Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1375 Shut up if you don't fight

Chapter 1375 Shut up if you don't fight

Tianlu raised his head proudly, and could smell this pretense from far away.

Xiao Tiantian's anger immediately rose, and just as he was about to explode, Lin Yi suddenly said: "Since you have said so, it seems that I am not mean enough if you don't let you behave. Then you go, I promise not to talk to you Rob."

As Lin Yi talked, he blinked at Xiao Tiantian. Of course Xiao Tiantian understood what Lin Yi meant. This Tianlu is pretending to be aggressive now, and there is absolutely no end to it.

Tianlu thought that Lin Yi was really scared, so he chuckled lightly and said, "For the sake of being so sensible, I won't take action against you after this guy is dealt with, and let you leave safely. Of course, this is mainly because my brother Please beg, otherwise I will never forgive you so easily!"

Tianlu was talking, took two steps forward, looked at Ye Tianlong with a smirk on his face, and said: "Ye Tianlong, I will take back the shame you have given me and the entire God-killing clan all these years. Don't expect to have a sea of ​​blood as your backing, the sea of ​​blood has already dried up, probably the master behind you has given up on you. Oh, yes, I also saved a blind man who was tied up by iron chains , I didn’t expect it to be my old friend.”

When Tianlu said this, he stretched out his hand and stroked the air beside him, creating a crack in the space, and then pulled a person out of it.

Tian Lun's face suddenly changed, he looked at that person in disbelief, and exclaimed: "You... how did you do it? There is obviously an enchantment guarding there, but that is the enchantment set by Mr. Wen..."

"The enchantment set up by Mr. Wen? Hehe, you are joking! When we went somewhere, we didn't see any enchantment. Could it be that you are dreaming? Also, I really can't figure it out, why are you We dug such a big pit underground, and the smell of blood is still very strong in the pit, could it be that there was bloodletting in there before?" Tianlu looked puzzled, Ye Tianlang finally heard what Tianlu said, he He quickly checked it with a secret method, and was shocked to find that the sea of ​​blood had indeed dried up.

"Hehe, it's interesting, it's so interesting! My sad descendants, don't you think this ending is unbelievable and unacceptable, right? Don't be so surprised, since you chose to take this path, you are already doomed This result. Just like me, I have committed too many sins, so there must be such retribution. Karma, no one can escape." The blind old man sighed, looking helpless.

Tian Lu glared at the blind old man, and said, "Shen Yu, do you still know that you have committed too many crimes? I thought you would still wear that hypocritical mask and be the God Emperor of Shen Yu loved by everyone, haha , Thinking about you back then, you were truly glorious, but now...hahaha, a blind old man, being enslaved by his descendants, really feels bad retribution!"

Tianlu laughed loudly, Xiao Tiantian frowned, and snorted coldly: "What kind of skill is it to show off your power in front of a blind old man? You also have a lot of resentment wrapped around you, does it mean that you have committed too many crimes, and sooner or later you will Is there retribution?"

Tianlu raised his eyes, glared fiercely at Xiao Tiantian, and said, "What did you say? How dare you curse me and speak for this old bastard, don't you want to die?"

"Scare me? Are you scared of being an old lady? If it's not for Lin Yi's sake, just because of your pretentious words just now, this old lady would want to beat you up! Why, don't you float up? Come out to practice if you are not convinced. Practice, my mother gave you one hand, and you are not my opponent!" Xiao Tiantian said unceremoniously, his words made Tianlu blow his beard and stare, and his cheeks flushed red with anger.

Lin Yi patted his forehead helplessly. He seemed to guess that the two would quarrel, but he didn't expect this scene to happen so quickly that he didn't even react.

At this time, Ye Tianlong suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, the laughter was very shrill.

"I understand! It turns out that I still can't get rid of the fate of being manipulated by others. Mosquito demon, you are really cruel, I should have thought of it earlier, haha, I am such a fool!" Ye Tianlong laughed loudly, suddenly , He looked at Lin Yi and the others very seriously, and said: "Indeed, in today's battle, my ending is difficult to change. The old ancestor is right. This is my fate. I have already thought about it." gone."

When Ye Tianlong said this, his smile was a little more miserable, and he said: "I guessed this day and my ending, so I worked so hard to change all this and get out of anyone's control. But in the end, I It's just a joke, no matter how hard I try to control others, I am still a sad chess piece, and I will turn into an abandoned pawn at any time..."

"Hmph, what are you feeling here? If you want to hit, hit it, if you don't hit it, then shut up, and you can't change the fact that you were killed by me!" Tian Lun said angrily, his tone full of impatience.

Ye Tianlong stopped his "poetry recitation", hehe smiled, and said: "Heaven, you reminded me. Since my ending cannot be changed, then I will spell it out, maybe I can spell out a different one." result……"

"Then why are you fighting!" Ye Tianlong's words were interrupted, and Tianlu immediately rushed towards him.

Tian Lun has been accumulating strength for a long time, and with this blow, he wants to completely destroy Ye Tianlong, so as to vent his infinite resentment in his heart.

Ye Tianlong sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the five blood puppets stood in front of Tianluan and attacked Tianluan at the same time.

Tianlu sneered, and slashed at the five blood puppets with a knife. When the knife light touched the blood puppets, the blood puppets suddenly became more than ten times bigger, and then exploded.

Five consecutive explosions, the power of the explosions were all superimposed together, and then applied to Tianluan's body, before Tianluan had time to be shocked, his body was blown out, his face was disgraced, and his spirit body was shattered.

"Damn, what kind of trick is this, can you still play like this?" Tianlu couldn't help cursing, he really couldn't describe his fucking mood at this time.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, these are blood puppets, all of them will explode, and he still has essence blood, so he can recover again, so..."

"Why didn't you say it earlier! You deliberately wanted to see me laughing! Blood puppet? Then I will not attack the blood puppet, but directly attack this beast!" Tian Lun quickly recovered his body, targeted Ye Tianlong, and directly rushed over.

When he was less than three meters away from Ye Tianlong, he raised his magic knife, ready to deal a devastating blow.

However, when his knife light was about to hurt Ye Tianlong, a puppet appeared strangely in front of Ye Tianlong, just blocking the knife.

The light of the knife struck the puppet, and the puppet swelled up again and exploded. At this moment, Tianlu was really dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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