Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1396 Not cute at all

Chapter 1396 Not cute at all
Lin Yi's words changed Mu Yuanshui's expression, and Lin Yi could see this, which was enough to show that Lin Yi had some skills.

He smiled wryly, and said: "My lord, you are right. These demonic poisons have indeed infiltrated into our souls. Therefore, it is very difficult to remove these demonic poisons. Generally, we use strong cultivation bases to forcibly remove the low-cultivation poisons." The demonic poison of the leader is forced out, but no one like us who has reached the emperor level can force out our demonic poison. You may be able to, my lord, but it will cause too much damage to your body. Don't try it rashly."

Mu Yuanshui's attitude towards Lin Yi is very respectful. Compared with before, it is like heaven and earth. If it weren't for Lin Yi's strong psychological endurance, he might not be able to accept it if he was someone else.

Lin Yi looked at him with a smile, and said: "Even if it doesn't harm my body, I can't do it like that. Forcing out the poison in that way will cause permanent trauma to the soul, which will affect future cultivation. Only those Only a stupid person will use this trick. I am not a stupid person, of course I will not use it."

Lin Yi's words can really kill many people, because the killing gods have used this method since ancient times to save the demons and bloodthirsty people. Except for this method, other methods have no effect, so they are all discarded.

Mubawang showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and said: "Master Lin Yi, according to what you said, the soul and demon poison are completely integrated, so there is no way to separate them? Since you said you can solve this problem, then you must Is there a way?"

"Hahaha, you really have confidence in me, so I'm not ashamed to say that I can't help it. Indeed, your situation is completely different from what I have encountered before, because the enchanted murderers I treated before have all cultivation bases. Very low. At that time, the magic poison was only polluting the realm of the soul, and it was enough to get rid of it with a pill. But now, the magic poison and the power of the soul are completely integrated, so it is necessary to strip the magic poison from the soul. This is the difficulty The reason. The method you used to kill the gods before was to use a powerful soul to force the poison out of the soul of the enchanted murderer. The reason why it was successful was because the demonic poison was in the soul of the enchanted murderer at that time. The erosion in the middle is not too deep. Even if that is the case, with that method, it will cause very serious damage to the soul, just like killing a thousand enemies and damaging yourself by [-]." Lin Yi paused for a while when he said this, and the palm of his hand Pressing on Mu Yuanshui's celestial spirit cover, his palm suddenly turned into a claw, and then pulled hard, and an illusory shadow was pulled out from Mu Yuanshui's celestial spirit cover, which was exactly Mu Yuanshui's soul.

The faces of Mu Bawang and the others all changed. Being able to pull out the soul of a strong man in the imperial realm so easily, this is such a powerful control over the soul, this point, many experts present sighed.

After Mu Yuanshui's soul was pulled out, he looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, and said, "Master Lin Yi, why did you pull out my soul? Are you going to start treatment?"

"It's not a cure, it's an experiment. Bald Yuanshui, there is one thing I must explain in advance. This is the first time I've stripped the demonic poison from the soul, so I have to try a few more times before I can find a better way. Since you are the strongest here, it shouldn't be a problem to be a test subject, right?" Lin Yi said lightly, Mu Yuanshui's eyes changed first, and then quickly regained his firmness, and he nodded very seriously.

"Okay, if I can really do my part for the God-killing Clan, I'm willing to be a test subject! Master Lin Yi, even if you try it on me, even if you die, I don't blame you!" Mu Yuanshui's tone was extremely firm, As soon as the words fell, Mu Kuang flew out suddenly, and slapped his soul out with a slap.

"If you want to try, let me try it. The first generation elder has a high status, how can he do such a dangerous thing? This is too reckless, absolutely not!" Mu Kuang shouted loudly, but Lin Yi glanced at him lightly, A very disdainful expression.

"If you have a high status, your life is worth more than others? They are all stinky skins and a soul, who has more noses and more mouths than the other? I have decided that I will not choose anyone except this bald head of Yuan Shui. If you are not convinced, You can practice with Lao Tzu!" Lin Yi said here, a powerful imposing coercion erupted from him, this is a method often used by Mu Kuang and the others, and now Lin Yi returns them all intact.

Under Lin Yi's aura, Mu Kuang had no possibility of resisting at all, and was so oppressed that he couldn't breathe.

Seeing this, Mu Yuanshui quickly pleaded for Mu Kuang, saying: "My lord, please don't torture him anymore. He also cares about me and has absolutely no malice. You are right, everyone in the Killing God Clan is equal. , as the oldest member of the Killing God Clan, I should lead by example and not pursue the so-called power position, it is wrong to do so!"

Hearing what Mu Yuanshui said, Lin Yi restrained his breath completely, then nodded with satisfaction, and said: "This is a bit of a senior style, and it seems that the killing of the gods is not so hopeless. Then we will do it now." Let's get started, don't waste time, time is really precious now."

When Lin Yi said this, he casually imprisoned Mu Kuang who was about to speak again.The other obsessed murderers who were about to speak immediately shut up, for fear that Lin Yi would get angry and kill them immediately.

Mu Yuanshui's soul stood there motionless, Lin Yi circled around him, and said to himself: "The core of the devil's poison is in the heart of the soul, if you want to strip it off, you must start from the heart of the soul. The heart of the soul is the key to the existence of the soul, once it is damaged, the soul will at least be seriously injured, or even shattered directly, and it will never be reborn forever."

When Lin Yi said this, Mu Yuanshui's spirit trembled involuntarily. What he said was too terrifying. Although he said that he was not afraid of death, but if he really wanted to die like this, it would be too embarrassing to die.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Don't be so excited. With me here, you probably won't be able to die. Even if the experiment fails, I can use the law of time to forcibly reverse the time to save you, so you don't have to worry about it." . If you are still worried, then I will use some practical tools."

When Lin Yi said this, with a thought, one hundred and eight silver needles appeared beside Lin Yi, which were the Divine Needles of Destiny.

At this time, the Divine Needle of Destiny is completely different from before. Each silver needle exudes an extremely powerful aura, and this aura can only be possessed by super artifacts.

That is to say, as long as a discerning person sees the Divine Needle of Destiny at first sight, he will immediately see through its identity as a super artifact.

Lin Yi couldn't help feeling a little funny, and said, "Destiny Silver Needle, when did you become such a stinky fart? Can't you keep a low profile like me? Alas, it's not cute at all.

(End of this chapter)

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