Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1410 The Medicine Can't Be Stopped

Chapter 1410 The Medicine Can't Be Stopped
Lin Yi's yelling sounded like a street vendor. Soon, with Mu Yuanshui stunned, many girls appeared beside Lin Yi, each of them was so beautiful that it made people's eyes very It's hard to get off of them.

"I wanted to practice for a while, why did you lure us out?" Bai Bingbing said angrily, and then began to eat unceremoniously.

Lin Yi couldn't help smiling wryly, and said, "I don't seem to have called you..."

"What? There are so many delicious foods, but you still want to eat them all by yourself without calling us? You are too shameless!" Bai Bingbing suddenly opened her almond eyes, gnashing her teeth, Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, what a good man! Fighting with women, this sentence is too correct.

Mo Xin on the giant ship frowned slightly, he had no idea what Lin Yi was going to do, was this a provocation?But what is the point of this provocation?
There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly: "Eat, eat, maybe this is your last meal. If you miss today, you won't have the chance to eat again."

He turned around and was about to go back to continue drinking when a man in black hurriedly flew towards Mo Xin, then knelt down on one knee and shouted loudly: "Master Shura, Lord Heavenly Demon Emperor has sent news that the evil spirit world is under attack." Attack, the enemy's strength is extremely strong, and there are many people, they have already broken through the protective array and invaded the evil spirit world!"

"What? Why didn't you tell me until now? Could it be that the world-protecting formation couldn't even block them for a while?" Mo Xin scolded loudly with an extremely cold face.

The man in black trembled, and said with panic on his face: "My lord, I have already got the news to report the first time. Those people are too strong, and the world protection array can't stop them at all. Lord Tianmohuang wants you to go back to defend the world." enemy, otherwise, the evil spirit world may not be able to keep it!"

"Go back to defend against the enemy? Are you kidding me! If I leave now, that kid will definitely run away... I know, this kid has a very insidious plan, and he wants to use this trick to lure me away. Hmph, I just won't be fooled! The evil spirit world will be destroyed if it is destroyed, as long as I have these puppets and mosquitoes, it will not be a problem to destroy thousands of worlds, it is ridiculous to want to deal with me in this way!" Mo Xin sneered, with a look of disdain Gu's appearance.

At this moment, another man in black rushed over, knelt down to salute, and shouted: "Master Shura, something is wrong. The Palace of Seven Kills, the Palace of Breaking the Army, the Palace of Greedy Wolf and the Palace of Hell that we occupy are all under attack. Numerous strong men are attacking, the current situation is in dire straits, and it will fall at any moment!"

As soon as the man in black finished speaking, another man in black flew over not far away, and said anxiously: "Master Shura, the big thing is not good. The major forces in the Demon Realm that surrendered to us have turned their backs one after another. Our people are too scattered to resist at all. Can't live with them!"

"My lord! The Lord Heavenly Demon Emperor has sent another news that the evil spirit world has been breached except for the main planet. If this continues, the evil spirit world will really disappear!"

Mo Xin's face was extremely gloomy, he didn't expect Lin Yi to play so hard.He originally thought that Lin Yi would concentrate his forces to fight him here, but he never expected that Lin Yi would take this opportunity to regain the Demon Realm, which was tantamount to a slap in the face.

"Pass down the order, get ready to start the battle, and make a quick decision!" Mo Xin gritted her teeth and said, Lin Yi was clearly forcing him!

In the Killing God Starfield, Lin Yi, who was eating skewers, chuckled, and said with a playful tone: "I can't help it so soon? How dare you talk about keeping promises, it's ridiculous. Ladies, the dinner party is suspended, we have to do something alive."

Lin Yi's words fell, and on the other side of the barrier, an extremely evil aura turned into a torrent, rushing towards the barrier.The moment the evil breath touched the barrier, it passed through the barrier and hit the barrier of the floating island.

Numerous cracks appeared in the barrier of the floating island. Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to himself: "The momentum is good, it can let me loosen my muscles and bones. Wives, hurry up and enter the fighting state, otherwise I will put the Send them all back!"

"Do you still need to say it? We have already prepared it." A cold voice came suddenly, and Lin Yi knew without looking that this fusion was led by Bing'er.

With a bang, the barrier was shattered, and the floating island was destroyed by that evil aura. The expressions of Mu Yuanshui's group of people suddenly became dignified, and they entered the state of battle one by one, ready for battle.

On the giant ship, Mo Xin laughed loudly, the laughter was extremely crazy.

"Hahaha, Lin Yi, so what if you play these dirty tricks? As long as I kill you forcefully, the bastards you sent out, wouldn't it be so easy for me to deal with them?" Mo Xin's figure flashed and appeared in front of him. In front of the puppet army, the distance from Lin Yi was no more than a kilometer.

Lin Yi suddenly turned his head away, and said very annoyed: "I feel sick when I see you from such a distance, but now I see you so close, it's even more disgusting. Can you cover your face with a mask so that I don't see it? ,Okay?"

Mo Xin is actually not ugly, Lin Yi's words were obviously intended to provoke him.

Mo Xin chuckled, and said: "Don't belittle me with such a boring way. To me, this way is very stupid and meaningless. Let's talk about something serious, although it may be nonsense. As long as you are willing Surrender and let me take your body. I can forgive the god-killing clan and ignore what your subordinates have done. As for your women, I will help you accept them too. How about it? Do you agree with this deal? ?”

Lin Yi originally thought that he had a thick skin and was almost invincible.But now it seems that this kind of thinking is too naive, because Mo Xin's thick skin is beyond description.

"The medicine can't be stopped!" Lin Yi sighed, shook his head slightly, then looked at Mo Xin with pity on his face, and said, "Is there no one under the Mosquito Demon? How dare you let a mentally ill person like you come out?" Charge forward, it seems that he is even more stupid than you. But it doesn't matter, I am a person who specializes in idiots, lest you be so stupid? Drag down the average IQ of the entire primordial universe."

When Lin Yi said this, he took a step indifferently, passed through the barrier, and appeared in front of Mo Xin, with a hand on his shoulder.

"Even if your master, I don't pay attention to it, you count that onion?" Lin Yi's voice sounded in Mo Xin's ear, but a smile appeared on the corner of Mo Xin's mouth, giving people an extremely strange feeling. .

"You are the one who is stupid. Do you think you are really better than me?" Mo Xin's voice suddenly swelled up, and then exploded, instantly engulfing Lin Yi's body.

A burst of laughter came from behind the puppet army, extremely ear-piercing.

"Are you stupid?! Fighting with me, you are still young! The whole army obeys the order, destroy the Killing God Starfield, kill everyone! Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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