Chapter 1399
Lin Yi suddenly discovered that the brains of the people who killed the gods were the most likely to be broken, and this Xing Jiulong perfectly embodies this point.

He had already made it clear that he would let this guy go, why did he completely change his mind in this guy's understanding?He really couldn't figure out this kind of thing.

Mu Bawang's face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "Stop him quickly! The internal defense of the barrier is very weak, and it will be broken by him!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the elders of the Killing God Clan suddenly changed, and they all shot to stop them.

However, Xing Jiulong was much stronger than them, and their attacks could not be stopped at all.

"Crazy, he's already crazy!" Mu Bawang said angrily, he was really anxious, because he knew that even if he tried his best, it would be impossible to stop him.

He quickly looked at Lin Yi and shouted: "Master Lin Yi, please act quickly, only you can stop him!"

"Stop him? Is it so necessary? Hehe, maybe his body exploded while flying." Lin Yi said with a smile. At this time, Xing Jiulong is less than a hundred miles away from the enchantment. It takes two seconds to get there.

However, at this time, his body suddenly stopped, and then his facial features began to twist, his body was like a balloon being inflated, and quickly became bigger, and then exploded into a cloud of blood mist with a bang, even his soul was blown away gotta smash.

Lin Yi looked at this scene indifferently, and said: "Now you believe it, I said he will explode."

Mubawang swallowed, he didn't expect that Lin Yi was so vigorous and played so hard, he probably didn't know how he died until his death.

"Thank you Lord Lin Yi for your righteous action, otherwise we would be really dangerous to kill the God Clan. Although that layer of enchantment may not be able to block the evil spirits outside, but without it, our Kill God Clan will die more people! " Mubawang sighed, looking very helpless.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "It's just a trivial matter. Patriarch Mu doesn't need to be so grateful, but I killed you the number one master of the God-killing clan. You shouldn't blame me, right?"

"The patriarch will definitely not let you, my lord! What kind of bullshit master is Xing Jiulong? He has been killing the gods for so long, and I have never seen him do much for the killing of the gods. He has always been afraid of death, and he is also afraid of being enchanted in battle. Everyone knows that he has been closed to death after becoming a demonic murderer! Now, he has directly betrayed the clan and wanted to kill the entire clan. Even if he kills this kind of person a thousand times or ten thousand times, he will not be able to relieve his hatred !” Mu Zhou said angrily, he is an absolute supporter of Lin Yi, and his words also represent the aspirations of many people here, no one objected.

Lin Yi took a long breath, seemed to relax, and said, "Hearing what you said, I feel relieved. I thought you would avenge that guy and attack me. I was so scared just now that I couldn't move my hands." A little trembling."

When Lin Yi said this, many people laughed, which eased the tense atmosphere a lot.

Mu Shuang'er gently took Lin Yi's hand, and whispered: "Lin Yi..."

"Huh? Mrs. Shuang'er, what do you call me? It's not good to call me by my name all the time. You should call me Husband, or Husband." Lin Yi interrupted Mu Shuang'er and said with a smile.

Mu Shuang'er blushed pretty, hummed softly, and said, "Husband, I want to ask, how are you going to resist the group of monsters outside? Although you let them rush over within three hours, many people's positions are not It's very far away, let alone three hours, even thirty hours may not be able to make it back. If they can't make it, can we really stop those monsters?"

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi immediately showed a look of surprise on his face, and said, "Strange, Mrs. Shuang'er, how did I find out that you care about the safety of the God-killing Clan? Don't you hate the God-killing Clan? Don't you now?" Hate it?"

When Mu Shuang'er heard this, her complexion suddenly became very complicated, with a look of entanglement, she said: "I...I don't hate it? But, since you said you want to help, then this matter has something to do with you, and it has nothing to do with you. You are related to me, how can I not care?"

"Oh, that's right, I thought you had forgiven Patriarch Mu." Lin Yi said with a smile, and Mu Bawang cooperated very well with a simple and honest smile, but Mu Shuang'er gave him a hard look.

"Forgive him? He is dreaming, and he will never think of me forgiving him in his life! Although he is responsible to the killing gods and does not bow to the demons, this cannot make up for his mistakes!" Mu Shuang'er's eyes were extremely cold, The tone was also full of chills.

Mu Bawang lowered his head bitterly, Mu Shuang'er's words hit his nails, and he couldn't find any other words to refute.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Now is not the time to talk about this, let's get back to the topic. Mrs. Shuang'er, do you think that the purpose of those guys outside is really to kill the gods?"

Lin Yi's words made Mu Shuang'er stunned, she frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Isn't it? If they're not trying to kill the gods, why are they surrounding this?"

"Siege without attacking, and give an ultimatum, what a boring act, but they did it anyway, why? Hehe, didn't they just want to attract me? If my guess is right, I guess my inseparable Hell can no longer pass through the turbulent flow of space." Lin Yi said here, and he swipe towards the nearby space. This situation is too weird!
Mo Hao, who was in Lin Yi's Soul Realm, immediately reacted, and said: "This is to forcibly seal a large area of ​​space, including the turbulent flow of space, which is completely frozen. In this way, no space laws can be used, and the Infernal Hell is indeed useless. "

Lin Yi ignored Mo Hao, he had already seen it, why do you need this guy to explain?

Mu Shuang'er frowned tightly. If this was the case, wouldn't Lin Yi be in danger?
"Husband, is the mosquito demon going to kill you here? If that's the case..."

"Silly girl, he is still counting on my key, how could he destroy me like this? What's more, he doesn't have the strength. Otherwise, he could devour me and replace me in the Infernal Hell last time. He is playing this game now. The trick is to restrain me so that I can't do other things, and wait for the moment he is looking forward to, and I have almost guessed what he is waiting for." Lin Yi said with a smile, with a calm and breezy expression. look.

Outside the barrier, on the largest battleship, a man in black armor was standing on the deck, his eyes seemed to see through everything, looking at Lin Yi in the barrier from a distance.

"Lin Yi, Lin Yi, you finally got into this big urn as I expected. Next, let me play with you big turtle!"

(End of this chapter)

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