Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1415 Absolutely Not Allowed

Chapter 1415 Absolutely Not Allowed

Mo Xin's emotions were extremely crazy, because he already felt that his soul seemed to be gradually frozen, and his consciousness was slowly slackening. Even if Lin Yi didn't attack him now, he would probably lose his fighting power by himself.

"You really want to tell? I think, I'd better tell you later. In this case, I can delay a little longer. After you know the truth, you will already be a living dead." Lin Yi said straight It's very white, and he directly stated his purpose. There is probably no other frank person like him in this world.

Mo Xin gasped for breath, suddenly, he yelled and punched Lin Yi crazily.The huge fist smashed towards Lin Yi like a hill, with destructive force.

Lin Yi sighed softly and did not move. Suddenly, a mosquito monster appeared between Lin Yi and Mo Xin, and then blocked the devastating punch.

With a bang, the mosquito monster exploded, and Mo Xin was blown away, his face was full of shock.

"No...impossible, how could it be..." Mo Xin found that she was a little awkward to speak, and it was even difficult to control her body.

"You have already been recruited, how can these mosquitoes survive? Hehe, you are really pitifully stupid." Lin Yi said lightly, and with a thought in his mind, all the mosquito monsters' eyes shone brightly, and then they formed a big circle. Circle, surround Mo Xin in it.

Lin Yi looked a little more tired, he laughed and said, "You should understand now? Shall I explain it to you again?"

"It's the Nirvana Skyfire, it must be! You played tricks in the Nirvana Skyfire and used the power of your soul to invade our souls. It's really a good way! However, with your soul power, how can you suppress our souls!" Mo Xin yelled, but Lin Yi looked at him curiously, with a playful smile on his face.

"You're quite energetic. This is the ancient soul poison carefully concocted by the ancient devil emperor. You haven't lost your mind after being poisoned for so long. Hehe, it seems that your mind is much more resolute than I imagined. Very good, I am very satisfied. "Lin Yi said with a smile, looking at Mo Xin as if looking at a prey that fell into a trap, with a trace of pity and a little contempt.

Anyway, he is also the legendary evil hunting god. As a hunting god, Mo Xin is of course his best prey.

Therefore, when the Nirvana Fire burned the souls of Mo Xin and those mosquito monsters, Lin Yi expected that Mo Xin would have a countermeasure.So, taking this opportunity, he also injected the poison of the soul into them, and then injected them all into their souls.

The result was as he expected, Mo Xin was acting aggressive in front of him, and those mosquitoes and monsters were also awesome. Under such circumstances, of course, Lin Yi had to slap them in the face severely, and retreat them from the cloud of pretending , This is his mission!

"Boy Lin Yi, don't be so arrogant. Beware of pretending to be struck by lightning. I rarely use this kind of poison. This kind of method is too despicable and does not conform to the emperor's style..." Mo Hao's voice echoed in Lin Yi's voice. It sounded in his mind, analyzing that Laai was chattering endlessly, Lin Yi was dizzy and wanted to beat someone up.

Especially this guy who is known as the number one devil in ancient times said that he behaved noble and upright, so Lin Yi beeped the dog. If this old guy is really so righteous, will his end be so miserable?Will his reputation be so bad?This is simply talking nonsense with your eyes open!

"Primeval soul poison, hahaha, it turns out to be like this! Invading our souls with the poison of the soul, paralyzing our souls, and corroding our minds, it really is a good method! Lin Yi, who claims to be righteous, this method can explain Your so-called justice?" Mo Xin sneered, his physical body could no longer move, so his spirit floated out directly, confronting Lin Yi in a state of spirit and spirit.

His soul is now full of black energy, and the black energy is eroding his body, continuously dyeing his body black.

"Stupid!" The mosquito demon in front of the light curtain actually said the same two words as Lin Yi. Lin Yi looked at Mo Xin indifferently, and said coldly: "What is the relationship between justice and means? Let me ask you, I will I ask you, when I used this method, did I hurt the lives of innocent people? Did I use this method to deal with innocent creatures? Or, do you think you are an innocent person, and everything you do represents justice? ? Ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!"

A strong murderous aura erupted from Lin Yi's body. Holding the evil knife in his hand, he walked towards Mo Xin step by step, and said as he walked, "I am living my life comfortably, you bastard just came to provoke me, Deliberately lure me here, and keep pretending in front of me like offering a treasure, you can do this, I use a little trick, do you have any opinions? Mo Xin, don't be too much, even if you are already I have degenerated to this point, and I treat you as a human being, I think, you should be very excited, right?"

As soon as Lin Yi said this, Mo Xin's face suddenly panicked. He struggled hard to get rid of this state, but found that his spirit could no longer resist too much.

He looked at the medicine pestle and medicine mortar who were "working" non-stop, with a ruthless look on his face.

"If you want to kill me, you have to peel off your skin. You forced me!" After Mo Xin uttered these words, her soul burned.

After his soul burned, he seemed to go crazy, and directly slammed into the medicine mortar.

With a bang, the medicine mortar was knocked out, and under the violent impact, a large number of puppets were knocked out. In an instant, the previous scene reappeared.

Lin Yi looked indifferent, and said coldly: "This is your last resort? Do you think you can pose any threat to me by doing this? Don't forget, they are all suppressed by my destiny needle, can they move? It's all a question..."

"Hehe, this is enough! I have already told you that these Shura puppets are my most powerful masterpieces. Since they are masterpieces, how can they be as simple as you see? Do you think you will eat them?" Me? Kid, you think this seat is too simple. As long as I have these puppets, nothing can kill me, including this so-called ancient soul poison!" While Mo Xin was speaking, his soul body was close to burning Exhausted, he shouted and rushed directly towards a puppet.

Lin Yi's face turned cold, and he immediately manipulated a mosquito monster to stop him. He was a little puzzled, what kind of tricks could there be for someone like Mo Xin who almost died?Is it possible that he can turn over in this situation?
Of course, Lin Yi will not take it lightly. This guy has come back too many times. This time, there may be a way to come back. Lin Yi absolutely cannot allow this kind of thing!
(End of this chapter)

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