Chapter 1382 Together Together Together

Lin Yi thumped in his heart, could it be that Xing Caiyuan was going to attack God Emperor Zixiao?No, Xing Caiyuan has no grievances or enmities with her, so there's no reason why she should be so cruel the first time they meet, right?
However, what he didn't expect was that Xing Caiyuan grabbed the hand of God Emperor Zixiao, took her away from Lin Yi, and then said with concern: "Little girl, my son didn't bully you, did he? Seeing how weak your face is, he must have done something wrong, right? Don't worry, I will beat him up hard to vent my anger on you!"

Lin Yi was dumbfounded, Xing Caiyuan suddenly played this trick, he really couldn't bear it!
God Emperor Zixiao was at a loss. It was the first time she encountered this situation. This feeling was like a new mother-in-law inspecting a new daughter-in-law for the first time. It was difficult for her not to be nervous!

She immediately cast a look at Lin Yi asking for help, Lin Yi smiled wryly, and said: "Mom, things are not as you imagined, listen to me, in fact... ouch, mom, can you be gentle? There are so many people watching! Can you save me some face!"

"Save face? I'll save face for you! Since you have cheated other girls, you have to be responsible. Look at you, do you just want to eat and wipe away? No way! My mother treats this kind of man I despise it very much! Once you meet, kill or eunuch! You choose yourself!" Xing Caiyuan was furious, and her right hand was still fiercely grabbing Lin Yi's ear, the arrogance was so ferocious that it exploded.

God Emperor Zixiao's cheeks were burning hot, and for a while, she, a woman who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, was a little at a loss.

However, this feeling is very happy. She no longer remembers that she has ever been so happy.

Lin Yi looked at the shy Emperor Zixiao, and secretly sighed in his heart. Under such circumstances, if he said anything to refuse, it would be too hurtful.

The scene of Emperor Zixiao desperately fighting for himself appeared in his mind. He knew very well that if a woman did not love a man deeply, she would never be able to do that.

The red face of Emperor Zixiao made Xing Caiyuan more affirmed her opinion, and she suddenly found that her eyes were too vicious, and no one could hide anything from her.

Lin Yi just looked at God Emperor Zixiao, for a moment, he forgot about his suffering ears.

"What do you think? If you don't agree with me, my ears will be gone. No, it's very likely that one or two other parts will be missing. My old lady is very cruel to me!" Lin Yi said pitifully, God Emperor Zixiao's breathing is a bit short of breath, what does this mean?Confession?
"Together with!"

Suddenly, a burst of shouts came from the gods, and the leader was of course the ghost spirit Lin Luobo.Under his leadership, the other children also shouted happily, although they didn't quite understand what it meant.

"You... what are you doing? I... the two of us..." God Emperor Zixiao spoke a little awkwardly when he said this, and this feeling was too nervous.

Xing Caiyuan's eyes turned into crescent moons. Although she has always believed in monogamy, her selfishness as a mother made her support Lin Yi in marrying more wives, no matter how hard it is to bring these little monsters.

"Hey, it's so lively here! We were drinking afternoon tea in such a far place, and we could hear the voices here!" Bai Bingbing said lazily. The only childless woman among them, she has always been in a state of raging tigress.

"Oh? There are new sisters again? Let my sister take a look. Huh? Sister, you look familiar. By the way, you seem to be the Emperor Zixiao! Xianggong is really capable, and he even tricked you " Meiji said with a smile, she has always supported Lin Yi in marrying a wife, among Lin Yi's wives, she is the most tolerant one.

Meiji has said so, and of course other people have no objection. Speaking of which, Lin Yi's speed of marrying his wife is not so fast. If it were some emperors, he would pay hundreds or even thousands at a time.

God Emperor Zixiao's cheeks were flushed, and suddenly, she seemed to have made up her mind, and said: "Ladies, you really misunderstood, I have nothing to do with Lord Lin Yi, I am just his subordinate. I suffered a little bit in the battle before. Master Lin Yi insisted on bringing me here to heal my injuries, which is why you misunderstood. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Master Lin Yi, and you will know whether what I said is true or not.”

Emperor Zixiao said very seriously, and cast a look of help at Lin Yi.Her mood is very complicated. Logically speaking, she should be very happy, but she is also very disturbed. She doesn't know how she feels about Lin Yi. She is very afraid, afraid that she will be like someone, and Lin Yi The identity is so similar to another person.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "God Emperor Zixiao is indeed right. I brought her here to give her a better environment to heal her injuries."

As soon as Lin Yi said this, God Emperor Zixiao's heart suddenly felt empty, as if he fell from the sky to the ground in an instant, and then buried deeply in the ground.

However, she soon felt that her thoughts were a little unreasonable. Isn't this exactly what she wanted?Since she was looking forward to such an ending, why should she be disappointed and sad?
Just when she was about to reject Lin Yi's kindness and apply to leave here, Lin Yi suddenly changed the subject and said with a smile: "However, it was because of me that she was injured. In order to save me, she was willing to burn her soul and fight to the death. , She treats me like this, if I keep pretending to be stupid, isn't it a bit too beastly? Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think I should do?"

"Damn! Do you need to say more? Definitely marry her home! If you don't marry me, grandma, are you acting like a man?" Bai Bingbing rushed to speak in front of Lin Yi, her appearance was really domineering very.

Although she usually likes to quarrel with Lin Yi, her feelings for Lin Yi are extremely sincere. She loves the house and loves her. Of course, she will not have any rejection of this woman who is willing to give up her life for Lin Yi.

Meiji smiled softly, and said: "Sister Bingbing is right,, is sister Zixiao's name Zixiao? God Emperor Zixiao should be just a position, right?"

Meiji suddenly mentioned this topic, and Lin Yi's face was extremely embarrassed. He had never thought about such a thing, so that he still didn't know the name of Emperor Zixiao.

Emperor Zixiao's cheeks were still flushed, she nodded shyly, and said, "That's right, God Emperor Zixiao is just a position, my real name is... Mu Shuang'er..."

"Mu Shuang'er? Is your surname Mu? Haha, you don't belong to the God-killing clan like our mother and son, do you? Oh, by the way, I forgot that Hong Ling and Ye Ling are too. Look at my memory... Huh? Xiaoyi, why do you have such a strange expression? Did my mother say something wrong? "

(End of this chapter)

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