Chapter 1407
Immediately after Solanum nigrum appeared, a little girl among the children yelled, "Mom, you are so handsome, beat daddy away!"

The little girl who spoke was called Lin Chili. She was the daughter of Solanum nigrum, and her character was a replica of Solanum nigrum. Even Lin Luobo was afraid of him.

Because the name of Lin Yi should be the same as that of Lin Yi, the children named them after vegetables. Because of this, the children kept protesting. After hearing the news that Lin Yi was going to be beaten, they all excitedly Come and watch the battle.

Lin Yi felt as if ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped by. Of course, these grass-mud horses had been frozen to death while galloping.

It can't be his fault, he really doesn't have time to play with these children, otherwise he wouldn't be so miserable, he doesn't even have a cheerleader.

Solanum nigrum Chaolin chili gave a thumbs up, and then geared up. In an instant, the aura of that body changed again, from the ice type to the pure power type.

"Husband, have you always looked down on us, thinking that we can't get on the stage and are purely soy sauce roles, right?" Solanum nigrum walked towards Lin Yi and smiled.

Lin Yi's forehead couldn't help shedding a trace of cold sweat, which condensed into ice crystals as soon as it passed by his ears.

With a smile on his face, he said, "No way, how could I have that kind of thought? I just care about you all. This is a lesson from heaven and earth!"

"Really? Then before you fought with us just now, why did you say you were just playing around? We are not just playing around. We have always been serious about fighting, and we have never been sloppy." Solanum nigrum said here, pinched Fist, that crisp click sound made Lin Yi's eyelids twitch wildly, this girl seems to be playing for real!

"Oops, I have to move, otherwise I'm going to lose half my life if I get hit by that punch. It's less important to be defeated than embarrassing, especially in front of these little guys, how can I lose?" Lin Yi said My mind turned quickly, I immediately weighed the pros and cons, and came to this conclusion.

Calm down, he has to be calm, no matter what, he can't mess up!
He tried to communicate with Mo Hao in the Realm of Soul and Soul, but he heard a lazy voice: "I can't bear it so soon and want to ask me for help? Please, this is your family dispute, how can I be involved? Then Doing it, you are too useless, right? Lin Yi, your biggest problem is that you rely too much on others, otherwise, you may have reached that point long ago."

"Damn it, why are you talking so much nonsense? If you don't help, you still say these big things. I haven't asked you for help, I just want to see if my spirit is really completely frozen." Lin Yi said angrily Of course, he would not ask Mo Hao to help. In that case, the so-called discussion would lose its meaning.

The communication just now proved that his soul has not been completely sealed, as long as it is not sealed, he will have a chance to fight back.

A trace of his soul power slowly drilled into the almost completely frozen dantian, and then that trace of soul began to transform into a human form, and then formed complex handprints one by one.

After those handprints were formed, dark clouds began to appear in the sky above Lin Yi's head. The dark clouds gathered very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, a large thick black cloud had already appeared.

The roar of thunder and lightning in the dark clouds seemed to contain countless destructive forces, and those forces locked on Lin Yi's body, causing Solanum nigrum to stop immediately.

"What is he going to do? How did he do it? He has obviously been sealed by the power of the mysterious ice, so it is impossible to make such a big battle!" Xiao Tiantian looked puzzled. The appearance, not to mention her, is the same for everyone else, completely unable to understand what Lin Yi did.

Lin Yi looked up at the dark clouds, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Since you are frozen, let's light a fire to keep warm. God's punishment will come down from the sky, and the fire will burn you!"

Lin Yi shouted loudly, endless flames suddenly erupted from the dark cloud, and those flames condensed into a pillar of fire, directly engulfing Lin Yi's body.

Lin Luobo's eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "Oh my god! Dad is crazy, right? Even if he can't beat the mothers, he doesn't need to commit suicide! If he gets burned by that fire, he will definitely be cooked!"

Solanum nigrum frowned, of course she would not think that Lin Yi was committing suicide, based on what she knew about Lin Yi, Lin Yi would never do anything meaningless.

At this time, she suddenly heard Bing'er's voice in her mind: "That's the Nirvana Fire, which is just enough to restrain my black ice power! He is trying to use the Nirvana Fire to melt my black ice. How is he going to do it?" Arrived? The Nirvana Skyfire has been disappearing for many years, and there is no Nirvana Skyfire even in the Divine Tribulation!"

"Hehehe, Mrs. Bing'er, that means you are ignorant. I have told you a long time ago that most of the current Emperor Realm powerhouses have moisture, and their moisture is because there is no Nirvana Heaven Fire to burn. If it wasn't for the Being forced to this point by you, I didn't expect to be able to summon this thing, I just wanted to strike myself with lightning, but speaking of it, I was really surprised!" Lin Yi laughed and said, just now their The sound transmission was actually heard by him!
The pillar of fire gradually disappeared, and everyone's eyes were on Lin Yi.

Lin Luobo was very disappointed, because he didn't see how embarrassed Lin Yi was. On the contrary, Lin Yi was in high spirits at this time, with a youthful look.

His intuition told him that the scene was about to end soon, and the ending he expected had already become a fantasy.

Solanum nigrum sneered, took a step forward, and exploded with multiple strength.

Her cold eyes fell on Lin Yi, and her eyes were full of persistence.

"Since I promised Chili to beat you up, it will definitely come true! My strength comes from all the sisters, and I want to prove to you that our strength is no worse than yours. Kill and bleed on the battlefield!" Solanum nigrum roared, and an incomparably violent force erupted from her body.

Her body suddenly turned into a golden dragon. The dragon roared and attacked Lin Yi with a thunderous force.

This is the strongest blow she has comprehended so far, and it also upgrades the Tyrannosaurus boxing technique to the extreme.
Lin Yi's mind shook slightly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "It seems that I have really underestimated you, come on, wives, let me see, your strength, in the end How strong is it!"

Lin Yi no longer had any reservations, all the power to kill the gods and the power of the soul burst out.He raised his head to the sky and roared, instantly shattering the enchantment he had set up. Suddenly, that violent force rippled the entire Kunlun Mirror, and all the practitioners looked at it together, their faces full of horror!
(End of this chapter)

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