Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1397 Prepare to die

Chapter 1397 Prepare to die
Lin Yi's words made Mu Shuang'er couldn't help laughing, but that day's Destiny Needle seemed to be competing deliberately, not only did not restrain its strength, but intensified its powerful power, shocking the dumbfounded murderers nearby.

Mu Yuanshui seemed to recognize the Divine Needle of Destiny, and said in disbelief, "The Divine Needle of Destiny, isn't this one of the three treasures of the Shenyao Valley? Why is it in your hands?"

"Is it strange? The Valley of Divine Medicine is mine now, and of course I have to control their Three Treasures. However, the Divine Needle of Destiny is still in the recovery stage. I don't know if it can display its strongest power." Lin Yi While speaking, the one hundred and eight silver needles suddenly emitted three different lights, and then these silver needles began to revolve around Lin Yi. What.

As the speed of rotation became faster and faster, Lin Yi could hardly see the changes of those silver needles clearly. Suddenly, the three-color light began to concentrate in one direction, and then all the silver needles merged into one, turning into a single It seems very ordinary, ordinary silver needles without brilliance.

Lin Yi stretched out his hand, and the silver needle fell into Lin Yi's hand. Lin Yi could feel that there was a spirit in this silver needle!
In other words, the true form of the Divine Needle of Destiny has appeared, which is this ordinary silver needle.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and he said to the silver needle: "Stop pretending? I thought you would pretend to be more powerful! This time, I need your help. Continue to enjoy the Xuanhuang Qi."

Lin Yi pinched the Divine Needle of Destiny in his hand, and with the divine needle in hand, Lin Yi's aura rose again. The power of a super-artifact is really not simple.

Mu Yuanshui swallowed, Lin Yi's performance was so dazzling that he couldn't bear it at all.Formidable strength, a super artifact that can be taken out at will, how did such a genius grow up.

"Are you ready? If you are ready, the experiment will begin. First try the first method to crush the soul." Lin Yi laughed and said, before Mu Yuanshui could react, Lin Yi punched Mu Yuan Between the eyebrows of Shui's soul, Mu Yuanshui's soul shattered with a bang, and a cloud of demonic poison floated in the soul fragments, polluting many soul fragments.

Lin Yi frowned, brushed his big hand, and the time around Mu Yuanshui started to flow backwards. In the blink of an eye, Mu Yuanshui's spirit recovered, as if nothing had happened.

With Lin Yi's strength, he can only turn back the time for ten seconds, and the consumption is not small.Restoring a master of Mu Yuanshui's level will consume more energy, and the time for reversing will be cut in half. Therefore, Lin Yi dare not take it lightly, otherwise this guy will really die.

Mu Yuanshui looked shocked, and said: "Lord Lin Yi, it seems too risky to do this. The demon poison has not been exorcised. I guess I have already died."

Lin Yi nodded, and said: "That's right, so I'll turn back time to restore you. However, the law of time really can't be used indiscriminately, it consumes too much, it seems that I have to be more careful. OK."

When Lin Yi said this, the Divine Needle of Destiny in his hand suddenly emitted a strong light, so bright that it was a bit dazzling.

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback, glanced at it, and said, "Why, do you have a way to get rid of the poison? Don't brag, okay? I took you out just to give these guys some confidence, and I didn't intend to use you. .”

Lin Yi's words were too direct, and he coughed continuously for a while.

The Divine Needle of Destiny obviously understood Lin Yi's words, and then began to protest. With a whoosh, it flew out of Lin Yi's hand, then pierced straight into the eyebrow of Mu Yuanshui's soul, and then went straight in.

Mu Yuanshui was startled, and instinctively wanted to resist, but found that he had lost control of his body.

Then, a piercing pain hit him, as if countless swords cut his soul from the inside, this kind of pain was hard for him to bear.

Lin Yi quickly injected the power of the soul into Mu Yuanshui's body, and soon, he saw what the Divine Needle of Destiny was doing.

That guy is really not simple. First, he used the power of the ghost meridian needle to suppress the toxicity of the devil's poison, and then used the power of the devil's meridian needle to penetrate into the heart of the soul, draw out the devil's poison, and then absorb it. The most important thing is that in this process Among them, the powerful repairing power of Shenmai acupuncture is perfectly reflected. Lin Yi really can't find any flaws in this combination treatment.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and he said: "Yuan Shui is bald, just bear with it, the Divine Needle of Destiny really uses the most perfect way to get rid of your demonic poison, don't have any resistance, otherwise it will only delay your life." Our time."

Mu Yuanshui gritted his teeth and said: "I understand, don't worry, I can definitely bear it! I can definitely!"

Lin Yi chuckled, and said: "Then you have to be patient. I left the Destiny Needle here. It has self-awareness. It should be fine to cure you. After you are cured, come out to help, don't hide in the Put a turtle in it!"

"When...of course not, sir, don't worry, as long as we return to normal, whoever dares to hide inside and not come out, I will kill them with my own hands, and will not tolerate it!" Mu Yuanshui yelled these words with great difficulty, He didn't make a sound anymore, he was already in so much pain that he had no energy left.

Mu Bawang took a long breath and said: "Finally, I can relax a little bit. If the evil poison of the elders can be exorcised, what are those evil spirits outside?"

"Patriarch Mu, I advise you not to relax too much. The mosquito demon is trying to hold me back with these tricks. Since it is holding me back, it is not easy to solve it easily. Be prepared to fight to the death, this is a fierce battle, hide and hide No." Lin Yi said lightly, took Mu Shuang'er's hand, and disappeared in the passage in the blink of an eye.

Mu Bawang's mood suddenly became heavy, he frowned, and followed him out.

When they left the big world, they immediately went to the border of the Killing God Starfield, where a very powerful defensive barrier had been set up. This defensive barrier had guarded the Killing God Clan for countless years and resisted the attacks of countless enemies. attack.

On the side of the barrier, all the powerful members of the Killing God Clan are ready to fight, staring at the countless enemies on the other side of the barrier like a tide.

In terms of numbers and momentum, those enemies clearly crushed the God-killing clan. Because of this, everyone felt heavy in their hearts, and they were even ready to die together.

The bloody nature of the God-killing clan prevented them from surrendering. They wanted to fight, even if they fought to the last moment, they would never give up.

Now they are full of fighting spirit, because Xing Jiulong, who has always retreated and avoided fighting, has come out to fight, so why do they have any reason to be afraid?
Xing Jiulong stood at the forefront of everyone. Just now, he had finished an impassioned speech, expressing his determination to fight to the death. In this way, he won countless hearts and became the backbone of everyone here. How can this feeling be What a cool word?
But at this moment, a loud shout sounded from the crowd, waking him up from his intoxication.

"Oh my god, isn't that the legendary Lord Lin Yi? He really came! Hahaha, that's great. Once Lord Lin Yi comes, we will be saved!"

(End of this chapter)

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