, although his face turned pale again, the blood puppet that was killed by Lin Yi just now revived at a very fast speed, as if he had never been hurt at all.

Lin Yi's face suddenly darkened, the blood puppet can't be killed, once Ye Tianlong is killed, the blood puppet will rescue him immediately.Moreover, the power of those blood puppets when they were blown up did a lot of damage to him. If he was blown up a few more times, even if he had the body protection of the golden body art, it would be impossible for him to lose.

Lin Yi's eyes fell on Ye Tianlong's pale face. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "The blood puppet is indeed very strong, which surprised me. But, I have already seen your weakness Every time the blood puppet is resurrected, it should need your blood essence, right? I don't believe it, your blood essence is unlimited!"

(End of this chapter)

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