Chapter 1419

Adding more than a dozen people is really nothing to Lin Yi, but it is really a big problem for Sunlight Box.

It does have spirituality, so it knows very well that Lin Yi can't lie to it, this is its only chance to turn around!
When Lin Yi first got it, it looked down on Lin Yi a little, because Lin Yi couldn't use it at all.However, as Lin Yi's strength became stronger and stronger, it felt more and more ashamed. In addition, Lin Yi hadn't used it all the time, which made him feel more and more inferior.Later, Lin Yi obtained a large number of top-grade artifacts, even super artifacts. The Sunshine Treasure Box suddenly discovered that his "artifact life" has been dim since then, and it will be forgotten in Lin Yi's storage ring for the rest of his life. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

However, now that Lin Yi has given it a chance and promised it such a generous condition, it would be really strange if it doesn't move and work hard!

Traveling through time and space is much more complicated than traveling through space, and consumes an astonishing amount of divine power. Even if Lin Yi's cultivation level is much higher than that of Mu Ze, after escorting so many people to teleport, he still consumed nearly half of his divine power and soul force.

Even when he fought Mo Xin before, he didn't consume so much power, but he was really shocked when he suddenly consumed so much.

The Sunshine Treasure Box performed well, withstood all the pressure, and sent Lin Yi and the others to the correct time and space node - the main star of the Killing God Starfield 6000 years ago, Killing God Star.

After Lin Yi solved Mo Xin, he walked around the Killing God Planet. Now that he went back to 6000 years ago, he found that the planet hadn't changed much.It can be seen from this that the life of the killing gods is so boring, and it has not changed for 6000 years. With such a monotonous life, it is no wonder that many people go crazy for no reason.

"Strange, have we succeeded? How do I feel, it seems that we just shifted the space?" Bai Bingbing asked with a confused expression. Not only her, but everyone else had the same idea. After all, judging from the appearance, it is really hard to see that nothing special.

Lin Yi sighed softly, shook his head, and said, "Wife, this place is really 6000 years ago, but the people of the killing gods are too boring, and they have remained unchanged for 6000 years. I really don't know how they survive. Of course, In order to be completely at ease, you still have to make sure."

When Lin Yi said this, he walked to a small stall where he was buying magical artifacts, and asked with a smile, "Boss, do you know a super handsome guy named Lin Yi? I don't know, no one knows..."

"Are you sick? If you are sick, don't get sick here, I still have to do business!" The small vendor scolded very dissatisfied. Lin Yi is very used to this attitude, because most of the people in the Killing God Starfield are violent. Temperament, strikes at the slightest disagreement, this is also the result of years of cultivation of murderous intent.

Of course, Lin Yi would not quarrel with him, but showed a strange smile to the girls, his experiment was obviously successful.

Bai Bingbing rolled his big eyes, and snorted angrily: "You're really thick-skinned, I've never seen anyone boast that I'm not flushed or out of breath, I really admire you!"

"Hey, Bingbing's wife is over the award. I'm just stating a fact. It's not a big deal. Of course, you don't have to praise me for being humble. I know this, and there is nothing to praise." Lin Yi said very seriously, and the girls They couldn't help turning their heads away, as if they didn't know him.

Mu Shuang'er glanced around and said in a low voice, "Husband, where is my mother? Where do we go to find her?"

Lin Yi cast a faint smile and said: "Silly girl, why are you so stupid all of a sudden? Logically speaking, Mu Bawang should have become the patriarch and star master at this time. Since you said she is Mu Bawang's maid, Then of course she is also in the Star Lord's Mansion of Killing God Star, just go to the Star Lord's Mansion."

"Okay, husband, hurry up and take Sister Shuang'er to the Star Lord's Mansion, we play our own games, you don't need to worry about ours!" Bai Bingbing looked impatient, it is not often possible to travel through time and space, she Of course you have to have fun.

Lin Yi nodded, and said very seriously: "You can play, but remember my words, don't change history. Also, it's best not to leave the Killing God Starfield, and the distance between you and me should not be too far, otherwise I'm afraid to go back There will be problems from time to time, if you accidentally stay here, you will be in big trouble, and..."

"Okay, okay, don't be like an old mother, can you? We are not children, we don't need to be so exhorted, we are just playing in this killing god star field." Bai Bingbing said impatiently. He's just impatient, so of course he couldn't stand Lin Yi's endless lectures.

Meiji smiled softly, and said: "Husband, don't worry, we will pay attention. You don't have to worry about our safety, even if we don't use the fusion formation, no one in this star field can hurt us."

Meiji's words made Lin Yi relax a lot. He nodded, took Mu Shuang'er's hand, and quickly disappeared in front of the girls.

After Lin Yi left, a sly smile appeared on Bai Bingbing's face, and he said, "Sisters, what do you mean by changing history? I can't figure this out, what do you guys think?"

"I should not let me interfere with the normal development of things. As a bystander, watching the development of all things, and changing history should be similar to killing a very important person." Meiji said very Speaking seriously, the smile on Bai Bingbing's face became even more intense.

"Sister Meiji is right, so I am very puzzled. Didn't we become a part of history when we came here? Just now my husband asked the merchant that question. After 6000 years, if the merchant is still alive, will he think of it?" Back then, there was a man named Lin Yi who asked such a question? Do you remember that my husband once said that he himself saved him when he was a child, and even gave him a name, but even so, it’s all wrong. After reading the historical facts, don’t you guys think that this is a very weird thing? If this is possible, then can we also do some things that are not too much? It's eating and drinking, it shouldn't be interesting, right?" When Bai Bingbing said this, she obviously had a plan in mind, and the eyes of all the girls lit up, obviously also moved.

Mei Ji chuckled and said: "Sister Bingbing, what do you want to play? Tell me and listen, as long as it's not too much."

"Oh yeah! Then let's fix a guy who doesn't have eyes. I wanted to beat him for a long time. Before I did it, he died. Now at this point in time, he is 100% alive. We put him Find it out, and then make fun of it and give it a good beating, hehe, it's so refreshing to think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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