Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1398 Not bad for you!

Chapter 1398 Not bad for you!
As soon as the shout came out, almost everyone looked in one direction. When they saw Lin Yi and Mu Bawang, they were all extremely happy, and their excitement was beyond words.

"Lord Lin Yi, it's really Lord Lin Yi, I'm not dreaming!"

"It's not a dream, it's real! It's exactly the same as in the portrait! God, I can't hold back seeing him. It would be great if I could sleep with him for one night and conceive his child."

"Don't think about it, how could Lord Lin Yi like you? Didn't you see the woman next to him? How many people in our God-killing Clan can compare to that woman's body and beauty?"

"No, I seem to have seen that person before, she... she is the Emperor Zixiao! That's right, it is the Emperor Zixiao!"


All of a sudden, many members of the God-killing clan were very excited, especially those younger brothers.

As for Xing Jiulong, they have long forgotten about it. Compared with Lin Yi, he is even worse than shit!
Mu Bawang chuckled, and said: "Lord Lin Yi, your reputation in the God-killing Clan is much greater than mine. Even I can't help but envy you. I was really ignorant before, and I am really ashamed!"

"Patriarch Mu is too polite. I didn't expect that I would become famous by accident. Speaking of it, I should be the one who is really ashamed." Lin Yi smiled. He really couldn't bear the enthusiasm of killing the gods. It's okay, he didn't expect that such a thing as personality worship would be so violent in the killing gods.

At this moment, Xing Jiulong snorted suddenly, and said: "I really don't know what it means! The young people nowadays are really getting worse and worse. They are just a brat, what is there to admire? They all look like this, really It's too embarrassing for our God-killing clan!"

The words of Xing Jiulong made Mu Zhou and the others immediately angry. They saw Lin Yi's strength with their own eyes, and they also saw Lin Yi trying his best to treat those demons and murderers in order to kill the gods.And this so-called third ancestor has been hiding for so many years, and they don't have the slightest affection for him.

Mu Zhou was about to reprimand, but Lin Yi stepped forward and said: "You are stupid again? Old man, don't you have learned enough lessons before? Do you think that I have a good impression of you and won't do anything to you? Hehe, If you think that, it just proves that you're feeling too good about yourself."

When Lin Yi said this, he walked towards Xingjiulong step by step. Every step he took, cracks appeared in the originally peaceful universe. What a terrifying power!

If he was in a place with few or no people, Xing Jiulong would pretend to be a grandson, but now that so many people are looking at him, he can't get off a tiger, so he has to fight no matter what!
Thinking of this, a ruthless expression appeared on his face, and he yelled at Lin Yi: "What's so great about you! You brat, old man..."

Xing Jiulong's voice stopped abruptly, he felt the coldness coming from his neck, a long knife was placed on his neck at some point, and he didn't even feel Lin Yi moved at all.

Lin Yi, who was in the original position, disappeared like smoke, and even Mu Shuang'er didn't know how Lin Yi did it.

Lin Yi held the evil knife in his hand, looked at Xing Jiulong with a smile, and said, "How do you feel now? Do you still think I am a baby? Oh, actually, I am really a baby, the hand holding the knife It's easy to shake, if you accidentally shake hard and cut your throat, alas, then you can't blame me!"

"You... don't scare me. Even if you cut off my neck, I can recover. Besides, your sneak attack method is really disgusting. It's a man who fights with a knife and a gun. Don't play with these tricks Yes!" Xing Jiulong looked stern, and when he yelled these words, his body couldn't help but tremble.

He didn't want to shake, but it was a physical instinct, and he couldn't control it.

Lin Yi gave him a sympathetic look, shook his head, and said: "Killing you old guy is really meaningless. To be precise, I don't even have the slightest interest in it. I guess I don't even want to devour my evil knife." Your physical body and soul, you are too rubbish."

Lin Yi sighed, slowly removed the knife from Xing Jiulong's neck, turned around and walked forward.

Xing Jiulong turned his palm into a knife and cut Lin Yi's neck.

"Lord Lin Yi, be careful!" Mu Zhou yelled and rushed out.

There were a lot of people rushing out, but they were far away from Lin Yi, and at this distance, it was too late.

However, what surprised everyone was that Mu Shuang'er stood there very calmly, as if she didn't see this scene.

Those who killed the gods were angry in their hearts. Lin Yi was so dangerous, and Mu Shuang'er was indifferent. This woman must not really love Lin Yi.

Seeing that Xing Jiulong's palm knife was about to hit Lin Yi's neck, Lin Yi suddenly sighed, and the space around him froze by the way, including the punishment of Lin Yi to Jiulong.

Xing Jiulong's body also froze in mid-air. He looked at Lin Yi's back in disbelief, and a cold voice sounded in his ear: "I rarely give people so many chances. Now that the enemy is facing me, I only once And again, I will give you a chance to live again and again. There is always a limit to everything, don't think that being old is a big deal. I have killed a lot of those so-called old guys who rely on the old to sell the old, and you are not bad!"

When Lin Yi said this, Xing Jiulong's clothes were already soaked in cold sweat.He could feel the pain from his neck. Just as Lin Yi put the knife on his neck for a while, his protective power was broken, and a bloodstain appeared on his neck. will move.Moreover, what Lin Yi just said is very clear, Lin Yi's knife has the power to devour the soul, which is not something he can resist!

Mu Bawang was frightened for a while, but his joy was more than fear. Of course, the stronger Lin Yi's strength, the better, otherwise how would he deal with those powerful enemies outside?

Those admirers of Lin Yi cheered earth-shatteringly. They all felt that Xing Jiulong was his own fault, and Lin Yi had already let him go. He even sneaked up from behind and did such disgusting things. It's a shame to kill the gods!
If it weren't for Xing Jiulong's transcendent identity, if it were someone else, he would have been severely punished and destroyed directly!

After Lin Yi's breath subsided, Xing Jiulong regained his ability to move. He stood there blankly, and he didn't react for a while.

Lost, lost so easily, and defeated so utterly.

Lin Yi not only defeated him, but also crushed his killing intent. Now, when he faced Lin Yi, even if he suppressed it deliberately, he couldn't cover up the fear in his heart, and couldn't stop his body from shaking.

He was floating there alone, countless negative emotions filled his heart, he was afraid, he was unwilling, he was angry, and he hated!
When those emotions were all fused together, he suddenly roared and rushed towards the barrier as if he was crazy.

"If I want to die, I won't make it easy for you, let's die together!"

(End of this chapter)

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