Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1403 A Psychological Crit

Chapter 1403 A Psychological Crit
Bai Bingbing's words made Lin Yi a little confused. He vaguely remembered that they had practiced a combined strike technique. Could it be that this combined strike technique had been practiced extremely well by them?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly became interested, and said with a light smile, "Okay, then I'll play with you, anyway, it takes time to wait."

"Hehe, let's play? Husband, if you have such an attitude, you will be very miserable." Meiji smiled lightly.

Of course Lin Yi is full of confidence. With his strength, if he can't even handle his wives, it's a fart!

With a thought, they were transferred into the Kunlun Mirror. Lin Yi specially found a remote and empty place, and there should be no problem fighting in this place.

However, not long after they arrived here, a large group of children ran over, even bringing melon seeds on the bench to drink chicken legs, watching the battle with great interest.

Lin Yi's face froze for a moment, he looked at this scene in disbelief, and said, "What's going on, I deliberately hid everyone's aura, how did these children find out?"

A sinister smile floated on Bai Bingbing's face, and said: "Can't you figure it out? Of course I called them all here!"

"Hurry up! Mother Bingbing, didn't you say you want to beat daddy like a dog? Let's wait and see!"

"Yeah, yeah, hit, hit, hit!"

After Lin Luobo yelled, all the children responded loudly, looking extremely excited.

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing wryly, when did he become a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat, this damage to the soul is simply a critical blow!
Mei Ji smiled softly, and said: "Don't put on a bitter face, who told you to be so busy and not take them to play, of course they want to beat you up."

"By the way, Dad, I forgot to tell you something. Sister Bai Cai is looking for you everywhere and says she wants to beat you to death. You must be careful!" Lin Luobo kindly reminded her while gnawing on the chicken leg. road.

Lin Yi was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean? When did I offend that girl?"

"Husband, don't you know? Bai Cai is now refining alchemy with that girl Yue'er. Her alchemy talent is excellent, and she provides the power of heaven to assist in alchemy. Many of the Heavenly Holy Spirit Pills are refined by her. But You actually consumed so many Heavenly Holy Spirit Pills at one time this time, and let many Monarch Realm monks take it, you don’t need to guess, she must have gone crazy.” Mei Ji said with a smile, Lin Yi’s face turned dark suddenly, how could he forget After this point, let alone Lin Baicai, I am afraid that Yueji will also go crazy, these two women are not easy to mess with!

"It seems that I have to hide for a while recently, and apologize to them after they get angry." Lin Yi thought to himself, then gave Lin Luobo a hard look, and said, "Little kid, why are you running here? ? Take your younger brothers and sisters to play elsewhere, this is not a movie theater!"

When Lin Luobo heard this, he immediately became angry, and said angrily, "Dad, what are you going to tell me about the cinema? I have never been to it since I grew up! I am almost fed up with this horrible place all the time." It’s always been said that it’s dangerous outside, let’s all hide here, we’re just fighting monsters, it’s meaningless at all. Now it’s hard to see you fighting, why don’t you let us take a look and relax? "

Lin Yi has no reason to refute Lin Luobo's words. Indeed, although his monstrous children have high cultivation levels and outstanding talents, they do not have the childhood that ordinary children should have. This is not fair to them. .

Lin Yi also thought about sending them back to the earth, but he was worried that after the outbreak of the war, even a small place like the earth would not be able to stop the aftermath of the war. If that was the case, it would be even more dangerous for them to be sent there.

Thinking of this, he sighed, and said, "I'm sorry, children, it's me who is incompetent as a father. If I were stronger, I wouldn't have to worry about those enemies, and you would be able to live a more comfortable and free life." It's..."

"Lord Lin Yi, I don't agree with what you said! Have you forgotten our ability?" A chuckle sounded from Lin Yi's side, and Xiao Shumiao'er and Xiao Tiantian appeared at the same time, which startled Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at the two of them in confusion, and said, "Why did you two come out? Isn't the space blocked?"

"Block that fart! That's the outside space. We are now in your magic weapon space, and we are not affected by outside rules. Of course we can come out!" Xiao Tiantian said very bluntly, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart immediately Got an idea.

"In other words, if I transfer all the members of the Killing Clan into my universe, and then I break through, wouldn't that be enough?" Lin Yi said to himself, but was caught by the little tree seedling. I rolled my eyes.

"If you play like this, don't you run away without a fight? Is this your style? Don't say it's you, I guess those who kill the gods can't do it, otherwise they would have left here through the teleportation array. Here is the killing The old lair of the God Clan is their root, and they will not leave here unless it is absolutely necessary." The little tree seedling saw it clearly, and his eyes glowed with wisdom.

Lin Yi smiled embarrassedly, and said: "That's right, I really want to see that guy Mo Xin settle accounts, if he really runs away without a fight, it would be too embarrassing. By the way, what did you just say?" What do you mean you don't agree?"

"I don't understand this at all. I really don't know if you still have IQ." Xiao Tiantian snorted lightly, and of course she would not let it go if she had the opportunity to ridicule Lin Yi.

The little tree seedling covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and said: "Master Lin Yi is indeed a bit stupid, think about it, as long as we create a new earth with the mysterious and yellow energy, the children will be able to see all the things they want to see Is it? When your cultivation base can really create creatures, you can have whatever you want, and the children will never be bored. Oh, yes, Xiao Tiantian has already cultivated an army with the mysterious and yellow energy, and is currently in Ye Under the training of the instructors, they already have preliminary combat effectiveness. Since this battle is very dangerous, do we need to pull them out to practice?"

"Don't do this for the time being. This is my trump card. Of course, we have to hide it deeper. Moreover, they currently only have initial combat effectiveness. If they are pulled out now, if there are too many casualties, we can't afford to lose. Xiao Tiantian is under such great pressure. We can't make her burden any heavier." Lin Yi said very seriously, but Xiao Tiantian snorted softly, looking dismissive.

The little tree seedling nodded, and said: "Okay then, but if you really have to, you should use it. Oh, by the way, aren't you going to compete in martial arts? That's why we came out. Hurry up and fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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