Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1401 It's worth dying

Chapter 1401 It's worth dying

Mu Bawang is not a fool, he knows very well that the reason why Lin Yi and Lin Yi's women are so powerful must have used some special method.

Now that Lin Yi talks about "strengthening strength", he obviously wants to use that method on the members of the Killing God Clan. Thinking about this kind of thing makes people extremely excited!

Mu Shuang'er frowned, and said, "Husband, do you want them to eat that too? How can this be possible? The elixir is so precious, and they didn't swear allegiance to you. Isn't it a bit of a shame for you to do this?" Not quite right?"

Of course, Mu Shuang'er centered everything on Lin Yi, and she didn't want Lin Yi to suffer a big loss.

Mu Bawang secretly sighed in his heart, if he had insisted desperately back then, how good it would be?In that case, Mu Shuang'er is his good daughter, who is now standing by his side and helping him talk to the God-killing clan.

However, he changed his mind, if that was the case, Mu Shuang'er would not have met Lin Yi, and it was impossible for him to have such a pervertedly powerful son-in-law.

Lin Yi chuckled and said: "There is nothing suitable or not, they are all grasshoppers on a rope. Helping them is also helping myself. Besides, even if I don't want to admit it anymore, I am also a member of the killing gods." , there are quite a few of you who have the blood of the God-killing clan flowing in your body. You must not forget your roots, let alone the people of the God-killing clan are fighting my enemies, how can I have such selfish thoughts?"

When Lin Yi said this, Mubawang's expression suddenly became extremely firm, he knelt down on one knee, and said, "Lord Lin Yi, if you are willing to save the Killing God Clan, I, Mubawang, would like to be loyal to you and consider the position of patriarch Let! I believe that the people of the clan will not object, because you are the best candidate for this position!"

When Mu Bawang said this, he was about to bend down and kowtow, but found that his body had been supported by a gentle force.

There was a wry smile on Lin Yi's face, and he said: "My father-in-law knelt down to my son-in-law, do you want me to be punished? Now you and Shuang'er have a bad relationship, if one day Shuang'er forgives you, then I am guilty of a crime." Big mistake? I can't do this kind of thing."

Lin Yi looked sincere and fearful, and Mu Shuang'er beside him wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it down.

Mubawang's mood was quite complicated. Although he was comfortable listening to Lin Yi's words, his attitude made Mubawang a little anxious. Did he agree or not?
He was in a turmoil, breathing quickly and said: "Master Lin Yi, don't worry about these trivial matters. As long as you are willing to help, don't let me kneel down, even let me die! Although I said, killing The people of the God Clan are not afraid of death or sacrifice. They would rather perish with the enemy than surrender. However, if I can save more lives, why would I not be happy? My lord, please be our patriarch and accept the killing Gods!"

As soon as Mu Bawang finished speaking, all the members of the Killing God Clan knelt down on one knee and surrendered to Lin Yi, and a large area of ​​them knelt down in an instant. The scene was extremely spectacular.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Yi immediately understood the intention of Mu Shuang'er's words. She was obviously reminding Mu Bawang to make Mu Bawang submit.

Mu Bawang was very kind, and came according to her wishes, but when the burden suddenly came down, Lin Yi was a little tangled.

If he doesn't agree, how much these people will die next will not affect his emotions too much.However, if he really agrees, then these people are his brothers and relatives, leading them to death, this feeling is really unpleasant.

When he was hesitating, a burst of laughter suddenly came from not far away, and then, nearly a thousand figures appeared in front of everyone, it was Mu Yuanshui and the others!
"Hahaha, Lord Lin Yi, I didn't expect you to be so indecisive. This is not a domineering you! The god-killing clan respects the strong. Since you are stronger than us, the god-killing clan should belong to you. As for your I can almost understand the worry. Life and death are a matter of life, if you can fight with the strongest state and fight with passion, even if you die, it will be worth it!" Mu Yuanshui's voice echoed in everyone's ears, The flames that had been extinguished in the hearts of those who killed the gods burned up. That's right, how could the people who killed the gods be afraid of fighting and killing?Isn't this a joke?

Hearing this, Lin Yi's heart suddenly brightened. His eyes fell on the many people who killed the God Clan, and he shouted: "You really think so? Are you willing to fight to the death for the Kill God Clan?"

"Of course I would! If you die, you will die! If you fight those evil spirits, it will be worth it if you die!"

"That's right! Death is worth it!"


All of a sudden, the sound was overwhelming, and the powerful killing aura even passed through the barrier, rushing towards the army of puppet monsters, making Mo Xin, who was in the giant ship, squint his eyes.

"Hehe, is there a mobilization meeting at this time? It's ridiculous to boost morale! It stands to reason that I should take action to defeat you now, but I keep my promise, so I will give you a few more hours to see what you can do." Mo Xin picked up a glass of blood-red wine beside her, and took a sip with satisfaction, feeling very comfortable and natural.

Hearing the shouts of this group of people, Lin Yi's fighting spirit was also ignited. He shouted "Yes", and then said loudly: "Very good, the Killing God Clan really deserves to be a fighting clan, I like it very much! Good, I promise you, this patriarch, I will be it!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, all the God-killing people screamed wildly, especially Mu Zhou and his younger generation, screaming one by one, as if they were in a superstar concert.

Mubawang let out a long breath, and finally let go of the boulder in his heart.If Lin Yi is willing to be the patriarch, there will definitely be more people from the God-killing clan who can survive. In this case, even if he dies, he will have the face to meet the patriarchs of all generations.

Of course, another reason is that Lin Yi is his son-in-law.The son-in-law is able to be the head of the clan, and each generation is better than the next generation. He doesn't feel ashamed at all, but is very proud!
However, he suddenly thought of a question, and couldn't help asking: "By the way, Lord Patriarch, just now you said to let them take the elixir. I don't know what elixir it is, which can greatly improve their cultivation base?"

As soon as Mubawang finished speaking, Lin Yi winked at him immediately, and then said via voice transmission: "You can't say this in front of so many people, there are a pair of dog ears over there who can hear clearly, if he hears it, It is estimated that we will make a move in advance, then we will be in real trouble. I will send them into my magic weapon space in a while, where the flow of time is dozens of times slower than outside, and it can almost pull up everyone's strength. Hehe, originally I'm not ready to let them go there, since they are all my people now, of course I have to let them enjoy the best treatment!"

(End of this chapter)

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