Chapter 1381

Ye Shenyu looked earnest, and when he said something, the two brothers of Tianlu looked at him with murderous intent in their eyes. Obviously, their hatred for Ye Shenyu has not diminished in the slightest.

This is also normal, Ye Shenyu's so-called atonement has no effect, and with Lin Yi's help, he has also gained a lot of benefits.

Under such circumstances, Ye Shenyu still stood and talked without pain in his back. Of course, they couldn't calm down when he said such provocative words to them.

Lin Yi chuckled lightly and said, "Don't be so excited. He can't help it, but it doesn't mean I can't help it. I can even heal his almost completely disabled body, and bring your people back to normal. It's not easy. very?"

When Lin Yi said this, he suddenly thought of something, and said: "It seems that I have to go to her side first, God, God, I will send you out first, on the one hand gather your clansmen, on the other hand, help me control Live in Shen Yuxing. I believe that with your strength, it should be very easy to do."

"Yes, my lord, let's do it now!" The eyes of Tianlu and Tiansha were shining, and Lin Yi entrusted them with such an important task, obviously to give them a chance to perform.

Ye Shenyu sighed secretly, he only hoped that his descendants would grow up a little bit, don't be stupid?To resist like that, if so, the Ye family will definitely die a lot of people.

Lin Yi soon came to a beautiful planet with warm spring flowers, and on the planet, there was a tallest mountain.

On the mountain peak, there is a hut, a dozen meters in front of the hut, on the edge of a cliff, a beautiful figure stands gracefully.

"I don't know if you're okay now, but I've become your burden in the end..." The woman shook her head, sighed softly, with a gloomy expression.

"Troublesome? Did I say that?" A chuckle sounded from behind the woman, and Lin Yi stood there with a faint smile on his face.

This woman is of course the Emperor Zixiao. She suddenly heard Lin Yi's voice, her expression flickered, her feet slipped, her body tilted, and after a cry of surprise, Lin Yi hugged her.

Lin Yi looked at her with a smile, and said, "How are you? Is your injury not healed and you are in a bad state? Otherwise, how could you almost fall?"

Emperor Zixiao's pretty face was flushed, his chest was rising and falling, and his breathing was a little heavy.

With a coquettish voice, she said, "Why are you still hugging me like this? You want to take advantage of me?"

Only then did Lin Yi put him down, and said: "You can't wrong me, I did this purely to save you, I'm an honest gentleman!"

Emperor Zixiao's face was still red, and he gave Lin Yi a white look, and said, "You still have the nerve to say that you are a gentleman? You don't feel blushing either!"

Lin Yi looked at God Emperor Zixiao with some "surprise", and said, "It's strange, why should I blush? What did I do to you to make you think I'm dishonest, why don't I remember?"

Emperor Zixiao was really defeated by Lin Yi, and of course she couldn't argue with Lin Yi.

Seeing her shy look, Lin Yi suddenly burst into laughter and said, "I won't tease you anymore, let me see your injury first."

Lin Yi reached out to grab the wrist of Emperor Zixiao, but she dodged it dexterously. She shook her head and said, "Forget it, I don't need it. I didn't suffer any injuries and I don't need to be treated. As for the soul trauma, I’ll just play around with it myself.”

The blush on Emperor Zixiao's face did not fade, and he didn't dare to look into Lin Yi's eyes. Lin Yi stretched out his hand in embarrassment. Suddenly, he thought of something, grabbed the wrist of Emperor Zixiao, and said, "Since we need to recuperate, Then I'll take you to a good place to recuperate your body."

With a thought in Lin Yi's mind, he and Emperor Zixiao disappeared on the top of the mountain, and when they reappeared, they were already in the Kunlun mirror.

The mysterious yellow qi in the air gives people an indescribable sense of comfort. The mysterious yellow qi has completely replaced the ordinary aura here, so the speed of cultivation here will be much faster.

However, after Lin Yi came in at this time, he found that the terrain in the Kunlun Mirror had changed a lot. It seemed that there were a lot less mountains and a lot more plains.

When Lin Yi was wondering, he suddenly heard a loud noise. He took a closer look and saw that a mountain fell down like this. The earth shook and dust flew up.

Lin Yi's face suddenly changed. Could it be that someone hacked into the Kunlun mirror?How can this be?This is the magic weapon space, how could it be invaded by foreign enemies?
He hurriedly took the hand of Emperor Zixiao, and his figure flashed, and he appeared at the place where the mountain fell.

At this moment, his face immediately darkened, and he turned around to leave.

"That person seems to be Dad! Dad is with other women. Brothers and sisters, don't let him run away!" It was Lin Luobo who gave the order, and the devil incarnation was leading a group of little devil kings. The mountain just now was 100% theirs. dry.

When he saw Lin Yi, his excitement was beyond words, especially when he saw that there was a woman beside Lin Yi, he was even more excited!Grabbing Lin Yi and dedicating it to his mothers is definitely a great achievement!

Soon, the dozen or so children rushed towards Lin Yi and the two at the same time. Emperor Zixiao was completely dumbfounded. She did know that Lin Yi had children, and even knew that Lin Yi had more than a dozen children recently. However, she Unexpectedly, these dozen or so young children are so monstrous, how big are they, and each of them has such a high level of cultivation, this is too exaggerated!
Lin Yi was about to run away with God Emperor Zixiao, when a cold snort suddenly sounded: "Stinky boy, if you haven't come back for so many days, you will run away as soon as you see my old lady, you are so courageous!"

Lin Yi's heart skipped a beat, what a trouble, I knew I shouldn't be so curious, and when I met Xing Caiyuan so suddenly and Lin Luobo fanned the flames, isn't it dead?
He had already expected that his ears would be pulled into more than a dozen circles, and the tall image he had established in front of the Emperor Zixiao for so long would be shattered, well, this is what he thought.

As soon as Xing Caiyuan appeared, her aura was like that of a red boy, and a group of children followed her. That feeling really scared Lin Yi, no matter how powerful the enemy was, Lin Yi would not I've never been so scared.

Emperor Zixiao was a little nervous, she didn't know what was going to happen, she wanted to leave immediately, but found that Lin Yi was still holding her hand tightly, and she couldn't break free.

Xing Caiyuan quickly walked in front of Lin Yi and the others, her eyes fell on Lin Yi, and then on Emperor Zixiao, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Stinky boy, you are really good. In just a few days, you tricked a little girl back and showed your affection in front of the old lady? Haha, you are not afraid of being beaten to death by your daughters-in-law?" Xing Cai Yuan smiled and said, Lin Yi was about to explain his relationship with Emperor Zixiao when Xing Caiyuan suddenly rushed over and grabbed God Emperor Zixiao!

(End of this chapter)

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