Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1394 Don't Blame Me

Chapter 1394 Don't Blame Me

Lin Yi said impatiently, "Xing Jiulong is like this, and now there is a first-generation elder, and the red-haired old man, all of them acted as if he owed them to the killing gods, and they were suspected of helping them." , No one can stand it!

Lin Yi turned around and was about to leave, but before Mu Bawang could say anything, the bald man suddenly snorted coldly and said, "Stop, this is the forbidden place of our clan, is it a place where you can come and leave whenever you want? Now that your true face has been torn apart, then I have no reason to let you go."

As soon as the bald-headed man finished speaking, those obsessed and bloodthirsty people started to move one by one, surrounding Lin Yi and the others.

Mu Zhou was the first one who couldn't take it any longer and shouted loudly: "What the hell is going on! Master Lin Yi did his best to save our Killing God Clan, regardless of any danger, how could you so-called seniors treat him like this? In [-] steps, Master Lin Yi is also considered a member of the God-killing Clan, are you so crazy that you won’t even let the people of the God-killing Clan be spared?"

After the wooden boat opened, those gray-clothed men and women became excited one by one. At this moment, the bald man suddenly snorted coldly, and an incomparably domineering force erupted from him.

"It's so courageous! Mubawang, is that how you teach the younger generation? The members of the killing god clan have forgotten their ancestors and abandoned their ancestors?" The bald man said coldly, Mubawang's face was already gloomy, Walk towards Lin Yi step by step.

Mu Zhou immediately became nervous. Could it be that Mu Bawang wants to attack Lin Yi?If this is the case, the practice of killing the gods is really too dirty.

Mu Bawang and Lin Yi looked at each other, then sighed softly, and said, "Forget it, Master Lin Yi, let's get out of here. Since these people are so ignorant, you don't need to save them. Please don't blame them, they Becoming demonic and bloodthirsty for many years, even if there is a seal to suppress them, their minds will be eroded by demonic poison, so their emotions will be a little more aggressive. Sigh, since everything is God's will, why should I do these meaningless things?"

Mu Bawang's words dissipated the anger in Lin Yi's heart a little bit, and Lin Yi's satisfaction with Mu Bawang also increased a lot. At least this old man is still knowledgeable about current affairs and reasonable.

The bald man's complexion suddenly changed, and he snorted coldly: "Mubawang, what do you mean by that? Are you the same as that kid..."

"It's almost enough, Mr. First Great Elder. Mr. Lin Yi is my honored guest. Even if he doesn't recognize his bloodline of the God-killing clan, he is still a friend of our God-killing clan. Now the God-killing clan is really in dire straits, In the midst of the heat, and you can’t leave this big world, if you still make things difficult for Lord Lin Yi, you will destroy the God-killing Clan with your own hands! I know that you don’t care much about the existence of the God-killing Clan, but I am The patriarch of the God-killing Clan, I have the responsibility to let the God-killing Clan continue and let more people live!" Mu Bawang spoke loudly, and for a moment, Mu Zhou and the others had tears in their eyes, and they really deserved to be their good patriarch , with such a good patriarch around, what do they have to be afraid of?
Lin Yi yawned, and said: "It's almost time to go. Others don't care about being punished, and I don't care about punishing them. It's good to save some energy to deal with those mosquito demons. Mu Bawang, you are not worthless, and finally At least there are still some bright spots, keep working hard, I am optimistic about you."

Mu Shuang'er looked at Mu Bawang with a slightly softer look, not like the gouging-out look just now.

When Mu Bawang noticed the change in Mu Shuang'er's eyes, he was overjoyed. He knew that Lin Yi was helping him to reconcile their father and daughter.

Since Lin Yi worked so hard to do this, of course he would not behave badly. He put on a pose that he thought was very domineering, and then led the way for Lin Yi, preparing to leave this big world.

At this time, a cold snort sounded again, and the bald man suddenly flew over, turned his palms into claws, and grabbed Lin Yi.

Lin Yi sighed softly, and with a wave of his hand, it was a seal of heaven.

This seal of hitting the sky is definitely a super-condensed version, it looks like an apple-sized palm print, and it is lightly slapped at the bald man.

The bald man snorted coldly, turned his claws into fists, and punched the palm print with his fist.

He didn't expect that Lin Yi would dare to ignore him and deal with him with such a humiliating attack. Of course, he couldn't swallow this tone.

However, the moment his fist collided with the palm print, he felt an unprecedented force attacking him. The palm print was stimulated by the punch, and instantly became tens of thousands of times larger, like a mountain pressing down on him. On the bald man, he was knocked hundreds of thousands of miles away, and then he was pressed hard by the palm print on a planet. This blow alone destroyed a third of the planet. If it wasn't for Lin Yi deliberately controls, this blow can destroy this big world.

Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at the planet, sighed softly, and said, "Patriarch Mu, I'm really sorry, I shot a bit harder and destroyed a small planet, you shouldn't blame me, right? If you really want to blame, then I I’ll pay you one, anyway, I still have hundreds of millions of such small planets.”

Mu Bawang swallowed, Lin Yi's move was so cruel that he didn't even know how to speak.

He hehe smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, there are many capable people here, and the restoration of the planet is very simple for them. Let's leave here quickly, the situation outside is changing quickly, I'm worried that Mo Xin will What kind of tricks are you playing with us?"

Of course Mu Bawang wanted to leave here quickly, Lin Yi played too much, if the people here were annoyed, and each of them entered a state of obsession and bloodthirsty, then it would be difficult for them to leave!
Lin Yi nodded and said: "Okay, as long as there is no objection, then we will leave. However, considering the current situation, we may not be able to leave easily!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, a loud roar came from the ruined planet, and then, the bald man's body flew out like a cannonball, and appeared a hundred meters in front of Lin Yi in the blink of an eye.

Most of the clothes on the bald man were torn, and he looked very embarrassed.But Lin Yi could feel that this guy didn't suffer any injuries. After all, he was at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, so he wouldn't be that good.

The bald man looked at Lin Yi coldly, and said: "What a powerful force, it seems that I really underestimated you. With such strength, it seems that you may indeed be able to cure us. How about this, I will give you a Opportunity, you can try to treat it, if it can be cured, this seat will give you enough benefits, if it can't be cured... Hehehe, then don't blame this seat for being vicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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