Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1395 What a powerful method

Chapter 1395 What a powerful method

As soon as the bald man said this, Lin Yi was stunned.

He tilted his head, glanced at Mubawang, and said, "Patriarch Mu, this person is not an idiot, is he? The first generation elder? Do you mean that this guy has existed since the creation of the Killing God Clan? Sigh Alas, the years are so cruel, turning a normal person into an senile dementia is really hard!"

Mu Zhou and the others couldn't help laughing, even Mu Shuang'er couldn't help smiling, she rarely smiled, especially this kind of smile from the heart.

Mu Bawang's face was very ugly. That bald man was indeed too shameless. Just now he kept saying that Lin Yi had plans for them. Now, when he knew Lin Yi's strength, he immediately changed his face and asked Lin Yi to help.It's fine to ask Lin Yi to help, doesn't this idiot know how to say a few nice words?He even made a threat, it really beeped the dog!
"Lord Lin Yi, don't talk to him, let's go!" Mubawang opened the entrance and exit passage with a dark face.

The bald man's face suddenly turned cold, and suddenly a long knife appeared in his hand, and he slashed towards the passage.

This knife was full of destructive power, and the bald man was obviously really angry.

Mu Bawang immediately prepared to help Lin Yi, at this moment, Lin Yi suddenly let go of Mu Shuang'er's hand, then pulled out the evil knife and rushed towards the bald man.

"You all watch there, since this guy wants to die by himself, don't blame me for being cruel!" Lin Yi shouted, and the originally suppressed power burst out instantly, and he also extracted some soul power from Mo Hao.

In this way, Lin Yi is definitely going all out, and he wants to beat this bald man who doesn't know what to do!
Lin Yi's evil knife collided with the light of the knife, and the huge explosion sound was deafening. Under the burst of strong light, everyone could not see the battle situation clearly.

The bald man was full of confidence, thinking that this knife could defeat Lin Yi, but when Lin Yi's evil knife collided with his knife light, he was shocked to find that his knife light shattered, and Lin Yi's knife slashed on the ground. On him, his body-protecting divine power was split by this knife.

With a scream, his body was split in half by Lin Yi, and blood spurted out wildly, the scene was extremely bloody.

Lin Yi stood alone in the sky, watching all this very indifferently.His robes were not stained with blood, and from his appearance, it seemed that he was not injured at all.

Not far in front of him, the body of the bald man is recovering rapidly. As a strong man of the ninth level of the Emperor Realm of the God-killing Clan, his physical recovery ability is quite strong.

However, his face was extremely panicked at this time, he did not expect Lin Yi's strength to be so strong, if he used a little more force in that knife, his old life would be over like this.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, he looked at him quietly, and said, "Do you want to continue beating? If you want to continue beating, I will chop you into a few more pieces to make you more enjoyable."

When Lin Yi said this, he lightly stroked the evil knife in his hand. At this moment, all those addicted murderers felt a chill in their hearts and trembled all over. Lin Yi's murderous intent had obviously locked on everyone. What a terrifying moment. strength!

The bald man coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his body was cut in half. Even if he recovered, he still suffered serious internal injuries.

He looked at Lin Yi bitterly, sighed softly and said: "I lost, and I am convinced. If you want to kill, kill as long as you want. I will be satisfied if I die in the hands of a master like you."

Seeing this, Mu Bawang hurriedly shouted at Lin Yi: "Master Lin Yi, please be merciful, don't kill them! Although they have become obsessed and bloodthirsty, they have killed countless demons and wicked people before. It's all due to the credit! The first generation elder's temper is indeed bad, but he has learned a lesson, can you show mercy and let him live?"

"Let him live? Hehe, did I say to kill him? He has been relentlessly provoking me. If this spirit is used in cultivation, his current achievement is probably much higher than it is now. Let's go, Let's go out and play with those mosquito monsters and puppets. Oops, I almost forgot one thing, those guys blocked the entrance to the Death God Starfield, so if my people come, won't they fight with them? No way , In this case, the main force will be mine, and I will suffer a lot!" Lin Yi suddenly thought of this, looked anxious, turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, the bald man suddenly said: "My lord, if you can cure us, we are willing to become the vanguard and fight to the death with those evil spirits who invaded the Killing God Starfield, until we die!"

Lin Yi paused, seemed to think about it carefully, and then said to himself: "That's right, this is really a good idea. In this way, my people will be less injured, and you killing the gods will accept my responsibility." Two favors are a good deal."

Mu Bawang's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly shouted: "Master Lin Yi, you really agreed? That's great, let's treat them now!"

Mu Bawang called "Master Lin Yi" more and more smoothly, and even forgot that Lin Yi was his son-in-law.

Mu Shuang'er looked at Lin Yi quietly, her heart was like a mirror.Lin Yi should have reached this point from the very beginning. It's not that he didn't want to help them heal, but he wanted to frustrate them and make them less arrogant.

Looking at Mu Bawang's current posture, Mu Shuang'er found it even more funny. When this guy first faced Lin Yi, he was so arrogant and looked superior.

What now?Subconsciously, the waist is bent so low, and the posture is so low that it is in the dust. What a powerful method Lin Yi used.

Lin Yi yawned, and said: "I was sleepy to death, but I was attacked by a fool just now, and I wasted a lot of energy. It's really a headache for you to kill the gods! Forget it, forget it!" I'm unlucky, that bald head, you come first, as long as you can be cured, I believe no one else will suspect anything."

Lin Yi hooked his fingers at the bald man, and the bald man flew over with a wry smile on his face, and said, "Master Lin Yi, my name is Mu Yuanshui, you can call me Yuanshui."

"Oh, Yuan Shui has a bald head, right? You stand still and don't think about anything, I'll help you check your body first." Lin Yi said here, stretched out a finger, and pointed at the center of Mu Yuanshui's eyebrows, and then, An incomparably huge spiritual power entered Mu Yuanshui's body, and then checked every corner of his body.

Of course Mu Yuanshui did not dare to resist at all, for fear of interfering with Lin Yi's treatment, Lin Yi's soul power inspected Mu Yuanshui's body in detail, and soon he found the problem.

"The devil's poison has been fused with the soul, and the demonic murderers with high cultivation are really different from the ones I have seen before. Only by separating these devil's poison from their soul can we truly solve the problem, hehe, It doesn't look easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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