Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1417 Waiting for an Opportunity

Chapter 1417 Waiting For An Opportunity

Mo Hao's voice sounded in Lin Yi's mind, with an extremely deep tone.

Lin Yi took a long breath. Of course he knew the pros and cons. If the Mosquito Demon's strength really reached that level, in the Hongmeng Universe, almost no one could compete.

However, it has always been said that that step is a legend, and Lin Yi never believed that the mosquito demon could reach it so easily.

His own cultivation has also reached a bottleneck, Lin Yi believes that as long as the bottleneck is over, he will be able to reach that step.

But that bottleneck made Lin Yi flinch. He even felt that no matter how much his strength increased, he couldn't break through.

"It shouldn't be that simple. If it was really that easy to reach that step, he would have already made a move. He is waiting for an opportunity, and I believe this opportunity will come soon." Lin Yi's eyes radiated with wisdom, and he Raising his head, a domineering spiritual power erupted from him, and that power seemed to travel through infinite distances and hit the cemetery of gods and demons.

With a bang, the light curtain in front of the Mosquito Demon shattered. The Mosquito Demon looked at all this indifferently, shook his head slightly, and said to himself: "The young man nowadays is really irritable. It’s heartbreaking to be so frustrated.”

When he said this, he moved his neck, and there was a crackling sound of bones colliding.

He took a long breath, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "It seems that the barrier is really not easy to break through. I have recovered so much strength, and I am still far from that step. But it doesn't matter." Now, I can finally leave this ghostly place and go out to see how the new world will change compared to the past."

After the mosquito demon finished speaking, his figure slowly disappeared, and the curtain of the dark stage play kicked off at this moment.

On Lin Yi's side, the crisis of the God-killing Clan was completely resolved. He controlled all the Shura puppets through the Divine Needle of Destiny, and refined them one by one, turning them into his own.Mo Xin killed so many people in the Killing God Clan, and their lives cannot be recovered, but the loss of combat power can still be made up, for example, by using these puppets.

After Mubawang saw these Shura puppets, he didn't show any dislike at all. Not only that, he was so excited that he could hardly speak. reached unprecedented heights.

In fact, without these, their Killing God Clan would definitely be able to rank among the first-class forces. The biggest problem of the Killing God Clan is becoming addicted to demons and bloodthirsty. , Even if the Killing God Clan dominates the Demon Realm, there is no problem.

Of course, Mu Bawang didn't dare to say what he thought, otherwise Lin Yi wouldn't make him feel better.Now he respects his son-in-law no less than he respects his own father, this kind of respect is almost flattering.

Of course Lin Yi is not used to this kind of feeling. After staying in the Killing God Clan for a while, he feels like going crazy. This cheap father-in-law is too attentive!

So, he made a famous decision, that is, to return the position of patriarch of the Killing God Clan to Mu Bawang, and then confessed a few words, and then left without stopping.

Seeing Lin Yi like this, Mu Shuang'er couldn't help laughing. It's normal for a son-in-law to be afraid of his father-in-law, but for this reason, Lin Yi is probably No. 1.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, Mu Shuang'er was stunned.She didn't expect that she would have such an idea. In the process of subconsciously, she seemed to accept Mu Bawang. This kind of feeling made her unbelievable!
On the flying boat, she stood there alone in a daze, her expression was rather complicated, frowning anxiously for a while, entangled for a while, and extremely angry for a while. This kind of complicated emotion made her feel extremely tormented.

Lin Yi quietly walked behind her, hugged her slender waist, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? What's bothering you? If you can't figure out anything, you can ask me. I know everything!"

Mu Shuang'er's body trembled first, then she let out a long sigh, and said, "Husband, you should know what's in my heart, so why bother to ask?"

"Hehe, how do I know if you don't tell me? Oh, right, right, the only thing that can give you a headache is your cheap old man. Why, why did he offend you again? If you really think he has a lot Yu, I'll help you kill him, shall I?" Lin Yi exuded a trace of murderous aura, and this feeling seemed to be no joke.

Mu Shuang'er's face suddenly changed, and she panicked: "What are you talking about? Why did you kill him? Not only did he not provoke you, but he is also helping you to take care of the killing gods. You are ashamed to say these things as a shopkeeper, really. Don't be ashamed!"

When Mu Shuanger said this, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and said: "It seems that I guessed wrong! I thought you would happily let me kill that guy! What's wrong? Suddenly I feel Dad is a good man, so he is reluctant to let me kill him?"

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Mu Shuang'er's expression became more complicated, and finally she sighed softly, and said, "Husband, if you say that, I really don't know how to answer. In fact, I don't know what I should do either." Thinking, what the hell to do. I just feel like..."

"Okay, okay, there are many things, you just can't pass your own test, in fact, you know in your heart that no matter how much you hate Mu Bawang, no matter how cruel you are, Mu Bawang has nothing to do with you Less. Moreover, in a subtle way, your hatred for Mu Bawang has also decreased a lot..."

"My hatred for him has not diminished in the slightest. He killed my mother, and I will never be able to..."

"It's impossible to forgive him, right? I've listened to such lines so many times that I would recite them. I think you should be very clear about whether my mother-in-law has ever hated my father-in-law." Lin Yi Speaking of this, a simple and unpretentious small box appeared in his hand, which turned out to be the Sunlight Treasure Box!
Lin Yi took out this thing again, and suddenly felt a little emotional in his heart. This thing was definitely a good thing for him before, and he couldn't even manipulate it.

Unexpectedly, after just a few years, when he saw this thing again, Lin Yi had completely despised it.If it weren't for its special function, Lin Yi probably wouldn't have taken it out.

Mu Shuang'er looked at Lin Yi with a puzzled expression, and said, "Husband, what is this thing? It's just a small thing that is not as good as a divine weapon. Does it have any effect?"

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "That's right, it's not even as good as an artifact, but it's really hard to find time and space treasures, and this is one of them. It's called the Sunshine Treasure Box, and it can travel through time and space." , with my current strength, I can activate it once to the maximum, but after activation, it may be completely abolished. I want to ask you, do you want to travel through time and space with me, go and see, back then In the end what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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