Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1378 Be My Servant

Chapter 1378 Be My Servant

All along, he has been based on Tianlu's will, and everything he does is in line with Tianlu's will.So much so that the reason why he was controlled by Ye Tianlong was because of his brother, and for the entire God Killing Clan.

However, now he turned his face directly because of Tianlu's words. To be honest, even Lin Yi was a little surprised.

Tianlu was stunned, for a while, he couldn't even utter a single rebuttal.

For so many years, Heavenly Kill had never blushed with him, but now, for an outsider, Heavenly Kill yelled at him with blushing neck, this kind of thing would never have occurred to him.

He was about to speak, when Ye Shenyu, whose body was becoming more and more illusory, suddenly smiled wryly: "Can you let go of the quarrel between the two of you for a while? I can't hold it anymore, give me a chance to beg?"

Lin Yi smiled lightly, nodded and said: "Okay, I will give you a chance. Tell me, why should I forgive your Ye family? The Ye family is so devoid of conscience and slaughtered a large number of innocent human beings. These crimes will not let you Ye If the family pays back, who do I have to go to?"

"I have come to redeem my sins! I am willing to bear all the sins, even if I am not reborn forever!" Ye Shenyu shouted loudly. At this moment, his aura suddenly weakened a hundred times, and the previous powerful aura completely disappeared. It is obvious that what he said has already disappeared. fulfilled.

"You slaughtered the god-killing clan and enslaved its clansmen. Who will bear the crime?" Lin Yi looked cold, and all the gods and gods stared at Ye Shenyu, and the flames of hatred danced in his eyes.

"I will bear it! All the crimes are caused by me alone, and I am willing to bear it all!" Ye Shenyu's body was shattered, and this time, he did not turn into a blood mist, leaving only a blurred phantom, which was the body he was about to face. Broken soul.

Originally, he had the opportunity to enter reincarnation and be reincarnated as an adult, but he used this opportunity to offset the sins of the Ye family.

In fact, Lin Yi couldn't figure it out, why did this guy pay such a small price to erase so many sins, this kind of thing, no matter how you look at it, it's a lot of money!
"Idiot, what do you know? That guy is so stupid, he used such a good opportunity to offset that boring sin! Do you know that as long as that guy reincarnates with peace of mind, his cultivation will be smooth in the next life, You can even practice directly to that level without hindrance! If it were me, I would never do that!" Mo Hao was so angry that he didn't know what to say, although this matter had nothing to do with him, but he felt distressed, In this world, since ancient times, how many people have longed for that opportunity but never got it, Ye Shenyu actually gave up in front of him, how stupid is that?Just made it?

Lin Yi's expression changed slightly, a smile floated on the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Hearing what you said, I seem to understand a little bit. Use your own future to forgive the sins of yourself and the whole family, hehe, he really made money." !"

"What are you talking about? He's making a lot of money, he's losing money!" Mo Hao said angrily, but Lin Yi snorted in response.

"This is the reason why you can't reach that step! In your eyes, all life is worthless, and all creatures are ants. What can you let go of like this? Have you let go of your aloof attitude? No one is noble or humble , It’s a serious crime for you to kill a million people, but it’s not a crime to kill one person? It’s so ridiculous!” Lin Yi said bluntly, with an unbearable power erupting from his body.

Ye Shenyu, who was in an illusory state, smiled lightly and said, "Thank you Lord Lin Yi for your guidance. Shen Yu can hear your advice at the last moment. Even if I die, I will die without regret."

Lin Yi glanced at him, and snorted softly: "Just dying like this, you think you have redeemed your sins? Then how can I get rid of my anger? I have suffered so much from your Ye family, how can you compensate me? I have a very bad temper. Big one, even if you die a few more times, no matter how much you can’t be reincarnated, it won’t quell my anger. Of course, there is another way, that is to kill all the members of your Ye family, hehe, this way is pretty good.”

When Lin Yi said this, Ye Shenyu's soul became more illusory, and it was about to be blown out by the wind.

He looked at Lin Yi very weakly, and said: "Master Lin Yi, there is no need to be so desperate, right? We can talk about the conditions..."

"Talking about conditions? You're going to belch farts, why don't you talk about fart conditions? But, don't say I won't give you a chance, you still have one way to save your family, and that is to be my servant and serve you forever. I will serve." Lin Yi looked at Ye Shenyu with a smile, and it seemed that his words had been prepared long ago.

Tianlu and the others looked at Lin Yi in disbelief. They had no idea what Lin Yi was up to. Ye Shenyu looked like this, how else could he be a servant?
Ye Shenyu couldn't help laughing, and said, "Master Lin Yi, I want to promise you, but I am like this, and I will disappear completely soon, even if I promise you, what's the use?"

"I just want your answer, you don't need to worry about other things at all. Tell me, your answer, are you willing to be a servant forever? And swear a blood oath to be loyal to me forever?" The smile is getting stronger, silly?It can be seen that Lin Yi is definitely playing some kind of conspiracy.

Ye Shenyu was stunned for a while, finally nodded, and said: "Since you said so, Lord Lin Yi, of course I can't say I don't want to. But, I don't even have the ability to swear blood. Then, I will completely disappear between heaven and earth."

When Ye Shenyu said this, he let out a long sigh, and slowly closed his eyes.

In this life, he had been glorious, miserable, enjoyed all kinds of joys, and endured all kinds of pains, all of which are now gone.

Scenes of pictures appeared in his mind, those pictures were like a revolving lantern, constantly flickering in his mind, and he was like an ordinary spectator, quietly watching those passing years.

Suddenly, he found that the flowing time was suddenly frozen, and then began to flow backwards at an extremely fast speed. He hurriedly opened his eyes and found that he was wrapped in a cloud of khaki gas.

And his body was floating in a space as dark as ink, everywhere was as black as ink, this was clearly in the universe!
"Could it be that I'm dead? No, if I'm dead, my soul won't exist. Why do I still exist? How could I come into the universe?" Ye Shenyu said to himself, He reached out to touch the earthy yellow gas, and at the moment of touching, his spirit suddenly trembled, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "Could it be the mysterious yellow gas? What's going on here? Who can tell me, In the end what happened?"

"It's a very simple thing, don't you think it through? I accept you as a servant, of course I can't just let you die like this. If that's the case, I should suffer a lot!"

(End of this chapter)

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