Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1414 Mixing everything

Chapter 1414 Mixing Everything

What a terrible flame!

Mubawang and the others couldn't imagine what it would be like if these flames fell on them.

Mu Yuanshui took a long breath, and said: "This is the true Heavenly Fire of Emperor Tribulation and Nirvana in the legend. If this fire burns on me, I will probably peel off my skin too! Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao of this universe has not used Ji The ability to extinguish the sky fire, otherwise all of us will have to suffer once."

While Mu Yuanshui was speaking, he looked at Mo Xin who was engulfed by the Nirvana Skyfire, and shook his head slightly.

So what about being powerful?In front of Ji Mie Tianhuo, and it was the version of Ji Mie Tianhuo specially taken care of by Lin Yi, it's no wonder that Mo Xin didn't die.

However, Lin Yi didn't relax at all. Mo Xin's smile before being swallowed by the extinguishing sky fire kept appearing in his mind. That evil smile made him unable to let go.

Suddenly, Lin Yi's body exploded back hundreds of miles. He looked at the flames that were about to burn out very vigilantly, and shouted: "You all step back, the situation has changed!"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, a burst of wild laughter burst out from the flames. Lin Yi clearly saw that Mo Xin's body was completely unharmed, and even the small flames burning on his body were absorbed by his body.

After absorbing these small flames, he seemed to be in high spirits, with an indescribably weird expression.

"Comfortable, it's so comfortable! I didn't expect Ji Mie Tianhuo to have such a powerful function. Is there any more? If there is some more, I can eat it!" Mo Xin licked her lips and looked at it eagerly. With Lin Yi.

Mo Xin was able to absorb the Nirvana Fire, this kind of thing is simply unimaginable, and, looking at the current situation, after absorbing the Nirvana Fire, Mo Xin not only no longer afraid of the Nirvana Fire, but also fell in love with this feeling , This kind of ability makes it really difficult for Lin Yi to calm down.

Lin Yi frowned, and said coldly: "It's a clever way to absorb external forces to strengthen oneself, and to gain immunity by abandoning the body. I really can't help but want to praise you."

"Hehe, Lin Yi, you've always been arrogant, thinking that no one can do anything to you. What about now? You've finally given in, haven't you? I forgot to tell you, I'm not the only one with this ability..." When Mo Xin said this, Looking at the sea of ​​flames in the sky, I saw balls of fire flying out of the sea of ​​flames, and then turned into mosquitoes covered in flames.

Mubawang's and the others' eyes widened immediately, they couldn't believe their eyes, what kind of mosquitoes are these, under such circumstances, they didn't even die!
Although only one-tenth of the mosquitoes remained, the aura emitted by these mosquitoes was several times stronger than before. Obviously, they also absorbed the power of Nirvana Skyfire and evolved to a higher level.

"Hahaha, be shocked! Be dumbfounded! These mosquitoes have the same abilities as me. They can evolve infinitely, continuously increase their abilities, and improve their strength. This is my masterpiece! Mosquitoes transformed into this! How about it, Lin Yi, are you shocked by my wisdom? A person’s strength is mainly reflected in his strength, I do not deny this. However, if a person’s own aptitude can only Let him stop at one level, and then find a new breakthrough! Therefore, I endowed myself with the ability to devour everything in others, constantly strengthen myself, constantly evolve, and constantly reach new peaks! Hahaha, this feeling It was so much fun!"

Mo Xin looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his body became bigger again, different from last time, a pair of fleshy wings grew on his back, and a vertical eye opened between his brows, with divine light blooming.As for his hands, they turned into a pair of sharp claws, and the black tips of the claws made people's heart tremble.

He yelled loudly, his body stretched so much that he grew a pair of hind legs, and then a scorpion tail. That kind of posture was the weirdness to the end.

When he became like this, his aura rose again, Lin Yi couldn't help frowning, the power Mo Xin exuded at this time has surpassed him, how crazy this guy is, to turn his body into this A monster?

In the depths of the tomb of gods and demons, the mosquito demon was quietly looking at the light curtain in front of him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Mo Xin, Mo Xin, you are really hiding very deeply. It seems that you want to Absorb this kid, and then use it as the basis for negotiating with me. Hehe, your thinking is too simple. If this kid is really so weak, I still need to be so jealous of him? Mix everything, hehe..."

After Mo Xin's aura rose to a certain level, it finally stabilized.He looked down on Lin Yi, like a proud god looking down on an ant. In his eyes, Lin Yi was just a weak scum.

"Do you feel it? This is the power to rule the world, Lin Yi, is your power as strong as mine?" Mo Xin looked at Lin Yi with a smile, those mosquito monsters didn't make any other moves, just quietly Floating there, as if asleep.

The medicine pestle and medicine mortar were still doing knocking and smashing movements, but under the pressure of Mo Xin's momentum, their speed was much slower.They can't stop. Once they stop, those puppets will not be suppressed. When they are released together, the pressure on Lin Yi and the others will be even greater.

"Rule the world? Hehe, your tone is quite loud. However, your strength is indeed much stronger than mine now, which cannot be denied." Lin Yi said with a smile, and as soon as the words fell, Lin Baicai suddenly quarreled stand up.

"What are you talking about! With me and the help of those two sisters, how could he be stronger than you? Don't forget, you still have that Mo Hao. With his power, you can deal with that monster very easily Hurry up, I can't wait to hack that guy to death!" Lin Baicai was murderous, but Lin Yi was very calm and did not respond to her.

Mo Xin laughed loudly, and said: "For you to be honest and admit that I am not as strong as you, but you said that I have a big tone, haha, then I will let you see if I am bragging! , this seat..."

"Hehe, how do you feel? Have you noticed that your body is starting to paralyze, and even your thinking is starting to slow down? This is just the beginning. After a while, your thinking will stop running, and your soul will completely fall into silence. I want to ask, With you like this, do you still have a chance to turn around again?" Lin Yi looked at Mo Xin with a smile, his expression was indifferent, with an understatement.

Mo Xin looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, tried hard to dispel the feeling of numbness, and shouted: "What did you do to me? Why did you do this? Is it poison? No, this seat is a body that is invulnerable to all poisons. It is impossible for any poison to poison me, what exactly is it, tell me, tell me quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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