Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1411 Let them be buried with you

Chapter 1411 Let them be buried with you

Mo Xin's laughter was very crazy, and soon, the overwhelming mosquito monsters and Shura puppets rushed towards the barrier with a threatening aura.

I have to say, this offensive is really terrifying!

A large number of Shura puppets and mosquito monsters surround the Death God Starfield, enclosing the entire starfield like an iron barrel. Now attacking together, it is definitely a full-scale attack with no dead ends.

And what Lin Yi can do is to block Mo Xin here, and the attacks from other directions can only be handled by the killing gods.

"It's ridiculous to be self-satisfied when you know a little trick. Mubawang, leave this guy to me to beat up, and leave the other little bastards to you." Lin Yi's voice came from the explosion, and soon, countless words The figures flew out from the explosion, it was Mu Bawang and his group.

Their cultivation has been raised to a great level in a short period of time, each of them is a real emperor, and it should be no problem to deal with those puppets and mosquito monsters.

After the blast wave disappeared, Lin Yi's figure appeared in front of Mo Xin, holding the evil knife in his hand, unharmed.

The Goddess of War transformed by the women was standing beside him, the cold air was overwhelming, and her aura was uncompromising compared to Lin Yi.

The man and the woman stood together like a barrier that would never be broken through. Any mosquito monsters and Shura puppets that approached would be blown away, frozen, or torn to pieces.

Mo Xin laughed loudly, and shouted: "Don't pretend to be aggressive in front of me. I have a hundred thousand emperor-level puppets and monsters. Just with your meager number of people, it's not enough for my teeth! Kill! Kill me! "

While roaring, Mo Xin rushed towards Lin Yi and the others as if he was crazy, and a large group of mosquito monsters followed closely behind. The momentum alone was hard to resist.

"Wife, just leave it to me here, you go to other places to help, I don't worry about relying on those people alone." Lin Yi said lightly, with a calm look.

The Goddess of War glanced at Lin Yi, nodded and said, "I'll help you after I've dealt with those miscellaneous things. Don't be brave."

As soon as the Goddess of War finished speaking, she went to save the situation elsewhere. Of course, they were very relieved of their man.

Lin Yi nodded, and glanced at Mo Xin who was getting closer, he clenched the evil knife tightly, and flew to meet him.

"Killing God with one knife!" Lin Yi swung his knife. This knife was a horizontal slash. When the knife came out, a terrifyingly large knife light attacked Mo Xin and the group, and the murderous aura in the entire Killing God Starfield trembled. , madly rushing toward that knife light.

The Mu Bawang who was fighting widened his eyes, looked at this scene in disbelief, and exclaimed: "It's such a terrifying power, it can trigger the murderous aura of the Killing God Starfield, this is obviously just an ordinary Killing God One Slash ah!"

"Huh! Silly boy, you know what a fart! Everything has its origin, and the most powerful attack often returns to the origin. In Master Lin Yi's hands, the source of killing has been affected, and the murderous aura of the world will be integrated into it, how can the power be so simple?" The speaker is Mu Yuanshui, and with his understanding of the way of killing, of course he can see it very clearly.

Lin Yi was completely immersed in that special mood of killing, and he suddenly found that his soul seemed to be affected by a special emotion. Although in this state, his strength had improved a lot, but the kind that almost controlled The feeling of not being able to hold back his emotions made him feel very uncomfortable.

Mo Xin was the first to bear the brunt, colliding with the saber light.At this moment, he felt an extremely violent will to kill. This will was invading his body through the light of the knife, destroying every meridian in his body. This destructive power shocked him.

He roared, and the sudden burst of power actually split the knife light from it. When he was complacent and thought that he had the upper hand, he heard countless screams from behind, and the knife light that was cut in half by him rushed forward. Unabated, it still hit those puppets and mosquito monsters, and the blood filled the sky in an instant, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"The main body is really different from the avatar. It seems that the mosquito demon treats you much better than Ye Tianlong. At least he gave you so many animals and let them be buried with you." Already red, the thrill of killing is hard to suppress, this feeling is too enjoyable.

He enjoys hacking and killing here, but the situation on the Killing God Clan's side is not optimistic.Those Shura puppets have extremely strong defenses. Although each of them is only at the first level of the emperor's realm, if the cultivation base is not above the third level of the emperor's realm, it will be difficult to kill them.

As for those mosquito monsters, they are even more terrifying. Once hit by them, the blood will be sucked up instantly.Coupled with their terrifying number, it didn't take long for the killing gods to easily lose one-tenth of the casualties. Judging from the current situation, it can't last long at all.

Lin Yi has not completely lost his mind, of course he can clearly see this disadvantage.He originally thought that the previous trick of besieging Wei and saving Zhao would make this guy retreat and return to aid, but he didn't expect that this guy not only did not return to aid, but instead broke the boat and launched such a crazy offensive, it has to be said that he miscalculated this time.

"My lord, don't worry, I'm still here!" The voice of the little tree seedling came from Lin Yi's mind, and soon, a golden spot of light floated out of Lin Yi's dantian, and then turned into a huge world tree. The tree of death grew up on the main star of the Killing God Starfield.

This tree of the world is the body of the young sapling, and its function is to continuously release a large amount of life force, which selectively enters the bodies of everyone on Lin Yi's side, so that those who are physically sleepy and injured will feel refreshed. After a shock, he quickly returned to his strongest state.

Mo Xin's face suddenly changed, and she immediately shouted: "Destroy that World Tree at all costs!"

Those Shura puppets and mosquito monsters seemed to be crazy, one by one rushed towards the little tree seedling's body, and before they got close to it for a hundred miles, they bumped into a transparent barrier, and they were all smashed.

On the trunk of the little sapling's body, Xiao Tiantian sat on it, then leaned against the tree, and said lightly: "I'm not here to help that guy, I just want to find a comfortable place to sleep."

While Xiao Tiantian was talking, a big tree not smaller than the small sapling grew wildly beside the small sapling, and endless black and yellow energy was continuously released from that big tree. made.

Mo Xin narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a sneer: "The tree of the world and the ancient tree of the way of heaven, Mr. Wen said that you are a blessed person, and you are right. But, even if you do these things, so what? You can only give They help a little bit, and my things can never be killed!"

While Mo Xin was speaking, those puppets that had already collapsed suddenly glued themselves together, and in the blink of an eye, a terrifying army of puppets appeared in the sky again, and the battle situation that had been slightly reversed was reversed again!
(End of this chapter)

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