Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1405 Just hit here, okay?

Chapter 1405 Just hit here, okay?

After Mu Shuang'er's words reached their ears, the eyes of all the girls lit up, and they all looked at Mu Shuang'er.

"Of course there is your position. In order to deal with this philandering carrot, we created this formation with no limit. However, we must have the same aura in order to activate the formation together. Sister Shuang'er, of course you have one, so , you come in directly!" When Bai Bingbing said this, Mu Shuanger's pretty face blushed suddenly, and the same aura, wasn't it Lin Yi's aura!
Mu Shuang'er nodded, and flew into the body of the Goddess of War.

Lin Yi didn't stop it, because he wanted to know to what extent their strength could be increased. If he could really suppress him in this state, then he would indeed have the strength to be his own. In this case, Lin Yi would feel relieved to let them go out to fight .

Lin Yi's body flew back hundreds of meters, then floated in the air, looked at the girls with a smile, and said, "Do you want me to give you some time to rest? By the way, you can discuss tactics together, I really want to see, if If Shuang'er joins, how much will your strength increase."

Lin Yi was always full of confidence, and the girls were not too polite, and they quickly got together and chatted through the voice transmission method.

Xiao Tiantian stood up eagerly, and said with a fighting look on his face, "It turns out that people can be added to that formation at will. So, if I add it, can't it?"

Hearing the words, Xiao Shumiao'er lightly tapped the center of her brows, and said, "Silly girl, didn't you understand what Bingbing said just now? Only with the same aura on your body can you integrate into that formation, won't you? Do you know the meaning of this sentence?"

Xiao Tiantian rubbed his forehead and said, "Is there a problem? Don't I have that guy's breath on me? I was conceived by him, okay?"

"That's not what it means, my silly sister. That same breath refers to..." Xiao Shumiao'er whispered in Xiao Tiantian's ear, Xiao Tiantian's cheeks flushed at the same time, and then spat on Xiao Shumiao'er, saying : "Little Sister Miao, are you really perverted? You actually said such a thing! Hmph, you really got spoiled by that big bastard!"

"That's not it! I'm trying to explain your confusion, otherwise how would you know what it means, but this formation uses such restrictions, the person who created this formation is really not simple." Little Shumiaoer couldn't help Sighing, suddenly, a small head popped out from beside her.

"Two sisters, what are you talking about? You were still whispering to your ears just now, is there something you are hiding from us?" Lin Luobo's voice rang in the ears of the second daughter, and then a dozen little heads surrounded her Come over and stare at the two of them one by one. It seems that they are very curious.

The little tree seedling coughed lightly, and said: "A group of brats, hurry up and play together. Why are you inquiring about adult matters? When you grow up, you will naturally understand."

"You can only understand when you grow up? Alas, it seems that my guess is correct. The two sisters are talking about some topics that are not suitable for children. Alas, in front of these brats, talking secretly about such things, I'm I'm really ashamed of you! Forget it, if you don't want to tell us, then... you can tell me secretly? I promise not to let these brats know." Lin Luobo looked at the two of them with a smile, That smile really felt cheap, and Xiao Tiantian almost couldn't help punching him.

Just when the little tree seedling was about to repair the super early-maturing radish, an even more terrifying aura burst out from the air. If Lin Yi hadn't arranged a barrier in advance, the entire Kunlun might be wiped out just now. Mirror people are attracted.

Lin Yi's expression suddenly became much more serious. He could feel that this breath was completely different from before, and this was the real power that could threaten him.

The body of the Goddess of War began to shrink at an extremely fast speed. To be precise, the bodies of Bai Bingbing and the others also shrank accordingly. Then, the body of the Goddess of War completely materialized and turned into a beautiful woman wearing silver armor.

The height of the woman is no different from that of ordinary people. All the women are hidden in it, and it is impossible to see it from the outside.

And the face of that woman has changed, that is Mu Shuang'er's appearance.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and said: "You finally understand one of your shortcomings. Your goals are too big and your flexibility is not enough. When you encounter a purely powerful opponent, you have an advantage. However, if you meet Speed-type opponents, you will be played around. Moreover, looking at the current situation, the way your power is integrated has also changed. I am curious how much you will change in this short 2 minutes."

"Husband is really powerful. He pointed out the key point as soon as he opened his mouth. In this point, we are indeed far behind you. Next, you must be careful. If you are a little careless, you will be miserable." The woman's mouth unexpectedly Mu Shuang'er's voice was uttered directly, as if the female God of War was Mu Shuang'er.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that it is directly controlled by one person, Shuang'er, with you joining, I seem to be beaten badly."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, his figure immediately flew hundreds of meters backwards. Where he was originally standing, an icicle shot up into the sky. If Lin Yi was half a beat slower, he would have been frozen by the icicle.

"It's so dangerous, I almost got frozen into a popsicle. Mrs. Shuang'er, don't you know to remind me? This is really dangerous!" Lin Yi looked very panicked, but Mu Shuang'er smiled lightly Laughing, his face changed again, turning into Bai Bingbing's appearance, and then he glanced at Lin Yi with disdain.

"Hmph, don't act stupid in front of my old lady, you have already noticed it, pretending to be mean? Don't look at my old lady like that, I just came out to scold you, I didn't fight you, change to a powerful one to fight you! "After Bai Bingbing said this, that face changed again, and Binger began to control her body.

There was a hint of apology on her face, and she said softly: "Thank you for your support, sisters, just now I was careless and let him play prestige, from now on, I will never make that mistake again. I will try my best to beat him to the ground Take it easy, sisters!"

Lin Yi's forehead was covered with cold sweat. In his opinion, Bing'er was definitely the softest girl among the softest girls. But now, when she became fierce, the female man mode was immediately turned on. The lethality of her eyes alone could kill a large number of people.

Lin Yi clearly felt that their strength was enough to threaten him, and if they continued to fight, he would definitely suffer a big loss with his hands tied.

He coughed lightly, and said, "Well... Ladies and gentlemen, shall we fight this far today? I admit that you are very powerful, and I don't object to you going to the battlefield. After all, we are all a family. Why bother?" Fighting, killing and hurting the peace, how bad it is!"

(End of this chapter)

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