Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1379 Can't post it temporarily

Chapter 1379 Can't post it temporarily

Lin Yi's figure appeared in front of Ye Shenyu, with a hint of amusement in his tone.

Tian Lun and the others appeared together with him. At this time, Tian Luan no longer had the slightest arrogance, but only deeply shocked.He finally knew how big the gap between him and Lin Yi was, it was more than heaven and earth!
Tiansha is much calmer. He has seen Lin Yi's strength with his own eyes, and he knows that Lin Yi's identity is extremely terrifying, so no matter what Lin Yi brings out, he will not be too surprised.

Ye Shenyu calmed down a bit, and muttered to himself: "The aura here does not belong to the Primordial Universe, and it seems that the mysterious and yellow aura can be manipulated, that is to say, this is a new universe..."

Thinking of this, Ye Shenyu looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, and Lin Yi nodded lightly.

"That's right, this is my universe, and I am the ruler of this universe. Here, I can restore your physical body, restore your soul, and allow you to swear a blood oath and become my slave." Lin Yi He said with a smile, while speaking, all the dark and yellow energy had penetrated into Ye Shenyu's body, and Ye Shenyu's body quickly recovered, that feeling was much better than when he was in his heyday.

The regret in Tianlu's heart!If he knew that the earth-yellow gas was the mysterious yellow gas, he should have sucked it all up when Lin Yi used the mysterious yellow gas to suppress him before!

Ye Shenyu stared at his hands and feet in a daze, and then made a move that even made Lin Yi feel funny——squeezed his face.

The pain on his face told him that all this was true!
"Almost believe it? In this universe, you can maintain this state forever, but if you leave this universe, or if this universe is destroyed, you will turn into dust and dissipate again. I can't do anything about this, because , You have been obliterated by the Hongmeng Universe." Lin Yi said lightly, his tone was flat, but it set off a huge wave in Ye Shenyu's heart.

Ye Shenyu took a deep breath, feeling the feeling of being reborn, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "This is the feeling of being alive, it's so good to be alive..."

"Hehe, you also know that it's good to be alive? Since that's the case, then obediently help me with my work. This universe still lacks a strong army. I hope you will train for me!" Lin Yi said here, Xiao Tiantian's His complexion suddenly changed, and he became very angry.

"What did you say? Let him create an army for you? What about me? Could it be that I can't do this kind of thing?" Xiao Tiantian grabbed Lin Yi's clothes with a murderous look.

Lin Yi chuckled, lowered his voice and said, "Don't be so excited, so many people are watching, can you save face?"

Xiao Tiantian bit his lip, and finally let go of his hand, then glared at Lin Yi fiercely, and said, "Then tell me, what are you thinking? Am I incapable of helping you?"

"Hehe, your so-called ability is to use the mysterious and yellow energy to create masters? How much mysterious and yellow energy can you create? Do you think I don't know how strong you are? Long-term overload operation will have a certain damage to you. How old is it, can’t I see all of this? Little Tiantian, don’t forget, you are an important friend to me, even a relative, how can I just stand by and watch you ruin yourself in that way? "Lin Yi's expression suddenly became extremely serious, and Xiao Tiantian's cheeks flushed suddenly, and he was at a loss for a while.

"He said I'm his relative, bastard, I'm not her relative, I'm almost an enemy!" Xiao Tiantian yelled in his heart, but couldn't say a word, standing there with a very coy expression look.

Xiao Shu Miao'er couldn't help smiling wryly, Lin Yi's words had too much damage to Xiao Tiantian, probably this girl couldn't bear it.

Ye Shenyu finally guessed Xiao Tiantian's identity. For a person of his status, the Ancient Tree of Heaven's Dao is not a secret.

What surprised him was Xiao Tiantian's attitude towards Lin Yi.Everyone knows that the ancient tree of the way of heaven has always regarded itself as the way of heaven, and generally chooses humans as its spokespersons.But Xiao Tiantian is like this now, obviously he did not choose Lin Yi as the spokesperson, but surrendered to Lin Yi.

Ye Shenyu couldn't imagine how strong Lin Yi was for someone who could submit to such a lofty existence as the Ancient Tree of Heaven.

Seeing Xiao Tiantian's appearance, Lin Yi couldn't help feeling a little flustered. Could it be that the words just now were too sensational and made this girl so excited, did she have any unruly plans for him?

Judging from the current situation, this guess is absolutely inseparable!What should I do, pretend to be stupid?This girl doesn't seem to be so easy to fool.

When Lin Yi was at a loss, Ye Shenyu suddenly knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "Master Lin Yi, I, Ye Shenyu, swear to the sky that I will serve you forever and ever. If there is a double heart, my body and soul will be destroyed, and I will never be reborn!"

Ye Shenyu's voice echoed, and he waited for the blood oath to be completed.However, what surprised him was that the contract symbol belonging to the blood oath did not appear at all, that is to say, the blood oath did not succeed.

Lin Yi scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "I forgot to tell you, my universe is not complete and is still growing, so it seems that the blood oath can't be released for the time being. But it doesn't matter, can you Existence only depends on my thoughts, so we already have a contract that is more domineering than a blood oath, and there is no need to do anything else."

Ye Shenyu was stunned for a while, and after a few breaths, he came back to his senses, nodded and said: "My lord's words, my subordinates understand. My subordinates will definitely do their best to share your worries with my lord!"

When Ye Shenyu said this, he kowtowed to Lin Yi sincerely. He didn't stand up until Lin Yi asked him to stand up, and stood aside respectfully, without any airs.

In fact, Lin Yi was already stunned by his own opportunity. He originally wanted to save Ye Zimo and discuss cooperation with Ye Shenyu by the way.He didn't expect that so many messy things happened in the middle, and finally he accepted Ye Shenyu as his servant. He never dreamed of such a thing!
However, since the matter has developed to this point, of course he is not at all unhappy. The most powerful people in Shenyu Trading Company have been eliminated, and even their ancestors have fallen into his hands. Is there any need to worry about them not cooperating? ?

No, it should not be called cooperation, it should be directly incorporated.In this way, Lin Yi has the strongest financial resources in the universe. Thinking of this, he feels even happier.

Lin Yi was about to leave here to receive Shen Yu Xing. Suddenly, Tian Lun, who had been silent for a long time, seemed to be paying attention, and stuttered when he opened his mouth: "Well... Lin Yi, my lord, I have something to... want to say to you Say, delay your time for a while...okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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