Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1384 No Longer Alone 001

Chapter 1384 No Longer Alone

Faced with such a warm invitation, Lin Yi couldn't find a reason to refuse. To be precise, Lin Yi didn't dare to resist these hungry tigers at all.

Mu Shuang'er is extremely shy, after all, she is still a perfect body, she instinctively finds it difficult to accept such things.

However, under Bai Bingbing's bombardment, she still chose to agree. To be honest, she never thought that she and Lin Yi would develop so fast, it was amazing!

As for Lin Yi's so-called injury, it just became an excuse for Bai Bingbing to persuade him, what is the injury, isn't double cultivation one of the good ways to heal the injury?
Sure enough, after this round of fierce "battle", Lin Yi completely recovered from his own injuries, and Mu Shuang'er's spiritual wounds were also healed.

Of course, Bai Bingbing was still so weak, she had agreed to fight Lin Yi for [-] rounds, and she surrendered before halfway through.In this regard, Mu Shuang'er completely blew her away.

Fortunately, Lin Yi made it up a few more times at the end, otherwise she might lose her hope again, and then work hard with Lin Yi.

Mu Shuang'er felt that all this was like a dream, when all the girls fell asleep from exhaustion, she put on her clothes and walked out of the room.

The pain in her lower body hit her frequently, she used her divine power to heal her a little bit, and her face was blushing with happiness. Isn't this what she dreamed of?

"Don't sleep a little longer? You were so crazy just now, I almost couldn't bear it." Lin Yi said with a smile, hugging Mu Shuang'er's slender waist from behind.

Mu Shuang'er's body trembled, her cheeks became even redder, and she whispered, "What are you talking about? How could I... By the way, you are so tired, shouldn't you take a good rest?"

"Hahaha, silly wife, you think too much. I'm the type who fights harder and harder. The more intense the battle, the more energetic I become. After joining you today, I become more energetic. Why, don't you take a good rest inside, What are you doing out here? Is there something on your mind?" Lin Yi laughed loudly, and Mu Shuang'er's expression became a little more gloomy as the words fell, as expected, her mood was written on her face.

"I just thought of my mother. It would be great if she saw me so happy now." Mu Shuang'er murmured to herself. This was the first time Lin Yi saw Mu Shuang'er's soft flesh. It made him really uncomfortable.

Lin Yi gently grabbed her hand, and said softly: "Shuang'er, let's talk about each other's past, this should enhance our relationship!"

Mu Shuang'er nodded and said, "Then tell me first, I'm a little nervous and don't know how to tell the story yet."

Lin Yi hummed, and began to tell all his stories from birth to the present, while Mu Shuanger listened quietly.When she heard the happy part, she cheered for joy; when she heard the sad part, she shed tears and sorrow;

About three hours later, Lin Yi let out a long breath, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I accidentally explained it in detail, but my life is like this, with frequent ups and downs. Nothing to be surprised about! What about you? What's your life like?"

"Me? Haha, my life has been a tragedy from the very beginning. My mother is one of Mubawang's maids..." Mu Shuang'er told Lin Yi everything about her without reservation. The experience is very familiar to Lin Yi, because he has watched many similar family ethics series before, and the plots of those series are just like this.

The young master raped the maid, and then the maid became pregnant, and was severely abandoned by the young master, living among the people and suffering a lot.Lin Yi used to think that such things would only appear in movies and TV shows, but now, after listening to Mu Shuanger's description, he realized that there are many more miserable people in this world than him.

After about half an hour, Mu Shuang'er finished telling her story, and her face was already covered with tears.

"This is my life. Before my mother passed away, although I was suffering, I was still happy. After my mother died of illness, my heart was basically dead. My hatred for Mubawang and the killing gods has never ceased. Since then, it has continued to increase. I hate this kind of me, and I don’t want to be like this. But only in this way can I protect myself.” When Mu Shuang’er said this, tears flowed more, this was her first time It was the first time she opened her heart and said what she wanted to say so freely.

Lin Yi gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said with a smile: "Okay, everything is fine now, isn't it? Shuang'er, from today onwards, you are no longer alone, you have me, and many, many sisters , and my mother, by the way, and a lot of children. We are a big family, and I want you to be one of the happiest women in the world..."

Lin Yi's words made Mu Shuang'er laugh out of tears. She pinched Lin Yi's waist and snorted angrily: "If I knew you were so glib, I wouldn't have married you!"

"Really? I'm not only glib, I'm also very good in other aspects!" Lin Yi straightened up, and that obscene posture made Mu Shuang'er even more shy. They defeated so many of them with all their strength, and they still had a lot of energy in the end, which is really awesome.

Mu Shuang'er was about to grab him, when suddenly, a message came from her messenger jade tablet.

After she checked, Xiumei frowned immediately, and said, "Why is that guy here again? Didn't I beat him away? Is he really not afraid of beating?"

"Oh? My cheap father-in-law is here? It looks like he's pretty smart, and he's not on the wrong team." Lin Yi smiled. As soon as the words fell, Mu Shuang'er's face turned a little ugly. Obviously, she didn't like Lin Yi. The title just now.

Lin Yi looked at her with a smile, and said: "Silly Shuang'er, don't worry, if you don't forgive him, how can I give him good fruit? However, he is your father after all, and this level of kinship is I can't change it. Sigh, I really have a headache when I say it. Weiwei and Qingqing also have a bastard father, which makes it very difficult for me to be caught in the middle. If he wasn't solved by the Shura clan, I really don't want to Know how to do it. As for Mu Bawang, Shuang'er, I want to ask you, what is my husband's attitude towards him?"

Mu Shuang'er was taken aback, and said, "My mother's attitude? Actually, I really can't figure it out, that guy is such a jerk, why does my mother not hate him until she dies, and still miss him so much? He must have played for my mother." What curse, hmph, it must be like this!"

"Hahaha, my silly wife, you are not the person involved, of course you will not feel the relationship between your parents, maybe there is something hidden in it. Let's solve the matter of Shen Yuxing first, and then go back to Zixiao Palace, I really want to meet this cheap father-in-law, and see how domineering this wooden bully is!"

(End of this chapter)

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