Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1383 Will You Marry Me?

Chapter 1383 Will You Marry Me?

Xing Caiyuan looked puzzled, she didn't know why Lin Yi winked at her, this feeling was really strange.

Lin Yi coughed lightly, and was about to explain, when Mu Shuanger suddenly said, "Auntie is right, after all, I am indeed a member of the killing god clan, and my father who abandoned his wife and daughter is the current murderer." Mu Bawang, the patriarch of the God Clan. So, although my surname is Mu, I have always hated this surname, and I also hate the Killing God Clan."

When Mu Shuang'er said this, her eyes suddenly fell on Lin Yi, very gentle, but somewhat complicated.

"When we met for the first time, when I felt the aura of killing the gods on you, my first feeling was disgust, because I told Mu Bawang that I want revenge, even if I can't kill him, I will kill him. All the people from the Killing God Clan that I have seen." A wry smile appeared on Mu Shuang'er's face, and that wry smile was full of helplessness.

"But, I can't do anything to you. You were so weak back then, but you didn't fear me at all, and made me look ashamed. You may hate me, because you don't know, my mother and I, because of that man , How much I suffered. Later, we entered that palace together, you showed your powerful ability, and then, I became your slave..."

Mu Shuang'er's mood became more and more calm, and her gaze became softer and softer. It was a look of lovers looking at each other. For a while, even the children stopped making noise and listened quietly.

"When a seed is buried in the ground, as long as there is enough sunlight and water, it will germinate and take root. And your shadow, like a seed buried in my heart, will gradually germinate and take root. I want to deny this Everything, but I found that doing that was just deceiving myself. It wasn't until after that incident that I was really sure that I really couldn't leave you." When Mu Shuang'er said this, her cheeks began to turn red again, which is It was a long confession, but everyone didn't feel bored at all, instead they all listened very seriously.

Lin Yi was a little nervous, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? Could it be that I accidentally touched your chest last time..."

"I'll hit!" A loud shout came suddenly, Bai Bingbing flew out suddenly, kicked Lin Yi into the air, slammed into a mountain peak, and broke the mountain directly.

After kicking Lin Yi, Bai Bingbing said viciously: "This guy really wants to be beaten, such a good atmosphere, he even wanted to destroy it, and even said such inappropriate words in front of the children. Uh, why are you all looking at me? Do I Is the shot too heavy?"

"The hit is too light. If I hit it, at least two mountains will be broken." Solanum nigrum said indifferently, with a murderous tone in his tone.

"I can knock him down ten times!" Cuihua waved her fist even more triumphantly, Mu Shuang'er was suddenly in a daze, these women are too cruel, is this the way to treat her husband?

Lin Yi flew over pitifully, such a bump hit him into a disfigured face, and he was forced to suffer.

He looked at Bai Bingbing innocently, and said: "What did I say wrong? Why don't I just ask, why make such a fuss? I...Sau Rui, I was wrong, I was wrong."

After Lin Yi felt more than a dozen murderous auras, he immediately chose to surrender. These women are not easy to provoke, and he doesn't want to provoke them easily.

Mu Shuang'er couldn't help laughing out loud, it seemed that the atmosphere really couldn't go back.

"Okay, okay, this is the first time I have said so many provocative words, and I am a little embarrassed. Let me just say it, the last time Mu Bawang came to Zixiao Palace to look for me, his strength is not as strong as mine. So, I was going to avenge my mother and kill him. However, I let him go in the end, because I found that I don't seem to hate the killing gods as much as before, and it's all because of you! I don't bother to dodge anymore, That's not what I like to do, so I'll just ask you, will you marry me?" Mu Shuang'er looked at Lin Yi very seriously, and Lin Yi was suddenly at a loss for what to do, he actually prefers to take the initiative Yes, he is not used to being so passive all of a sudden!
"Ahem, me, of course..."

"Marry! Marry for sure! Marry now, have a bridal chamber tonight, get pregnant tomorrow, and have a baby the day after tomorrow! I agree with both hands and feet!" Bai Bingbing yelled, and Mu Shuang'er couldn't bear what she said. No matter how domineering she is, she doesn't want Bai Bingbing to be like this, a woman who looks like a woman!
"Ahem, isn't that too fast? I can't bear it." Lin Yi lowered his voice.

Bai Bingbing glared at him, and said: "What are you talking about? Why can't you bear it? What did you promise me before? You said that you would let me have a baby as soon as possible. But you haven't come back for so many days, and I'm recruiting ghosts by myself. Health! I don’t care, tonight I will fight with you for [-] rounds, to let you know how powerful I am.”

"Cough cough cough, children, you all go play somewhere else, it's not fun here." Xing Caiyuan coughed lightly, and hurriedly told the children to leave. What if those children were taken away by the female hooligan Bai Bingbing? ?
In fact, among so many daughters-in-law, Xing Caiyuan likes Bai Bingbing the most. This girl is straightforward and has a personality similar to hers. This kind of girl is generally easy to get along with anyone.

Lin Luobo scratched his head: "Grandma, why did you send us away? Can't we listen to what they say? By the way, what does Bingbing's mother mean when she said that there will be three hundred rounds of fighting? She wants to fight with Dad." ?"

As soon as Lin Luobu finished speaking, Lin Yi suddenly appeared next to him in a very strange way, and then said sinisterly in his ear: "Little guy, do you want me to hit your butt hard three hundred times, if that's the case, you You should know what it means to fight for three hundred rounds."

Lin Luobo's expression changed drastically when he heard this. He was terrified of Lin Yi's violent education, and ran away immediately without even thinking about it.

Seeing that Lin Luobo was so scared, the other children immediately guessed that there was danger, and ran very fast one by one, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Xing Caiyuan couldn't help smiling, she thought Lin Yi couldn't control these little dolls, but now it seems that Lin Yi's ability is quite strong, and this deterrent force is quite extraordinary.

"Okay, the brats are gone. I still have something to deal with. I'll come to you when I'm done." Lin Yi said with a smile, turned around and was about to leave.

His condition has not fully recovered, and if he fights against them at this time, he might really be defeated by them. If so, wouldn't he lose all face?Therefore, he must recharge his batteries and defeat them in one fell swoop.

However, how could Bai Bingbing let Lin Yi go so easily, she grabbed Lin Yi's collar and said coldly: "What's wrong? You still want to escape? How courageous you are!"

"Ahem, what, actually, I was seriously injured and had to rest, and I'm not suitable for doing that now. Bingbing wife, my mother is still watching, isn't it a bit too..."

"Oh, I remembered, the pot of braised pork is still cooking, I have to go back, you guys talk slowly! Alas, really, I'm not very old, and my memory is not good." Xing Caiyuan After saying this, he left Lin Yi who was stunned and flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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