Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1385 Beat You Invalid

Chapter 1385 Beat You Invalid

Most of the people in Shenyuxing were soft-headed. Ye Tianhu and Ye Tianlang couldn't beat Tianlu brothers before, but they ran so fast that Tianlu couldn't catch up with them.

After the dragons were leaderless, the remaining members of the Ye family directly chose to surrender when they encountered those god-killing clan members without any resistance at all.I really don't know whether Ye Shenyu should be sad or happy after knowing the news.

After Lin Yi returned to Shenyu Star, he quickly arranged everything. His arrangement was also very simple, that is, let the Tianlu brothers take charge of Shenyu Star.

Of course, he also specially told them that as long as they don't go too far, they have a lot of freedom and space to play in Shenyu Star.

Of course, Tianlu approved of this decision with both hands and feet. He just took this opportunity to vent his grievances for so many years.Just don't kill people, he learned a lot about torture methods from the Ye family.

Of course, his targets are those who have committed the most crimes, those who have not done anything evil, and he will not attack them.

Lin Yi felt a little strange, he made such a big commotion in Shenyuxing, and even caught Chu Lingtian's shadow, why Mao Chu Lingtian didn't do anything?Logically speaking, those guys shouldn't be so calm.

In fact, Lin Yi has been puzzled for a long time. The mosquito demon has discovered his existence for a while, but so far, why the mosquito demon has not sent a strong force to deal with him.As for the last fight with the mosquito demon, it was only because he took the initiative to provoke the mosquito demon. This situation is really weird.

Lin Yi thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, and then he simply stopped thinking about it. Who knows what was going on in that dead mosquito's mind, how can a human being like him understand the mosquito's thoughts?

Thinking of this, he felt relieved, and together with Mu Shuang'er, passed through the endless hell, and rushed towards Zixiao Palace at an extremely fast speed.

In front of the main hall of Zixiao Palace, a burly middle-aged man stood there with a suspicious expression on his face. He was surrounded by a large group of Zixiao Palace disciples, but he was very calm, because most of these female disciples' cultivation base They are all under the realm of the gods, so they can't threaten him at all.

"Strange, where did Shuang'er go? Why are there only a group of disciples with such low strength left? Could something have happened?" represents his sincerity.

"Patriarch Mu, the Palace Master has an order to prohibit you from coming to Zixiao Palace. If you don't know how to advance or retreat, don't blame us for being rude!" The look of not being afraid.

Mu Bawang's face changed slightly, and he said very politely: "Why is this fairy so tense? I just came here at Lin Yi's appointment, and I really didn't come here to provoke, otherwise, why would I come here alone without bringing anyone along?" ? Fairy, please tell me, where did your palace master go?"

The woman in red snorted coldly, and said: "Our palace lord is in the same situation as you, how could I tell you the whereabouts of our palace lord? Since you said that Lord Lin Yi invited you to come, then you just wait for Lord Lin Yi Come back when you come back!"

The woman in red was not polite in her words. If it was before, she might still be a little worried that Mu Bawang would kill the Quartet.But now, she is not worried at all, because Mu Bawang is not Mu Shuang'er's opponent.

Mu Bawang wanted to get angry, but he could only be anxious, muttering in his mouth: "That vicious girl's subordinates are also so vicious, alas, I am such a coward as a father."

"Hmph, useless? What qualifications do you have to be my father? Tell me!" A cold snort suddenly sounded in his ears, and Lin Yi and Mu Shuang'er walked out of the void, elegant and natural.

As soon as Lin Yi appeared, his eyes fell on Mubawang. He wanted to know what was so special about the patriarch of the killing god clan.

After taking a look, Lin Yi suddenly felt a little surprised. Judging from the name "Overlord", this guy should look rough, such as a thick beard, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

However, this Mubawang looked like a scholar no matter what. Apart from his burly figure, he was dressed in commoner clothes and held a folding fan, which had nothing to do with the word "Bawang".

Mu Bawang also saw Lin Yi, of course, when he saw Lin Yi holding Mu Shuang'er's hand, his face changed obviously, and his eyes looking at Lin Yi also became unfriendly.

The relationship between the son-in-law and the father-in-law is very delicate. To use a popular metaphor, it is the Chinese cabbage that has been raised for many years, but it is raped by a pig. The resentment in the heart of the vegetable grower can be imagined.

However, Lin Yi didn't accept this at all. Apart from providing a piece of sperm, that guy didn't give Mu Shuang'er any paternal love at all. Does this Chinese cabbage have anything to do with him?
Thinking of this, Lin Yi deliberately put his arms around Mu Shuang'er, then looked down at Mu Bawang, and said, "You are Mu Bawang, the current patriarch of the Killing God Clan? Hehe, it seems that your parents have great expectations of you, but it's a pity that you Not as aggressive as I imagined."

Mu Shuang'er stopped talking, this was a confrontation between men, she had become Lin Yi's little woman, and she didn't want to get involved in it.

Mu Bawang's face darkened immediately, he snorted coldly, and a majestic and cold murderous aura erupted from him.In an instant, the ground within a radius of several miles was covered with frost, and the disciples of Zixiao Palace who were closest to him were all shaken out, and their faces were a little ugly.

Mu Shuang'er's face suddenly turned cold, and she couldn't help but want to make a move, but Lin Yi gently grabbed her wrist and shook his head at her.

"You are Lin Yi, right? Sure enough, it is just like the rumors. You are bullying and defiant. Whether I am domineering or not, you can try it if you have the guts. I promise to let you feel it." The folding fan in Mu Bawang's hand suddenly became A three-meter giant knife, just that giant knife, at least tens of thousands of catties.And the knife was held in his hand like this, with great ease.

Lin Yi closed his eyes, felt the tyrannical murderous aura, and said with a light smile, "Yes, it is indeed powerful in terms of murderous aura, but his own strength is too weak to be on the stage."

"Poor strength? Hmph, do you think that if I lose to my daughter, it means that I am really no match for her? I just missed her because I didn't want to hurt her, okay? Hehehe, my mubawang's daughter is really extraordinary, at such a young age I can easily reach the ninth level of the God Emperor Realm, even if I was really killed by her, I would be very proud, hahaha..." Mu Bawang laughed loudly, and Mu Shuang'er's face suddenly turned cold when he said these words, she really couldn't bear it. Can't stand it!
"Shut up! You shameless old guy! Did you not beat you enough last time, and you still want to beg for it? I have endured you for a long time, and if you don't stop your weak cultivation Get up, I will beat you to a cripple right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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