Chapter 1404 Coup
Little Shumiao'er's eyes were shining, and Lin Yi couldn't help being stunned. It turned out that the two girls didn't come out to help him with advice and suggestions, but to watch the fun. This is too bad.

"Hurry up, I'm going to take a nap after watching the fight!" Xiao Tiantian said impatiently, Lin Yi's face turned darker.

He took a long breath, looked at the girls, and said: "Wife, since you want to play, I will accompany you to have fun."

As soon as the words fell, the girls quickly gathered together and stood in a special formation. In an instant, their breaths were connected together. Soon, Lin Yi felt an extremely tyrannical force pressing towards him , That feeling really frightened him.

Although his wives are not low in cultivation, the highest is only Bing'er with the Xiantian Xuanbing Body who has reached the seventh level of the Emperor's Realm. Logically speaking, even if all of them have reached the seventh level of the Emperor's Realm, they probably won't be able to support Lin Lin. Yi exudes momentum.

However, a strange thing happened. After they released their power according to this special formation, the burst of power made Lin Yi feel a sense of oppression. Lin Yi really couldn't understand this.

However, what made Lin Yi even more unbelievable was that when the power of all the women fused together, a huge golden light and shadow slowly condensed, and Lin Yi could feel that it was that golden light and shadow that gave him a strong sense of oppression.

Mu Shuang'er's eyes immediately glowed. She never expected that her sisters would have such a powerful joint attack technique. The aura emitted by the light and shadow alone was not weaker than the powerhouse of the Ninth Layer Emperor Realm.

Meiji and the others were in that golden light and shadow, and the appearance of the golden light and shadow became more and more clear, it was actually Bing'er's face!

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile, "What a special combination attack method. Everyone's strength is fused together to create such a female war god. The appearance of the female war god is based on the one with the highest strength. Everyone They are all in the Goddess of War, attacking and defending together, not simple, really not simple."

Lin Yi seemed to see through their formation at a glance, Mei Ji smiled and said: "Husband, don't push yourself too hard, I have to remind you, you may not be able to win us."

"Hahaha, of course, you are all working so hard, how can I not take it seriously? However, if your strength is only like this, then it will not work." Lin Yi laughed loudly, took a step, and appeared in the In front of the Goddess of War, he punched the Goddess of War in the chest.

The pretty faces of the girls blushed immediately. Although it was just a combination of strength, Lin Yi was too shameless to use such an obscene move in front of so many people, especially with so many little kids around.

If Lin Yi knew what the girls were thinking, he would definitely yell for injustice. No matter how lustful he was, he would not be attracted to a combination of strength and body, it was just a fighting instinct.

However, when his fist touched the body of the Goddess of War, he actually felt an indescribable softness, as if he had really touched that thing. This kind of simulation is too high.

However, he soon realized that something was wrong. A stronger force was gathering in the body of the Goddess of War. Before he could react, that force erupted and sent Lin Yi flying.

Lin Yi hit the ground, knocking out a big crater, and the entire Kunlun mirror shook, as if an earthquake of magnitude [-] had occurred.

After the shock, Lin Luobo immediately took the lead in applauding, and the other children also applauded vigorously, dancing with excitement.

Lin Yi crawled out of the pit in disgrace. He was completely dazed when he heard the deafening shouts and applause.

This is too hard!First, they were beaten up by the wives, and then these children made up the knife again. This kind of injury was so painful that those who saw it were sad, and those who heard it shed tears.

Of course, Xiao Tiantian and Xiao Shumiao'er were not sad, they both took a lot of melon seeds and fruits from Lin Luobo, while watching the play, eating and drinking, even the drowsiness was thrown away.

When Lin Yi was hit and landed on the ground, Xiao Tiantian even jumped up, applauding loudly, extremely excited, she hasn't been this happy for a long time!

Lin Yi quickly calmed down. He didn't care much about the pain on his body. After all, he had practiced the Golden Body Art, and an attack of this level would not cause much harm to him.

What he wondered was why not only did his attack not have any effect, but he himself suffered a disadvantage. This kind of thing is extremely weird to think about.

"Could it be that the Goddess of War can bounce back the enemy's attack? Powerful offense and defense, coupled with such a terrible skill, really makes people feel tricky!" Lin Yi said to himself, he finally knew why Bai Bingbing was like this So confident that they have already learned such a big move.

"Hahaha, you see, you have the nerve to brag to us every day, saying how powerful you are, and your cowhide is about to blow off! Now, can you still brag? If you have the ability to break through our defense, if you can't break through, just meow like a cat." !" Bai Bingbing yelled at Lin Yi, looking very proud.

Lin Yi observed quietly for a while, and seemed to see something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his figure disappeared strangely.

When he reappeared, his figure appeared behind the Goddess of War, and he punched her in the back, hitting her back with a punch, and that feeling reappeared.

However, he dodged immediately, reappeared at the buttocks of the Goddess of War, and slapped her ass with a slap.

Just as the counter-shock force was about to hit, Lin Yi disappeared again. As he continued to attack the female war god, the faces of the women obviously became a little ugly. Gradually, the female war god's movements became flustered, as if Like a fly swatting, it kept slapping itself.

Xiao Shumiao'er covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Lord Lin Yi is still the same. He doesn't play cards according to common sense. No one can guess. He knows that it is not easy to break through the defense, so he uses this method to keep distracting them. Once their attention is distracted, their soul power will be consumed a lot. After all, this is controlled by more than a dozen strands of consciousness at the same time, as long as there is a disorder, the power of the Goddess of War will be weakened, this trick is really wonderful."

"Sister Sapiao, who are you helping? Don't forget, the two of us came to see that guy's embarrassment, not his awesomeness. You have to correct your position and don't rebel! "Xiao Tiantian said very seriously.

The little tree seedling quickly smiled and said: "Yes, yes, I know! I stand upright and will definitely stand by your side. However, judging from the current situation, Lord Lin Yi will definitely win in the end. The scattered power, No matter how concentrated you are, there is no unified consciousness. If you are in a state of disunity, no matter how you gather together, you will not be able to exert much strength..."

"That's not necessarily true. If I join again, what will happen?" Mu Shuang'er, who hadn't spoken much, suddenly said, with a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, and shouted at Bai Bingbing and the others: "Sisters, let Let me join you too, there should be a place for me there, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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