Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1400 The Real Emperor Realm

Chapter 1400 The Real Emperor Realm

The man in black armor was naturally Mo Xin, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he had already settled for Lin Yi.

At this time, he suddenly found that Lin Yi was smiling, and he just looked at him like this, and met his gaze.

From the shape of Lin Yi's mouth, he judged what Lin Yi was saying.

"It's not certain who is the turtle and who will catch who."

When Mo Xin said this, she felt a chill in her heart for no reason. They had dealt with Lin Yi quite a few times, and they were the ones who suffered every time. This time, can they really turn everything around?

Originally, Mo Xin was somewhat confident, but now, he suddenly felt an indescribable worry, and an ominous premonition struck his heart again.

"Impossible, why do I think so? How could he beat me? Want to play psychological warfare, hmph, it's ridiculous!" Mo Xin immediately came to a conclusion with a sneer on his face.

Lin Yi's eyes moved away from Mo Xin, his eyes fell on Mu Bawang, and said: "Patriarch Mu, what is the current combat power of your killing god clan? Are there only these people here?"

Mu Bawang nodded, and said: "The clansmen above the level of the emperor are all here, together, there are about 300 people in total, of which 19 people are above the emperor level, most of them are from the first and second levels of the emperor level, and there are only [-] people above the seventh level of the emperor level. .However, if those seniors can return to normal and join the battle, our combat power can be increased by at least three times, and we should be able to deal with the people brought by Mo Xin."

When Mubawang said this, he looked full of confidence.After hearing what he said, Lin Yi looked at him obviously differently from before, with a playful smile on his face.

Mu Shuang'er couldn't help but sneer, she really didn't dare to compliment the fighting power of the God-killing clan.No wonder others say that the God-killing Clan has fallen, which is not bad at all.

"That... Although their cultivation is not too high, their combat power is not bad! The secret method of our God-killing Clan can more than double their strength at a very small cost, plus our God-killing Starfield With the blessing of your own formation, even if you can't beat them, it shouldn't be too shabby, right?" Mu Bawang was a little unconvinced, although Lin Yi was very strong, but he was certainly not happy when he looked down on them to kill the gods.

"You really think that this kind of combat power can be put on the stage, right?" Lin Yi said lightly, the contempt in his tone was very obvious. With a thought in his mind, a dozen beautiful women appeared out of thin air. It was Lin Yi Harem team.

Mu Shuang'er very consciously let go of Lin Yi's hand, and then returned to the girls. It seemed that after "fighting side by side", their relationship was already very harmonious.

With so many beauties suddenly appearing, the clansmen of the God-killing Clan, especially the men, all stared wide-eyed, their eyes filled with disbelief.

However, Mu Bawang was completely dumbfounded. His cultivation base is definitely the highest among the current killing gods, but even so, after seeing the girls, he felt completely incomprehensible. He really couldn't figure it out. , Where did Lin Yi conjure up so many masters.With so many masters around, does he still need to worry about those powerful enemies outside?

"Master Lin Yi, they are..."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce, they are all my wives, so I won't tell you their names one by one. Did you just want them to help? Hehe, sorry, the enemy I faced this time is too strong, I won't Let my wives take risks, so you can just die." Lin Yi spoke bluntly, and his words were like a basin of bone-chilling ice water poured on Mu Bawang's head.

Moreover, Lin Yi also specially emphasized the sentence "the enemy is too strong", what does this mean?Could it be that even if Lin Yi's wives made a move, they wouldn't be able to handle it?If that's the case, what a fart!

He suppressed that fucking emotion, hehe smiled, and said: "Master Lin Yi, you are too worried, how can I let the wives take action? But, what do you mean by inviting the wives out? I I don't understand it a bit."

"I don't even understand this? You are so stupid! My meaning is very obvious. What did you say to me before, such as god emperors and gods? It gives people the impression that you kill the gods and there are some powerful masters in the imperial realm If this is the case, then I will let you feel what is the real breath of the emperor! Ladies, you should show me the results of your practice for so many days, right?" Lin Yi said with a smile, his voice As soon as they landed, a smile appeared on the faces of all the girls, and then, more than a dozen breaths erupted at the same time, instantly suppressing the killing power of the entire God-killing Starfield.

Mu Bawang looked at this scene in disbelief, and stammered: "God...God! Are they... Are they all at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm? How is it possible? How did you practice this? It's too exaggerated!"

"Ninth level of the Emperor Realm? Hehe, is the Emperor Realm so worthless in your eyes? Don't tell me, you always thought you were the Eighth Level of the Emperor Realm, right? Hehe, the real Emperor Realm comes from the Ninth Level of the Emperor Realm in this era." From the beginning, I’m afraid you don’t know this point until now, right?” Lin Yi sneered, this move really stunned all the people of the killing gods, especially those so-called powerful people in the imperial realm, they suddenly discovered that they Practicing for so many years is really a waste of life. In front of the real emperor, how ridiculous they were who were complacent before.

Mu Bawang sighed, his whole body was much older, and said: "Master Lin Yi, you don't want to tell me that the group of puppets and monsters outside are all in the real emperor realm?"

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, and said: "It seems that you are not so stupid, and you are a little better than I imagined."

Lin Yi spoke very directly, the cold water was so poured that it could freeze people to death.

The originally high morale of the Killing God Clan suddenly dropped a lot, and everyone's mood became much heavier. How could they fight against so many powerful enemies?
Mu Shuang'er looked at Lin Yi with some anxiety, and said, "Husband, if you say that, the morale of the Killing God Clan is gone. How should we fight the next battle?"

Lin Yi smiled lightly and said, "My wife Shuang'er, I didn't expect you to speak for them. I'm really surprised."

Mu Shuang'er gave Lin Yi a blank look, and said, "What are you talking about! Even if I hate the old bastard Mu Bawang, I don't have any enmity with the Killing God Clan. Could it be that I am a bloodthirsty demon in your mind, who likes to watch Are countless souls dying in front of me?"

"Ahem, Mrs. Shuang'er, don't be so excited, I'm just kidding! Don't worry, since I dare to say those words, I naturally have my purpose. Among these people, many of them have their heads above the top, and they all think they are No, if such people are ruthlessly crushed at the beginning of the battle, it is normal for the entire army to be wiped out, let alone their morale. However, if they know the truth first, their mentality will be corrected. Under the premise, and then improve their strength, I think the effect should be even better." A playful smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and Mu Bawang's eyes lit up, he knew that Lin Yi was about to make a big move!

(End of this chapter)

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