Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1408 Do I need to work so hard

Chapter 1408 Do I need to work so hard
What a terrifying power this is, Mu Bawang can feel it, this is Lin Yi's aura!

There was a hint of shock on Mu Bawang's face, and he said in disbelief: "Has Master Lin Yi's strength reached this level? Who is he fighting with? This is too exaggerated!"

He was about to get up to take a look, when a cold snort sounded from beside him: "That's their husband and wife discussing, it's none of your business! Don't run around, after taking my elixir, it doesn't digest well, it's a waste of potion, The old lady will fight with you!"

The speaker was of course Yue Ji, she had already received the news, and although she was angry, she had no choice but to let Lin Yi be her brother-in-law, and she was working for Lin Yi?
Of course Mu Bawang didn't dare to offend Yue Ji, how could someone who could refine the Heavenly Holy Spirit Pill be a simple person?If I want to ask for any other pills in the future, I probably have to ask for her!

He couldn't help sighing, and said: "It's really not easy. Husband and wife can make such a battle. The world of the strong is really not something we weak people can understand!" Mu Bawang couldn't help sighing, although his cultivation He had reached the "Ninth Level of God Emperor Realm" that he had always dreamed of, but he suddenly discovered that even with such a cultivation base, in front of Lin Yi, he was absolutely scum.

Yue Ji snorted lightly and said, "A strong man? Hehe, once upon a time, in the eyes of my brother-in-law, people like you were unattainable strong men. In just a few years, my brother-in-law stood at the pinnacle of this world." , overlooking you so-called strong men. Follow my brother-in-law, this universe will belong to my brother-in-law sooner or later, no one can take it away!"

After Yueji finished speaking, she disappeared in front of Mubawang.

Mu Bawang couldn't help but smile wryly, he is the serious father-in-law of Lin Yi, does he still need to hang out with Lin Yi?However, the premise is that Mu Shuang'er is willing to forgive him. This difficulty is definitely not ordinary!

Lin Yi's side is now in chaos. Xiao Tiantian and Xiao Shumiao'er are looking at the sky solemnly, releasing their strength to protect the children.

"It's really depressing! Are these two people crazy? It's just a sparring session. They played too much!" Xiao Tiantian couldn't help but muttered. Fortunately, her cultivation base is not weak, otherwise how could she resist this level? The power shock?
The little tree seedling laughed, and said: "It's normal, they are masters who don't admit defeat, I'm used to it. It doesn't matter if they hit each other, whether it's love or kiss, the relationship between them is just a matter of love. It will get better and better.”

Xiao Tiantian couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said: "It's still love! This power can destroy several star fields, so I'll carry it! I'm exhausted, let this bastard stand up!" , is really a headache!"

On the one hand, Xiao Tiantian had to control the power that erupted during the battle, and on the other hand, he had to protect the children. The pressure was much greater than that of Lin Yi and the others.

"Come on!" Lin Yi yelled, and flew towards the dragon, and the dragon was not polite at all, and collided with Lin Yi.

With a bang, a huge impact wave exploded, Xiao Tiantian's face turned pale immediately, the blood in his body was churning, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Luobo and the others looked terrified. Is this really a competition?This is simply a life-and-death fight, do you need to work so hard?

The bodies of the two separated at the same time, and the nightshade's form of transforming into a dragon disappeared, and it floated in the air panting.Lin Yi's face was also a little pale. He didn't take advantage of the collision just now.

He gasped, looked at Solanum nigrum, smiled and said: "Very good strength, if I hadn't exerted all my strength, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold it at all. It's ok, this has proved your strength, there should be no need to continue fighting Bar?"

"Who said no, it's not over yet!" Solanum nigrum snorted coldly and rushed towards Lin Yi again. She raised her fist and hit Lin Yi hard on the head.

However, before her hand touched Lin Yi, her other hand suddenly grabbed her hand, and then, Meiji's voice came out of her mouth: "It's almost done, if you beat me again, my husband will be injured, you guys I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"

As soon as Meiji finished speaking, the transformed bodies of the girls turned into dots of golden light, and the girls appeared in front of Lin Yi with different expressions.

Meiji walked to Lin Yi very gently, checked Lin Yi's body, then smiled softly, and said, "Fortunately, it's not broken, and it can still be used."

There was a black line on Lin Yi's forehead. "It's not broken" sounds awkward. What does "it still works" mean?
Bai Bingbing, who was about to complain about Meiji's soft heart, suddenly blushed, and spat: "Sister Meiji, what are you talking about? In front of so many people, don't say such embarrassing things, the children are all here !"

Meiji looked at Bai Bingbing with a "confused" face, and said: "Is my words embarrassing? Isn't my husband a useful person? Are you still thinking about impure things? Could it be that you want to... "

"Bah, bah, bah! I can't say enough about you, why don't you just stop talking?" Bai Bingbing immediately interrupted Mei Ji's words, her cheeks were as red as a ripe tomato.

Lin Yi scratched his head embarrassingly, and said: "I have rough skin and thick flesh, so it's not that easy to break. If you don't believe me, you can use it some time. Are you all okay? I made a heavy shot just now. Did it hurt you?"

All the girls blushed from being teased by Lin Yi, and when they heard Lin Yi's greeting, their hearts felt warm again, and they all shook their heads, expressing that it was all right.

At this time, Lin Yi suddenly felt a cold breath rising behind him.

"They're fine, I'm fine!"

Lin Yi suddenly felt chills in his heart, he didn't need to turn his head to know that the voice belonged to Lin Baicai.

Lin Luobo, who was already feeling bored and was about to leave, suddenly jumped up, applauded and shouted: "The show is about to be staged again! Sister Baicai, show your strong character as a woman, and beat my dad into a big pig's head!"

"Shut up! Be careful that I (grandmother) will beat you up!" Lin Yi and Lin Baicai shouted at the same time, Lin Luobo's expression changed drastically in fright, and he quickly covered his mouth, not daring to speak.

Lin Yi smiled embarrassedly, and said: "We really have a good understanding, that kid is just looking for a fight. You talk slowly, I have something to do, I have to go out."

When Lin Yi said this, he immediately turned around and ran away. As soon as he moved his front foot, he felt a sharp sword intent rising behind him. His expression froze, he sighed, and said: "I know, really I'm very sorry, I just want to save more people's lives, alas... Even if it's like this, I don't know how many people will die in this battle!"

Lin Yi's expression was gloomy, and Lin Baicai, who was originally angry, changed his expression slightly, bit his lip, and said, "Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as you! But, I warn you, the Heavenly Holy Spirit Pill is not a Chinese cabbage. , in the future, if your cultivation level does not reach the emperor level, you will not be allowed to take it. Also, if you need me to participate in the battle, just tell me, my mother is open-minded, and I am not as knowledgeable as you!"

(End of this chapter)

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