Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1392 Selfish Old Bastard

Chapter 1392 Selfish Old Bastard

Xing Jiulong couldn't describe his fucking mood at the moment, is this kid human?No matter how stupid he is, he can still see that Lin Yi's cultivation is no worse than him, and he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!
"Good boy, this time the old man was wrong, you really have the strength to be arrogant. But even so, you are still a descendant of the God-killing clan. As a descendant, don't you feel ashamed to be so rude to the elders? "Xing Jiulong didn't dare to continue to attack, for fear of being beaten up by Lin Yi and losing his old face, so he was going to have a verbal battle with Lin Yi. In his opinion, he had already stood at the highest point of morality and had an absolute advantage.

Lin Yi smiled, he shook his head, suddenly looked at Xing Jiulong sharply, and snorted coldly: "The younger generation of the killing gods? It's ridiculous! Xing Jiulong, you can speak so grandly that you don't even blush at all. I really admire you. The branch I belong to has long been forgotten by the God-killing clan, and I have nothing to do with your God-killing clan! Let me ask you, when people from the evil spirit world came to attack us, Where is the God-killing Clan? What have you done? When I was threatened by Shenyu Trading Company, where were you, the so-called elder? Now the God-killing Clan is facing foreign troubles, and Patriarch Mu asked me for help instead of you , What does this mean? Xing Jiulong, what qualifications do you have to say that others pursue power? Aren't you yourself a selfish old beast?"

As soon as Lin Yi said this, Mu Zhou and the others wanted to applaud loudly.In fact, they don't like Xing Jiulong very much, the reason is very simple.

The Killing God Clan has been invaded by foreign enemies many times since ancient times, but this so-called third ancestor did not make a move every time, and then said righteously that this was to give young people some opportunities.Because of this, many younger generations of the God-killing Clan became innocent souls. Many masters who were as strong as this old guy died on the battlefield, but this old guy became stronger and stronger, becoming the so-called the strongest.

This time the evil spirit world invaded on a large scale, Xing Jiulong had to go out, otherwise, it is estimated that the old man would still hide in it and not come out.

Xing Jiulong's face was as gloomy as water. He snorted coldly and was about to curse when Mu Bawang suddenly said, "Lord Sanzu! Master Lin Yi is the reinforcement I invited. Please don't do too much. In this case, I will It will be very difficult. Although you are the third ancestor of my clan, but now I am the patriarch of the Killing God clan!"

Mu Bawang obviously couldn't stand it anymore, he didn't expect to punish Jiulong at all, so he wasn't afraid of offending this guy.

A murderous aura rose from Xing Jiulong's body, but this murderous aura quickly dissipated, because he found that he could not gain much advantage in fighting Mu Bawang.

He snorted coldly and said: "I didn't expect you to speak for outsiders, this old man is really chilling! Forget it, I go to the enchantment to meet the enemy, even if I use up the last drop of blood, I still have to fight those evil spirits go down!"

As soon as Xing Jiulong's words fell, he flew towards the distance quickly. Seeing Xing Jiulong leaving, Mu Bawang heaved a sigh of relief. In this way, the dispute was successfully concluded.

"Lord Lin Yi, I'm really sorry just now. I didn't expect Lord Sanzu to appear suddenly. Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to leave the customs." Mu Bawang's face was rather helpless, but Lin Yi smiled lightly, with Disapproving look.

"Of course he will go out. If he doesn't go out, how can he escape? But it doesn't matter. You don't need to count on his trash strength and trash character. There should be enough time. Take me to see Look at those bewitched and bloodthirsty people, if they are cured, my people will suffer less casualties." Lin Yi spoke directly, Mu Bawang smiled awkwardly, and immediately led the way.

Mu Zhou and his party were very excited, of course they heard the meaning of Lin Yi's words.If those demonic and bloodthirsty people can be cured, the power of the killing gods will increase many times. At that time, do we still need to be afraid of those evil spirits?

Of course they would not miss such a wonderful moment, so a group of people followed Lin Yi like tails, and soon they came to a black hole, the black hole was obviously sealed by a strong seal, so, near it , everyone did not feel any pressure.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile: "Sure enough, it's a very good arrangement. Hiding a big world in a black hole, killing the gods is really a great skill."

Hearing Lin Yi's praise, Mu Bawang was of course overjoyed, and said: "Master Lin Yi has praised you. If there is no such arrangement, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress the seniors inside. In fact, those seniors are also working hard to suppress their own demonic nature inside, trying to Looking for a way to recover. It's a pity that the magic poison is too strong, so far no one has been able to succeed."

Lin Yi didn't speak, just grabbed Mu Shuang'er's hand, and flew to the seal.After observing the seal, he was surprised to find that there was an extremely familiar power in the seal, which was the same as the power that sealed Mo Hao in his Soul Realm.

Seeing Lin Yi's bewildered expression, Mu Bawang quickly explained: "I forgot to introduce you, that seal was created by the first ancestor of our God-killing clan, and it's called the Hongmeng Fixed Soul Seal. If they are sealed inside, the demonic poison in their bodies will be suppressed to the lowest point, allowing them to maintain their sanity. However, we can only maintain this seal, as for how to arrange it, it has long been lost."

"Of course you can't arrange it. This seal is so exquisite, who else can arrange it except Patriarch Hongjun?" Lin Yi thought to himself, but frowned.

He didn't expect that the ancestor of the Killing God Clan was also related to Patriarch Hongjun, and when he thought about it carefully, Patriarch Hongjun seemed to be around him like a shadow, and he seemed to be everywhere wherever he went.

Even though Mo Hao suffered such a serious injury, he still exists well. So, what about Patriarch Hongmeng?At his level, it should be impossible to die, so where is he now?
Thinking of these questions, Lin Yi suddenly felt a headache and his face darkened.

Seeing Lin Yi's expression, Mu Bawang wondered, "Master Lin Yi, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with this seal?"

Lin Yi came back to his senses, his expression returned to calm, and he said: "It's okay, I just lost my mind suddenly. You can quickly open the seal and let me in, go in earlier, cure them earlier, and I will save a lot of trouble."

Mu Bawang nodded quickly, and immediately made complicated and numerous seals beside him.But Mu Zhou and the others were still in a fanatical state, looking at Lin Yi with burning eyes.If it hadn't been for the countless adoring gazes, Lin Yi really couldn't bear it.

After about 5 minutes, all the seals were completed. At this time, densely packed strange characters suddenly appeared on the entire seal, and the radiance was brilliant in an instant, making the scene extremely spectacular.

(End of this chapter)

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