Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1412 The Humblest Food

Chapter 1412 The Humblest Food

As soon as this move was made, the eyes of the people on Lin Yi's side widened. Several people even forgot to defend themselves, and were sucked into mummified corpses by mosquito monsters.

Lin Yi's brows immediately frowned. He didn't expect that these Shura puppets were all upgraded versions. Even if they were at the imperial level, they still couldn't be killed. How should they fight?
"Hahaha, what's the matter? It's no use! Lin Yi, Lin Yi, you only have so much ability. If you want to fight with Lao Tzu, you are still young! These Shura puppets are masterpieces created by me with a lot of energy. What else can you do to deal with it? Hahahaha, interesting, really interesting!" Mo Xin laughed crazily, Lin Yi's face was extremely gloomy, what should I do?In the situation where the opponent has almost no consumption, but the own side has been depleting, failure is only a matter of time.

Do you want to play "Go Forward"?No, walking like this is equivalent to bowing to the mosquito monster. He absolutely cannot let this happen.

At this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded in Lin Yi's mind. It was the voice of a very strange old man: "Stupid? Boy, if you can't kill puppets, then kill mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can't be reborn."

Lin Yi frowned suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? Don't play tricks, get out of here!"

"It's so boring, don't you even forget the old man? You used to use me to fight and pretend to be coercive, don't you forget? You can't forget your roots, don't you understand this sentence? Sigh, what do you say? , the old man will be very sad!" The tone of this voice was a little more frustrated, giving people a very helpless feeling.

Lin Yi frowned even tighter, and said coldly: "Pretentious? Could it be that you were transformed from my wife's underwear? No, I have never fought with that thing before, and how could my wife's underwear be Turning into an old man? This is too disgusting!"


The voice was silent for a few seconds, and then it exploded completely!

"You stupid?! I am the God of Destiny! How dare you swear that you have never used me to pretend to be coercive? You white-eyed wolf, I have decided that I will never help you again. Bye, no, it is forever!" That The voice was furious to the extreme, but fortunately, it was always through the sound transmission of spiritual thoughts, otherwise Lin Yi would definitely be beaten to death by his wives.

Lin Yi snorted unhappily in his heart, and said via voice transmission: "I don't care what you are, I'm not in the mood now, and I'm not interested in talking nonsense with you! Only kill mosquitoes and monsters? Are you as stupid as you are those Shura puppets? ?? They don’t know how to attack? Stay where it’s cool, don’t embarrass yourself here!”

Lin Yi's tone was rather displeased, this guy could hardly stand and talk without pain in his back, at this time, he still had the nerve to come out and make a joke.

"Idiot! Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean others can't. Hurry up and release my two brothers, and I'll show you what the legendary 'Three Treasures of the God of Medicine' are!" With a very domineering look, when he said these words, a colorful magic needle suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yi.

The seven-color magic needle turned into tens of millions, and flew towards those Shura puppets with the force of wind and thunder.

Soon, those magic needles pierced the brows of the puppets, and in the blink of an eye, those puppets stopped attacking one after another, and stopped moving one by one.

Mo Xin's expression froze immediately, her mouth was wide open, and she closed it after a long time, exclaiming, "How is that possible? Lin Yi, what have you done!"

"Can't be killed, right? Then get rid of the ones that can be killed first, medicine mortar, it's up to you!" After the voice of the God of Destiny came out, a huge medicine mortar appeared out of thin air, like a huge mouth , sucked all the Shura puppets in.

Then, the medicine pestle turned into its original form, and it hit the medicine mortar desperately, obviously smashing medicine.

It hit the ground so hard that Lin Yi's scalp felt a little numb. After being smashed like this, those puppets probably only have meat sauce left!
"Stinky boy, why are you so dazed? You still expect the medicine pestle and medicine mortar to kill them? Hurry up and take the opportunity to kill those mosquitoes, that's all I can help you with!" Tianming Shenzhen said angrily. After waking up, he didn't expect that at the critical moment, it was this guy who made a great contribution.

He glanced at those mosquito monsters, and shouted: "Those puppets have been suppressed by Lao Tzu, you just kill the mosquitoes, I will take care of everything!"

"Yes! Master Lin Yi!"

There were bursts of loud roars, and the members of the God-killing Clan were full of fighting spirit, rallied 12, and launched a devastating attack on the mosquitoes.As a result, the situation of the battle was turned around again, and it developed in a direction that favored Lin Yi.

"The three great treasures of Shenyao Valley are indeed a combination of super divine tools that deserves its reputation. I never expected to see this set of super divine tools in my lifetime. Even if I lose, I have no regrets." Mo Xin calmed down suddenly, and said in a flat tone.

Lin Yi glanced at him and said with a sneer, "Why, what you say is equivalent to surrender? Hehe, can I understand that?"

"Surrender? Hehe, Lin Yi, you think too highly of yourself. Our Shura clan is the real fighting race. In this world, no one can stop us. You think you sealed my Shura puppet, you just Invincible? You don't seem to know the true power of those mosquitoes, do you?" As soon as Mo Xin finished speaking, Lin Yi's face changed suddenly.

His gaze immediately turned to those members of the God-killing clan who were fighting, and he suddenly discovered that the number of mosquitoes seemed to have increased a lot compared to just now, and the more they killed, the more they killed?How is this possible?

He took a closer look and immediately saw the clues. When the blood splashed in large quantities, many tiny mosquitoes devoured the blood frantically, and then their bodies grew rapidly, turning into exactly the same mosquito monsters.This growth rate is very fast. As more and more people are killed, the number of mosquito monsters is also increasing, so many that it makes one's scalp tingle.

Fortunately, the Goddess of War transformed by the women is super powerful, and Mu Yuanshui, a master of the ninth level of the imperial realm, has not yet deteriorated to the worst point.But even so, the situation was precarious, and it was the first time Lin Yi encountered such a difficult enemy!

"Hahaha, are you scared now? Are you out of luck? What I want is your expression, I just like to see your desperate look, how about it? Don't you want to brag? The three treasures of the God Medicine Valley, The ancient tree of heaven, and your body, everything is mine! As long as I get these, who else in this world can beat me? No one can, hahaha..." Mo Xin went into a frenzy In this state, those mosquitoes and monsters attacked more violently, and a large number of people from the killing gods became their food, and then more mosquitoes were born. This seems to be a gluttonous feast, and the weak can only be reduced to the most humble food!
"Just resign yourself to fate like this? Lin Yi, if you think so, I will be the first girl to look down on you!"

(End of this chapter)

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