Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1376 You Are Really Sad

Chapter 1376 You Are Really Sad
What the hell is this!

How did those puppets appear beside Ye Tianlong? Could it be that those puppets also know the laws of space?
Tian Lun was bombed just now, and he was already seriously injured. For the sake of face, he barely recovered his body, and prepared to get back on the spot.

However, after being bombed again, no matter how strong his recovery ability was, he still couldn't bear it. He stood there with a pale face panting, not daring to rush over again.

Lin Yi coughed lightly, and said: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you just now. These puppets are connected to that guy. If you attack that guy, the puppets will appear in front of him to protect him immediately. Just now I’ve tried it, and I’ve suffered a lot.”

Tian Lun's face was extremely gloomy, he gritted his teeth and said, "Since you know, why didn't you tell me just now? Are you trying to punish me on purpose?"

"Wrong, how can you think of me like that? Am I that kind of despicable and shameless person? It was you who asked us not to intervene just now. I thought you had a way to deal with him. I didn't need me to talk too much, so I just held back and said nothing. Said. If I knew you couldn’t withstand his attack, I would have reminded you a few words. Alas, if you insist on blaming, then blame me, I admit it.” Lin Yi sighed, with a look of helplessness look.

Xiao Shumiao'er couldn't help laughing out loud, she knew that there was absolutely no good fruit for Lin Yi at the Tianlu stall, and it was luck to be blown up like this.

Tianlu looked at this scene helplessly, of course he knew that Tianlu couldn't beat Lin Yi, but his unlucky elder brother just didn't listen to him, and he deserved to be punished.

After Ye Tianlong consumed his essence and blood, the puppets that exploded quickly recovered completely. He looked at Lin Yi with a smirk on his face, and said, "Come again, if you don't come, I will do it first."

"Burning your own blood for the blood puppet, Ye Tianlong, don't you really think it's pathetic?" God Emperor Shenyu sighed, and slowly stood up.

Lin Yi has always been puzzled, why did God Emperor Shenyu, who is known as the founder of Shenyu Firm, be reduced to such a point?Didn't it mean that he has been retreating?
Before, Lin Yi and Mo Hao suspected that this guy was practicing at the mother tree, but they didn't expect that this old man was so miserable?So much so that Lin Yi didn't know whether to punish him or not.

Ye Tianlong stared at God Emperor Shenyu viciously, and shouted: "Old man, what qualifications do you have to teach me! You keep saying that everything you do is for Shenyu Trading Company, and for the Ye family, hahaha, really Ridiculous, you are obviously only doing it for yourself! I am the same as you, everything I do is for myself, even if I really die, I will never regret it!"

"Hehe, is that right? If you really have this awareness, then I don't blame you. You are the one who satisfies me the most among my descendants, so I will let you die by my own hands." Divine Emperor Shen Yu While talking, he walked towards Ye Tianlong. With every step he took, his aura recovered a little bit. After walking a dozen steps, his cultivation level suddenly recovered to the emperor level!
Ye Tianlong's eyes were wide open, he looked at God Emperor Yuyu in disbelief, and exclaimed: "How is it possible? How could this be? I have already destroyed your dantian and all your cultivation, why can you still Recovery? Have you been faking it all this time? Waiting for this opportunity?"

God Emperor Shenyu walked forward, smiling and shaking his head, his eyes were still empty, and his body was still so dilapidated.

"Fool, you who are intoxicated by power will never be able to see clearly the reality behind the mist, so this old man will say, you are really pathetic." God Emperor Shenyu continued to move forward, his cultivation base continued to rise , Its speed made Lin Yi a little speechless, what the hell is going on?How could this old man become so strong?
In Lin Yi's state of mind and soul, a soft sigh suddenly sounded: "I really didn't expect that there would be a person with such a high soul level in this era, only half a step away, alas, only half a step away."

Lin Yi's face became more confused, and he said with great doubts: "Mo Hao, what do you mean by this? What is only half a step away? Why can't I understand anything?"

"You kid, you are like a monster when you are smart, and like a pig when you are stupid. Don't you feel that the aura emanating from that Shenyu is very similar to someone?" Mo Hao said angrily.

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and muttered to himself: "It looks like someone...huh? Hearing you say that, it seems a little familiar. I remember that old man Hongjun seemed to have this kind of aura, but Hongjun The old man's aura is much stronger than this old man's."

"Fuck, of course. Although I don't want to admit it, that old guy Hongjun has really reached that level, and Lao Tzu is only a little bit behind him. Just that little bit will block me from that door. Otherwise , I won’t call myself the ancient devil emperor! Hehe, even if it’s like this, isn’t that guy still unable to really destroy me? Even if I don’t reach that level, Hongjun’s old bastard can’t do anything to me!” Mo Hao Said very proudly, Lin Yi had to sigh, this old man really has the spirit of Ah Q, obviously not as good as others, and he said so complacently, he didn't know how to complain.

"However, it's a pity!" Mo Hao suddenly changed the subject, sighed softly, and said, "This old man has been trapped for many years, and he has already run out of fuel. If you can bloom this moment of brilliance, after a moment, you will have to burp."

Lin Yi couldn't help but rolled his eyes. The first half of the old man Mo Hao's words were quite charming, but the "hiccup fart" ruined the charm.

However, at this moment, he was quite moved. He never thought that God Emperor Shenyu, who had done so many evil things, would suddenly wake up and become a Buddha in one thought.Originally, he planned to find that guy and destroy him!

Looking at Shen Yu's back, Tian Lu frowned tightly, and Tian Lu asked in a low voice, "Brother, what should we do? Do we want revenge?"

"Can you beat that old guy?"

" seems impossible."

"You can't just talk shit! Stand here and watch obediently, hmph, it's good for a dog to bite a dog!" Tianlu snorted softly, the look in the eyes of God Emperor Shenyu was obviously different, Lin Yi glanced at him, Smiling silently, shook his head.

Ye Tianlong looked at Ye Tianlong who was getting stronger and stronger, his face was extremely cold. With a thought in his mind, two blood puppets suddenly appeared beside the Divine Feather Emperor, and then exploded.

God Emperor Shenyu didn't seem to react, and let the blast wave engulf his body.

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth just had a smug smile, but the smile immediately froze. He clearly saw God Emperor Shenyu walking slowly out of the explosion smoke, his expression indifferent, relaxed and natural.

(End of this chapter)

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