Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 1421 How Can You Be So Vicious

Chapter 1421 How Can You Be So Vicious
Lin Yi's voice was extremely low. In this situation, if you are not careful, there may be a big problem.

In fact, he himself knows that when he travels through time and space, he also becomes a part of history.

However, he didn't know what he had to do to conform to history.If one is not careful and changes the history a little bit, it will cause a very terrible chain reaction, maybe it will be strangled by the law of time and space.

Because of this, Lin Yi had repeatedly emphasized that they must not do any risky things, just be a bystander.

Although Mu Shuang'er really wanted to do something, she had to listen to Lin Yi's words. She knew very well that if she made a wrong step, not only would she die, but Lin Yi and the others would also be implicated. Not what she wants to see.

She nodded, resisted not to move, and stood beside Lin Yi silently, gnashing her teeth with hatred.

Xianmeng looked at the Mubawang who was in a state of embarrassment with a sneer on his face, and smiled proudly: "How is it? My good husband, haven't you always wanted to know how my strength is? I'll let you see it now , My strength as the little princess of the Destiny Clan!"

"How is it possible? Your strength has always been at the first level of the God Emperor realm. How could you suddenly become so strong? No, there must be a problem. What kind of magic did you use?" Mu Bawang's expression was very excited. Having reached the eighth level of the God Emperor Realm, he has no opponents in the Killing God Clan, but he never expected that Xianmeng, who had always been threatening to him, would show such a powerful side. This power is definitely at the ninth level of the God Emperor Realm!
Xianmeng laughed, and the flowers trembled wildly. In her eyes, Mubawang is just a fool? , a very pathetic fool? !

"Sorcery? You actually think that I, a fairy princess, use sorcery? Mubawang, why are you so stupid? I feel so sorry for you." Xianmeng sighed, looking at Mubawang more A trace of mercy.

"You are indeed at the first level of the emperor's realm, but what I call the first level of the emperor's realm is completely different from your current humble cultivation level. The real emperor's realm, in fact, can you and other ants understand? Only our great fairy race can have this true power!" Xianmeng said here, the conversation suddenly changed, and said: "Of course, this princess knows, you won't understand what I mean, but I will give you a chance, as long as you kill that woman and For that baby girl, this princess will let the past go. Not only will it not destroy your God-killing clan, but it will also allow you to gain real power, and let you know what is a real master and what is a real emperor!"

Xianmeng's tone was full of murderous intent, and as soon as she said those words, Qingrou, who was injured by the shock, struggled very weakly to get up from the bed, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Mu Bawang's complexion changed drastically. While protecting the young Mu Shuang'er, he supported Qingrou, and said very eagerly: "Qingrou, what are you going to do? Hurry up and lie down on the bed! Don't worry, everything will be done with me. If I die, I will also keep you two, at worst, our family of three will die here today!"

"Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about! You are the patriarch of the God-killing Clan now, how can you disregard the entire God-killing Clan for us? Don't you think it's too selfish to do so? The God-killing Clan is also me My home, how can I just watch my home collapse like this?" Qingrou was very emotional, as she spoke, her mouth and nose began to bleed continuously, and Lin Yi could see that her spirit had already There are signs of laxity.

"What's going on here? It's just being hit by the breath, how could it be so severely injured? Could it be something strange?" Lin Yi thought to himself, suddenly, he found that Mu Shuang'er beside him was breathing heavily. A look of pain appeared on his face.

"Shuang'er, what's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable?" Lin Yi suddenly felt his scalp explode. What's going on?This situation is really weird!

Mu Shuang'er shook her head and said, "I don't know what's going on, I just feel a little short of breath, so uncomfortable..."

Lin Yi hurriedly checked Mu Shuang'er's pulse. At this time, Qingrou was already kneeling on the ground, and shouted at Xianmeng: "Princess Xianmeng, all the crimes are my fault. It has nothing to do with others. If you really want to relieve your anger, you can kill me. The child is innocent! If you kill me, you can torture me with various punishments, as long as you can spare Bawang and my daughter ...cough cough..."

When Qingrou said this, she suddenly coughed violently, with that terrible coughing sound, it seemed that even her lungs could be coughed out.

Xian dreamed of this situation, suddenly burst into laughter, and said: "Little maidservant, why are you so naive and stupid like Mu Bawang? Haven't you figured out why you just gave birth to a child? The body has been so traumatized, even the soul has been severely injured? In fact, this princess has known about your existence for a long time, and, in order to show my care for you, I have specially arranged your daily diet. How about it? After taking the Sanghun Powder for such a long time, it should taste pretty good, right? Oh, by the way, not only is there a problem with your spirit, but the child you gave birth to is also the same, and she probably won't live long."

When Xianmeng said this, her eyes fell on Mu Bawang, and said: "So, my good husband, I don't ask too much of you. Whether you kill them or not, they will die, and they will die. It's very painful. In this case, why don't you kill them, let them suffer less, and get great benefits by the way?"

Mu Bawang's face was already dull, especially when he heard the words Sanghun San, his head was bang, as if his whole head had exploded.

"Sang... Sanghunsan, bitch! How could you be so vicious! Immortal clan? Are all the people of the immortal clan as poisonous as you? What right do you have to call yourself an immortal? You... you……"

"What are you? You asked for this! You can lie to me, you can hide women outside, you can trample on your promise to me, why can't I do something to this woman? You forced me to do this! Hehe, I don't care what you say about me, this princess just wants to tell you that when you choose to trample on a woman's dignity, you have to be prepared to pay the price! Anyone who offends me, Princess Xianmeng, will never end well. Since you If you choose to do this, then accept it obediently, and don’t growl like a mad dog! This princess will ask you again, will you kill me or not?” Xianmeng’s expression became extremely crazy, and a cold murderous aura emanated from her Outburst, this murderous aura made Mu Bawang's face change, and he looked at her in disbelief.

"This is the original murderous spirit of our killing gods, how did you get it?" Mu Bawang asked in surprise.

"Oh? You still care about the source of murder? It's really interesting. Well, for the sake of helping me a little bit, this princess will tell you mercifully that you are just one of the princess' furnaces. In other words, you are just one of the thousands of facets of this princess. This original murderous aura is what this princess got from your body, why, can't you even figure this out?"

(End of this chapter)

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