Chapter 1377

"Impossible! How could you be unscathed? How could your cultivation be so strong?" Ye Tianlong's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

God Emperor Shenyu looked sad, walked towards Ye Tianlong step by step, and said as he walked: "Fool, when will you really wake up? When will you know that what you are after is so sad!"

"No! I don't believe it! My mistake was only in believing that mosquito demon, and I was even more mistaken in believing in you! Ye Shenyu, you are not much better than me! Sad? You who have been enslaved by me for so many years are much more pathetic than me !" Ye Tianlong yelled, feeling very excited.

He flew up, rushed towards Ye Shenyu with his knife, and slashed between Ye Shenyu's eyebrows.

Ye Shenyu didn't move, let the knife hit his head, he raised his head, looked at Ye Tianlong quietly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With a bang, Ye Shenyu's body was smashed into pieces like this, turning into blood mist all over the sky. At this moment, everyone was stunned. Why didn't they expect that Ye Shenyu would be blown up like this?Didn't he look awesome just now?
Ye Tianlong stared blankly at the bloody mist, he didn't expect that Ye Shenyu was so vulnerable, and he solved it so easily.

However, he soon discovered that it was a little strange that the spread of the blood mist seemed to be too large, and nearly half of the huge platform was covered by it, and the blood puppets were all covered in it.

Ye Tianlong panicked in his heart, and immediately controlled the blood puppets to gather them.

However, what made him unbelievable was that those blood puppets were indifferent, as if they were petrified, they just stood there, motionless.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and he clearly saw that the word "Curse" in the center of the brows of those blood puppets gradually disappeared, while their bodies were slowly decomposing. This feeling is extremely strange.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, since you are all dead, your sins will be gone, go with peace of mind." Ye Shenyu's voice rang in everyone's ears, and then, those blood puppets were completely wiped out as quickly as possible. Melted, not even slag left.

Is Ye Tianlong really stupid now?He didn't expect Ye Shenyu to play this trick with him. In this way, he didn't even have the last resort to fight for his life.

After the blood mist eroded the blood puppet, it actually started to condense, and after a while, it re-condensed and formed into the appearance of Ye Shenyu.

However, at this moment, Ye Shenyu's body was even more dilapidated, as if it would collapse at any moment.

Ye Shenyu glanced at Ye Tianlong, smiled and said: "Now you should understand what I mean? These are the things you can rely on, but later, you will find that they are vulnerable."

"Ye Shenyu! You are the same! Even if you can kill me, you can't escape death! This is your final ending, and you can't escape!" Ye Tianlong roared, as if he was going crazy, and slashed again.

Ye Shenyu sighed softly, before he was hit by the knife, his body was shattered and once again turned into a bloody mist.

Ye Tianlong's body froze, and then he let out a miserable scream. Countless grievances lingered in his body. Lin Yi seemed to be able to see the grievances eating his body and swallowing his blood.

In the blood mist, Ye Tianlong's body disappeared so quickly. He wanted to struggle, but found that his resistance was so weak.

He knew very well that it was not Ye Shenyu who destroyed him, but those terrible grievances, those grievances could devour his body, tear his soul, and eat everything from him!

"If you come out to mess around, you'll have to pay it back sooner or later. Hehe, Ye Shenyu, you're really ruthless!" Lin Yi smiled, and he had already seen the clue.

That blood mist is a catalyst, it amplifies the power of those grievances, and makes all karma pay off.

When Ye Tianlong's body completely disappeared, Lin Yi seemed to feel a spring breeze blowing, and the originally cold space became much warmer.

When the blood mist condensed again, Lin Yi couldn't even see Ye Shenyu's appearance clearly. His body was so illusory that it couldn't be more illusory, and it would shatter and dissipate at any time.

Ye Shenyu bowed to Lin Yi and said, "Little friend Lin Yi, the old man has cleaned up the house, please be merciful and don't kill our Ye family, okay?"

Lin Yi sneered when he heard this, and said, "Ye Shenyu, do you think you have the right to tell me this? You yourself have committed countless crimes, and the crimes committed by the Ye family are even more unspeakable. Even if you kill them ten thousand times, it is in line with the laws of nature. Now, you actually asked me to let your Ye family go, hehe, you really treat yourself like a green onion?"

Lin Yi's words were not polite, and Tian Lu who was on the side was very excited when he heard the words. Lin Yi's words really suited his taste.

"Well said, Lin Yi boy, this onion is too arrogant, why don't I let Lao Tzu kill him..."


Just as Tianlu was about to go mad, Xiao Tiantian suddenly erupted violently, and the mysterious and yellow energy directly became her weapon. In the blink of an eye, Tianlu's whole body was wrapped into rice dumplings, leaving only one head.

Tianlu suddenly felt his body was ten thousand times heavier, and he was almost crushed to the ground. He was very surprised, what is this yellow gas?Why is Mao so heavy?
Also, who is that girl?Why is Mao so strong?This kind of thing, no matter how I think about it, I can't figure it out.

Tiansha's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly pleaded: "Lord Lin Yi, please be merciful. My elder brother has no malice towards you. He only has gratitude to you, but he can't say it out of face. I express to you on his behalf. Apologize, please forgive him, okay?"

"Damn! You stupid? Guy! Who asked you to intercede for me? I haven't fallen to the point where you are interceding for me! We who kill the gods, even if it is God, don't want us to bow our heads, how can you Can you ask him? You..."

"Enough! Brother, how long are you going to pretend? Why don't you bow to the sky? How many years have you bowed to Ye Tianlong, have you forgotten? Do you think you are really strong now? Do you think Lin Yi Do adults really like you? You are a frog at the bottom of a well, you can’t see how big the sky is, and you are still croaking there, I can’t stand it anymore! Brother, you used to be like this! Did you become someone else’s minion? After being stained with countless sins, do you have no humanity at all? You really let me down!" Tian Sha Chong Tian Lu yelled, he had endured it for a long time, until now, he finally couldn't help it!

(End of this chapter)

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