Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1418 Didn't say anything

Chapter 1418 Didn't say anything

Travel through time and space?

These four words made Mu Shuang'er's heart tremble, and Lin Yi looked a little more surprised.

However, after thinking about it, no matter how many things happen to Lin Yi, it is not surprising, after all, he is Lin Yi.

Seeing her surprised look, Lin Yi quickly added: "Oh, by the way, let me emphasize that although this thing can teleport time and space, it cannot change history, otherwise it is very likely to be destroyed by the laws of time and space. Back then I I used to shuttle once, and that time... Hehe, forget it, this kind of boring thing is very boring to talk about. I just want to ask you, do you want to go with me to find out the truth?"

Lin Yi's words were full of seduction, and Mu Shuang'er panicked when she heard it. How could she not want to try?This is also the fact that she has always wanted to find out!

However, she quickly struggled and said: "Husband, if you do this, won't this treasure..."

"Hehe, don't worry, I won't destroy a magic weapon of time and space so casually. This is also a test for it. If it wants to be used by me, it has to show a little extraordinary. In this case, it Only then will it become an artifact, a top-grade artifact, and even a more powerful existence!" Lin Yi clearly felt the Sunshine Box vibrate when he said this, and he knew that this was the Sunshine Box's response.

Lin Yi chuckled, and said, "It's just as long as your heart beats. Now, it depends on how you behave. Mrs. Shuang'er, let me take you to see it together."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, he suddenly felt a group of people standing behind him. He didn't need to think too much to know that some people's curiosity was inflated.

"Traveling through time and space sounds very interesting. Dear husband, you shouldn't just spend your honeymoon with Sister Shuang'er, right? You didn't spend your honeymoon with us, so it seems a little unfair?" Bai Bingbing Jiao Didi The voice rang in Lin Yi's ears, Lin Yi would rather hear her roar than the current one, it's really scary!
He tried his best to calm down, turned around and smiled and said, "My wife Bingbing, I'm going to work with Shuang'er this time. What kind of honeymoon is it? Besides, haven't we already spent our honeymoon? When we were in the solar system, we played More than a year! By the way, only Bing'er and Shuang'er didn't spend their honeymoon, so let's take this as a honeymoon."

Bai Bingbing was dumbfounded all of a sudden, it's really hard to take back what she said, and it's hard to take it back now.

In fact, among all the girls, she likes to join in the fun the most. As for the others, although they have this idea, they are not so strong.After all, they also knew that Lin Yi mainly wanted to take Mu Shuang'er to find the truth this time, and this was no joke!
Bai Bingbing couldn't find any reason to refute, so he sighed softly and said: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, you can take Bing'er and Shuang'er together, I have no objection..."

Seeing Bai Bingbing's pitiful appearance, Lin Yi really thought it was amused, he chuckled lightly, and said, "If that's the case, then it proves that you really don't want to go?"

"Huh, if you don't go, you won't go, and you won't lose a piece of meat! I don't care about it!" Bai Bingbing snorted softly. Even though he said that, the smell of complaint can be smelled from far away.

Lin Yi chuckled and said, "If that's the case, then you can stay and watch the flying boat. I'll take them with me..."

"What? What did you say? You agreed to take us there? Didn't you say that it would be troublesome to take many people there?" Bai Bingbing immediately became interested, and looked at Lin Yi with wide eyes, looking extremely excited.

Lin Yi was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and said, "Really? I said it's troublesome? It's not troublesome at all! My strength is already so great, no matter how much I consume, it doesn't matter to me, even if the number of people increases. Double it, I can bear it too. However, what you said just now seems to be not rare..."

"Did I say it? I didn't say anything just now! You must have heard it wrong! Alas, my good husband, why are you still young and your ears are not working well? No, this should be considered an illusion Listen? It’s a disease, and it needs to be cured!” Bai Bingbing had played the fool to the extreme, and Lin Yi suddenly realized that this girl had a thick skin, and she was really powerful, much stronger than him.

Women are inherently unreasonable, and thick-skinned women are even more terrifying when they are unreasonable. Even Lin Yi can only surrender.

The girls couldn't help but smile, they all agreed that Bai Bingbing was Lin Yi's real nemesis, without Bai Bingbing around, it would be really difficult to get Lin Yi to admit his weakness.

Mu Shuang'er was a little nervous, after all, this time was to solve her business, and she was really at a loss for so many people watching her parents' past.

Lin Yi saw Mu Shuang'er's thoughts, smiled slightly, and said, "My wife, don't worry, once they travel back, they will definitely run away and play everywhere. You just need to be a bystander to check The truth is what you want to see."

When Lin Yi said this, his eyes fell on the girls, and he said very seriously: "Wives, ladies, ladies, you must remember that history cannot be changed, even if you see a weak mosquito demon appearing in front of you, You can't shoot to kill, otherwise the consequences will be very serious, and I may not even be able to bear it."

"I know, I know, when did you become so wordy, say the same thing twice!" Bai Bingbing said impatiently.

Lin Yi snorted softly, and said angrily: "The important thing is to say it three times. Haven't you heard of this sentence? By the way, I have to say it again..."

"Okay, my husband, the sisters should be clear about this point, so there is no need to say any more. But, my husband, I have to remind you of one thing. Things like traveling through time and space are strictly prohibited by the Temple of Eternity. If we do this blatantly Will people from the Temple of Eternity come to make trouble for something like this?" Mu Shuang'er asked worriedly, but Lin Yi snorted softly, with a rather displeased expression on his face.

"They came to me? I can't wait for them to come to me! Those guys have been high up for so long, and they have always regarded themselves as the law enforcement officers of the Creation God Realm. But, what did they do for the Creation God Realm? The mosquito demon is here The Chuangshi God Realm is so rampant, they even took over the Demon Realm, they don’t care, now I’m playing time and space, and they take care of it? Even if the two old men come over, I’ll beat them up!” Lin Yi said angrily He said that he had been holding back his anger for a long time, if he hadn't been running out of time, he would have wanted to go to the Eternal Temple to beat people up.

"By the way, if they don't come to trouble us this time, I'll go directly to their headquarters and beat up those two old men. It's very hot! Let's not talk about this, you are ready, we set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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