Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1393 You should die together

Chapter 1393 You should die together

Lin Yi's eyes fell on those strange words, somehow, when he saw those words, his soul suddenly trembled, and Mo Hao let out a light sigh from the realm of soul.

"It's strange, there is actually the idea of ​​that old guy Hongjun in it, Lin Yi boy, why don't you try to integrate your soul into the seal, maybe you can get some benefits." Mo Hao's voice sounded in Lin Yi's mind.

"Don't worry, if the spirit and soul are integrated now, I don't know how long it will be delayed. Let's help the Killing Gods solve the problem first." Lin Yi said through voice transmission, but he was very calm.

After the seal opened a hole, a strong suction came from inside, like the strength of the wooden boat group, it was really easy to resist.

Lin Yi took a step forward, but blocked the suction with the aura emanating from his body.

"You follow me, don't stay too far away." Lin Yi said lightly, Mu Zhou and the others immediately nodded in response, and followed Lin Yi very obediently.

Mu Bawang was full of emotion in his heart. He never expected that Lin Yi's influence in the God-killing Clan was greater than him, so that Mu Zhou and the others were so convinced.It seems that he is not a qualified patriarch who usually only cares about cultivation.

He walked in the forefront, leading the way for Lin Yi and the others. Soon, the group entered the black hole and were teleported into a big world.

This big world is similar to the solar system, and Lin Yi's soul power soon enveloped the whole world, and eight planets were detected.These eight planets revolve around a huge star, which is much larger than the sun, but Lin Yi doesn't feel too strong heat, giving people a very gentle feeling.

The appearance of Lin Yi immediately attracted the attention of many powerful people. Lin Yi was surprised to find that the cultivation base of the powerhouses in the Emperor Realm here was not worth much, and the strongest one had already reached the ninth level of the Emperor Realm. The penalty for Kowloon is much higher.

When Mu Bawang came here, his expression immediately became much more serious. He bowed in one direction and said loudly: "Young Mu Bawang, the current patriarch of the Killing God Clan, see you seniors. This junior is here to accompany a My lord is here, this lord can restore all the seniors from the state of obsession and bloodthirsty..."

As soon as Mu Bawang finished speaking, there was a whizzing sound, and then twenty or thirty emperor-level powerhouses appeared in Lin Yi's sight.Even with that layer of seal suppressing their demonic nature, they still exude a powerful demonic energy, which is an extremely evil demonic energy!

"Overlord, you're not talking nonsense, are you? Where is that lord? Please come out and show us!" The speaker was an old man with red hair. shine.

It was hard for Lin Yi to imagine what these people would look like without the suppression of the seal. With so many murderous monsters, all the members of the Killing God Clan would not be able to withstand their killing.

Mu Bawang nodded, and said: "Master Mukuang, don't worry, that lord is him, Lin Yi. He has treated many enchanted and bloodthirsty people and restored them to normal. If he takes action, it should make all of you Back to normal."

Hearing the words, the red-haired old man's face suddenly turned cold. He gave Mu Bawang a vicious look, and shouted: "Mu Bawang! Are you out of your mind? Is this the adult you said? Just such a little guy, You actually called him a lord? Now that the power of the seal has weakened a lot, it is difficult for us to suppress the demonic nature in our bodies. If you provoke us so much, aren't you afraid that I will go crazy and tear you apart?"

As the red-haired old man spoke, his hair started to stand on end one by one, and a bloodthirsty aura erupted from him, as if he was really going to kill someone!

The group of low-cultivation juniors behind the wooden boat were all scared to death. Although those people were their ancestors, they are now possessed and murderous.Once a demonic bloodthirsty person enters a bloodthirsty state, he doesn't care whether you are his clansman or his descendant, he will kill you without error.Standing in front of these enchanted and bloodthirsty people, they instinctively became terrified.

Mu Shuang'er was not afraid at all, she had already clenched her fists and was ready to strike at any time.

Lin Yi patted the back of her hand lightly, signaling her to relax, then took a step forward, and said with a smile: "Indeed, compared to those of you who have half a foot in the coffin, I am indeed much younger Not much. However, whether you can be saved or not is not up to you, if you are powerful, will you still be locked up in this ghost place?"

When Lin Yi said this, those people immediately became unhappy, and they burst into arrogance one by one, ready to crush Lin Yi.

Lin Yi sneered, but with a slight change in his eyes, an absolutely powerful oppressive force erupted from him, pressing on those enchanted and bloodthirsty people.In an instant, many enchanted murderers whose cultivation base was lower than the third level of the emperor's realm were directly pressed back several steps, with frightened expressions on their faces.

As for the strong man at the ninth level of the emperor's realm, he finally opened his eyes after Lin Yi's aura broke out, then stood up, looked in Lin Yi's direction in disbelief, and exclaimed: "Ninth level of the emperor's realm, that kid Mu Bawang Who the hell did they bring?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared into the room, and when he reappeared, he was already standing ten meters in front of Lin Yi.

It was a bald man in black, exuding an extremely evil aura from his whole body. Lin Yi felt a strong threat from him. This guy's strength was definitely not much weaker than him.

As soon as he appeared, he blocked all Lin Yi's aura, then looked at Mu Bawang with a gloomy face, and said coldly: "Mu Bawang, tell me honestly, who is this kid? He has reached the ninth level of Emperor Realm at a young age , the identity must be very difficult, how could he kindly help us recover?"

Mu Bawang's face suddenly changed, he didn't expect this person to come out, didn't this guy have been unable to come out of the closed door?Why did you suddenly run out at this time?

Mu Bawang hurriedly knelt on the ground, and said loudly: "Junior Mu Bawang, I pay my respects to the first Great Elder!"

The bald man glanced at Mubawang, and said coldly: "Mubawang, you haven't explained to me, don't tell me you don't listen to what I say?"

"Yes, Lord Elder of the first generation, Lord Lin Yi was specially invited by me to help defend against foreign enemies. Now the Killing God Starfield has been surrounded by the evil spirit world, and the situation is very critical. Just now, Lord Lin Yi accidentally told me that he can Healing the demonic murderer and restoring him to a normal state, that’s why I brought him here. My lord, Lin Yi is here to save our killing gods, absolutely no malice..."

"Oh, it's really boring. If I knew I came to help, I would be so suspicious by others. Why do I come here when I'm idle? Mu Bawang, you killing gods should die with those evil spirits, so as not to be so troublesome. , wasting our time."

(End of this chapter)

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